Daddy's Home

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"Dad!" I hopped up and down until he saw me as he walked out of the escalator. I ran up to him and swung my arms around him. "I missed you, Daddy." I kissed his cheek.

"Look at you! Wow, you look so much like your mother."

I ran my finger through my hair. "Thanks, I realized it was time for a change."

"You're beautiful." He kissed my cheek and I tried to take his bag, but he wasn't having it, so I opened the trunk.

Once we got settled in the car, I asked about his trip. He said it was quite the mission and got a lot accomplished. It was a great trip and he was glad to be home.

It's Friday and I won't be seeing Gavin or Keegan, so we stopped for dinner.

"So, other than the impressive job you landed, what else is new?" He looked at me like he already knew.

"Sister told you didn't she?  I knew she did." I asked.

"She didn't tell me much, so why don't you start at the beginning. Your eyes are already lit up."

"I'm sure you know who it is?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Well, he has a son named Keegan and he's adorable. He has taken me to dinner every night this week, and he makes me even happier than I was before, Daddy. He respects me, and that's what I like the most. He's close with his son and an amazing father." Dad wipes his mouth.

"He was married before?" He doesn't look happy.

"It was civil and annauled," I answered.

"How can it be anauled when there was a child born into the union?"

"There was a question over Keegan's paternity and they were barely married a year," I answered.

"So, what you're saying is, money bought that annulment?" He asked.

"No, she agreed to it because she was unfaithful. It tore Gavin to pieces, and she made his life pretty hard by her own admission to me." He tilted his head.

"You know this woman?"

I nodded while I swallowed my bite. "We've actually established a friendship. I really like her and she's made peace with Gavin."

"So he's a forgiving man?" He asked.

"Yes, too much so, I'm afraid," I answered.

"There's no such thing as too forgiving." He reminded me.

"He is a good man, Dad."

"Is he Catholic?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah, his mother is devout and actually went to St. Theresa's."

He looked like he was thinking. "Is she Irene Hardwick?"

"Yes, but I haven't met her yet. She lives in Brooklyn."

He nods. "I'm aware, and she's a good woman. She was one of our most faithful parishioners. I know she struggles over her husband's decisions.  Actually, she struck up quite the friendship with your mother."

"That's what Gavin said. She doesn't believe in divorce and she's still faithful to him." It's such a sad situation.

He laughed. "I remember those boys. They're a bit older than you. What is Gavin now, 30 or 31?"

"He's actually 29 and will be 30 in March," I answered.

"I would like to meet this man who has stolen my baby girls heart. I figured this was coming soon, but it's still so hard to remember you're a grown woman." He squeezed my hand.

"Can you do lunch tomorrow?"

Of course Dad made it work, so I let Gavin know and he said he and Keegan would meet us at Dads favorite dive.

I was nervous and excited on Saturday. The guys meeting Dad, and me meeting his family is a big deal. I feel uneasy, but strangely excited at the same time.

I dressed in a pencil skirt, boots, and a grey sweater, and left my hair down in beach waves. It's nearing December so it's super cold with the lake effect winds and Canadian air. I bundled in my thickest coat, hat, and scarf before making my way to the diner. Dad was already inside waiting, cutting up with some of his old buddies when I walked in.

"There she is!" Dad gave me a hug and old man Sully spun me around and dipped me.

"I hear you're soon to be off the market."

"I have met someone," I said while I unbuttoned my coat and hung it up.

 "If only I was 30 years younger." He shook his head. Sully was friends with both my parents, so he's a pre priesthood friend.

"Cut it out, Sull!" Dad said.

I heard a bell that alerted us that someone entered. Keegan locked his eyes on my dad and walked straight for him, set down his crutches, then tried to climb up on his lap. Dad looked at me with confusion and Gavin stood there wondering what Keegan was doing. Dad helped him up and, as soon as he got comfortable, he started to speak.

"I want a bike this year. Not the one like what's in Daddy's gym, but a real one, and some Marvel action figures. Iron man, too. I'd also like to see grandma this year if you can let her ride in your sleigh."

"Keegan, your confusing father Heart for Santa." Gavin said.

My dad started laughing. "Were you at the Children's hospital around this time last year?"

Keegan nodded.

"How did you know it was me?" Dad asked.

"Your beard was fake and I know you're his helper, but we can pretend you're really him." He turned around and looked at my dad. "Santa's helpers work at the church, Daddy?" He didn't stop staring at my dad.

Gavin was blown away that Keegan remembered a bearded man from a year ago.

"I guess they do, Son."

Keegan was all over Dad like glue. I think my dad is falling for the little guy.

Keegan scoffed. "You're everyone's father, not just Kori's." He crossed his arms and gave me a crappy look.

"Keegan! You're right, he is a priest, but he's also Kori's Daddy like I'm yours, that wasn't polite." Gavin corrects him.

"I'm used to it." I shrugged my shoulders, but I can't deny being a little heartbroken at the way he looked at me.

Keegan sat by my dad and took almost all his attention. They hit it off right away and he wanted to sit by Dad when we ate. Gavin reached for my hand and held it as we watched the two laugh and Keegan told stories.

Finally, Dad started talking to Gavin and they went on and on about Notre Dame football. They seemed to hit it off too.

God is good!

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