One Eyed Creepy Monster

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We laid in bed that night and ordered Keegan's Christmas gifts online.  We found a bicycle perfect for him.  It's made for children with physical challenges, and I'm so freaking excited for Christmas. 

I got us both t-shirts that say "Vertically Challenged, but Loved" and a bunch of Marvel garb.  I suggested a tiny quad for kids with physical disabilities, but Gavin wasn't game.  I ordered it when he wasn't looking, and I'll give it to him for his birthday. 

Mr. Arrogant says he gets what he wants, but he doesn't know it's been me all along that got what she wanted.  Gullible man.

Maybe I'll order myself one too, and that will really freak him out.  I texted Melissa first of course.  I had to get one parent's permission, and I honestly think she said yes just because Gavin said no. 

I might not be the biggest spender, but when it comes to my little BFF, there is no limit too high. 

He shut my laptop on me when he said he was already spoiled enough.  Party Pooper!

He set my laptop down, and I know what time it is, he wants his nightly sex, and then he will want it again, and again, and again, until he finally passes out.  Then he will want it first thing in the morning, midday, and maybe around dinner.  He wasn't joking when he said he would wear me out.  Not that I mind. 

Tonight, with the help of a lot of beer, I got brave. 

"I feel like I need a shower." I stopped him when he tried to slide his hand into my panties. 


He didn't sound happy.

"Yeah, but I think you need one too."

He shot out of bed before I finished and headed to the bathroom.  "I'll start the water!"  He yelled out from the bathroom, and I laughed at his eagerness as I stood from the bed.

I walked in, and I could tell he didn't know if he should undress or not.

"Wait right there," I ordered.

He watched as I pulled off my tank and slid out of my shorts.  I never get tired of hearing him gasp when I undress.

"It's your turn,"  I said, and he pointed at himself.  "Me?"

"No, that guy in the mirror."  I rolled my eyes, and he grinned from ear to ear. 

He flung off his shirt and sweatpants and stood there while I studied him.  I walked around him and gently ran my finger over his skin from his chest to his back.  He jumped when I smacked his bare ass, and I laughed.  Who's the nervous one now?

I did the full circle and stood in front of him.

"I was told once there's something a woman does to the man she loves.  Well, unless you're talking about Stella.  Love's not necessary."

He chuckled. 

"What is this thing?" He asked.

"Well,  it involves a skill I haven't yet learned." I held him in my hand, and he closed his eyes when I wrapped my fingers around him. 

"What kind of skill?" His eyes are still closed and he swallowed real hard.

"I was told that if you do it right, it'll involve sticking something somewhere it probably shouldn't go."

"Yeah? I think I may like this thing."  He responds.

"Do you?  Because I heard you might fight me at first." I moved my hand slowly.

"Oh, well, I don't think I would fight you." He took a deep breath and I pulled out a gag gift Stella gave me from the drawer.

"Keep your eyes closed,"  I told him.

He let out a breath and I saw him squeeze the counter.

"This would probably go a lot easier if you hold on to the counter."

"What?" He opened his eyes and jumped away from me.  "What the fuck?!"

I stood in front of him and held out the extra-large butt plug I was gifted as a joke.

"Where the fuck did you get that thing, and who the hell have you been talking to? And don't you dare say it was Sister Mary Margaret or one of her little friends." 

I laughed so hard, I almost died.  I fell to my knees laughing so hard.  "That thing is going into the trash!" He demanded.

"What about the anal beads? Can we keep them?"  I laughed.

"I mean, if you want me to use them on you, I guess, but I'd rather not.  Why the hell did you bring those damn things?"  He was looking down at me.

"I didn't, Stella packed them.  You should have seen my face when I saw them." I laughed.

"Honey, you do realize those bags got x-rayed at the airport? Thank God my name wasn't on that bag."

My eyes shot up at him.  Holy shit!

He laughed.  "That was priceless.  Well, since you're down there?"

I looked at him knowing I'm defeated.  What have I gotten myself into?

Oh well, it's worth a try.

"How do I do this?" I kneeled in front of him.

"Take it into your hand first."

I studied it and did what he said.

"Oh, wait!  Gavin, umm, I think you... maybe, peed a little?"

He busted out laughing.  He shook his head while he laughed.  "I didn't, and it's supposed to be there."

"Seems a little unsanitary, doesn't it?  Maybe we should get in the shower first."  He continued to laugh.

He pulled me onto my feet.  "You don't have to do this, Kori.  It's not a big deal."

"I want to, because you do so much to give me a good experience, and I want to see what it's like.  I want to see what it's like to pleasure you."

"Okay, come on, let's get in the shower."

He washed my hair and soaped my body up, and I did the same.  I was surprised how small his thing was, then as soon as I touched him, it shot up like it was looking at me.  It's like a one-eyed creepy fat snake that's really hard.  Oh well, it's magic to me.  I freaking love sex!

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