Love Story

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We walked into the reception and everyone clapped and whistled. He was carrying me and stopped to kiss me in front of everyone again. "I really hope this isn't a long reception." Everyone laughed, since I guess a 25-year-old virgin bride is something everyone has to know.

He set me down, and we greeted our guests hand in hand.

We were ushered to the dancefloor first, and Mr. Cocky thought it would be funny to replace our first dance song with a Nirvana song. I glared at him and he told them to turn it off and start the real one. "The last thing I want to do is give my bride a headache on our wedding night."

He smiled down at me and our song started. We picked Van Morrison because he was my mother's favorite artist.

He held me close in his arms as we danced. "I love you, Kori. You're beautiful and thank you so much for choosing me." He said in my ear and kissed the top of my head. His mother stood by my father and they both cried. Dad is getting soft as he gets older.

"You are everything I ever dreamed of and I'm going to show you later." He said, and I giggled. "You better!" I replied, and he threw his head back and laughed.

"I have to confess, I'm really nervous." He said, and I pulled his face down and kissed him. "Don't be, it's just us." He looked into my eyes and smiled. "You're right." He said.

He kissed me again and the song ended and everyone clapped. It's amazing how we pulled this wedding together so quickly, and this place is packed with family, friends, and business associates.

Before dinner, our friends reenacted our "love story." They even had props and I knew where this was heading.

A heavy metal song started and Stella played me, while Patrick played Gavin. She even acted like she was straddling him to get out of the car and Craig walked up and saw it, then ran away like he did that day. She slammed the door in Patrick's face and Craig even acted like he was jumping her leg. Too bad, I don't think he was acting. Gavin laughed so hard, he sat on the floor and pulled on my dress. He couldn't breathe.

They all headbanged, then the song changed into something soft and they all slow danced.

"I hope someone got that on video." He laughed so hard.

We joined them in the dance, then we ate.

Patrick started his toast.

"I am so happy to be here for my favorite girl. I guess the guy she married isn't that bad, but Kori did marry far below her potential. Just kidding brother."

"No, it's true," Gavin said, and everyone laughed.

"All jokes aside, I do have a great big brother. He might have given me the smackdown one too many times growing up, but I forgave him when he gave me the coolest nephew ever, and now a sister-in-law that, well let's be honest, she's hot as hell!"

More laughter.

"Kori, you make family gatherings something I look forward to now. I mean, look at her! Gavins not too bad, but we all know who the most handsome man in the room is." He looks at Keegan. "My nephew of course." He got some awe's out of that one.

My brother taught me the most important things in a man's life. How to tap a keg and some pretty awesome pickup lines, but most of all, what to look for in a wife. Father Heart, you really should have had more daughters."

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