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Gavin's POV

I curse the day I demanded Kori change her appearance. I've had beautiful women on my arm before, but Kori is what every man dreams for in a wife and mother of his children.

Everywhere we go men, and women too at times, can't take their eyes off her. I can't blame them since I'm just as guilty.

The day she walked into my life, was the day that changed me forever. Everything I thought was important in my life was thrown to the side. Except for Keegan, of course.

I have never met a woman who stirred up so much fear in me like Kori. Now, as I watch her walk along the beach in that goddamn bikini that I'm throwing out later, I look around to make sure nobody can see what's for my eyes only.

It took several phone conversations with my mother to understand this woman. In some ways, I'm thankful for her upbringing, but in others, I feel horrible for her. To be so ashamed of her own sexuality had to be difficult. Mom sent me some books that explained the Church's teaching on sexuality.

I never knew it was frowned upon to fuck your own wife from behind. I'm glad Mom sent them before our wedding. Without that, I would have been lost on what to do with her and her shyness.

I never imagined I would marry such an angel. Clean and untouched, other than that asshole Kellen kissing her. I cursed myself for not having the courage to do it myself, but then I saw how she reacted about him and it almost scared me away.

The moment I looked up at her the first day she walked into my office, I thought I would have a heart attack. I knew working together wouldn't work. How the hell do you spend that much time with a woman like Kori and not have temptations?

Then she showed up the next day all polished and in that damn dress, it took everything I had not to pull her in my arms and beg her to be mine. I'm a coward, and when it comes to Kori, she has me on my knees.

I've earned God status in Patrick and Craig's opinion. I held out with Kori, but what they don't understand is that I was scared shitless to touch that girl. The instant feelings were intense and almost felt like anger and frustration. I was out of my fucking mind!

When Claudia made those accusations, I shouldn't have listened, but I never believed anyone could be perfect and I waited for the ball to drop with Kori.

Low and behold, she is perfect, and I almost lost her forever. Claudia is done and will never again be a part of my life. I figured that out the day I tried to fuck her, but stopped just before the grand finale. I couldn't give her that, not with Kori on my mind. I spent a good month so sexually frustrated, I could have killed someone, then it was almost Kori in South Bend.

I can't believe she married me. That beautiful woman who just fell flat on her face in the sand, is my wife. I hopped up to help her, because the waves wouldn't let her stand.

I laughed. I laughed so damn hard, I almost pissed myself. Maybe some people think her weak ankles and terrible coordination is her flaw. I see it as my excuse to swoop in and save the day. My little damsel in distress.

It's also adorable.

"The sand was slippery." She said.

"Kori, the sand wasn't slippery, you tripped over your own damn foot." I laughed even harder when she tried to say the sand was slippery.

I picked her up in my arms and took her to the outside shower to wash away the sand. I didn't pass the opportunity up to check for any stowaway sand in her bikini bottoms. I did get slapped for that one, but it was totally worth it.

What do I see when I look at my wife? I see an absolute bombshell with a nice firm ass, legs that go on for days, a waist that is so tiny, but there's muscles hidden in there, and tits that are so unbelievably real, I had to check for myself in the car that day she fell out. That's my secret.

Her blonde hair and big blue eyes are real. Not a bottle blonde and those contacts aren't tinted.

I see a woman who can walk into a room and command attention, and make the strongest men weak. Her confidence radiates a room, until she trips and falls. It's fucking awesome.

Brad saw it that day. He also saw straight through our hatred. He knew we were in love, even if she didn't. Brads a good man and thought twice about asking her out. He wanted her and it was written all over his face, but he's a smart man. Just like I was the day I called him and asked him to hire her. I didn't expect him to offer her COO, but he's right, she can do it and be the best thing that ever happened for Infinity.

Too bad my brother wasn't smart enough to see it right in front of his face. He made a play several times, but I took care of that right away. Just like I took care of Kellen's old friend. I took Claudia to that bar for a reason. I knew it shook Kori up. I probably shouldn't have gone back to Claudia's that night, but hey, it was before I really knew the extent of my feelings for Kori. I was trying to figure out if I loved her or hated her, and that night having sex with Claudia proved it was love. I wished it was Kori and even called out her name. I tried it again the day I gave in to my feelings. It was that night in that abandoned house and I held her for the first time. I was a goner.

My wife and child are the most precious human beings on this earth, and I'm so grateful I can give them everything money can buy. I just wish I could give them what money doesn't buy.

Ironically, those are the things they need most, and I can't give it to them. I'm trying hard to be a better man. I really am.

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