The Accident

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Gavin looked to be in a terrible mood. I understood why he was mad about Claudia, but there's something else happening. Whatever it is, he's not talking in front of Keegan.

Kathleen took Keegan to get cleaned up and Gavin just sat quietly.

"What's going on, Gavin?"

He let out a breath. "Brenda is in the hospital." He wouldn't even look at me

"Why? What's wrong?"

"She and Kellen were in an accident last night." I felt my body go completely numb.

"Wait, are they okay?" He looked at me and took my hand into his. "You might want to call Stella, I'm not sure she knows yet. I'm Brenda's emergency contact since her family is in Seattle. I don't know how Kellen is doing. They wouldn't release that information. Brenda is in very bad shape. I called her parents and they are on their way."

I hopped out of my chair and called Stella, but she knew nothing.

Jefferson walked in at that time. "Jefferson, I need you to change the security pin codes, and I don't want Claudia in this house anymore." Gavin was very snippy.

I felt sick after calling Kellen's mother. "Kellen is okay." I fidgeted with my fingers and couldn't even look at him. Now I know why he is so angry.

"I'm sorry, Gavin. I never thought he would do something like that, he never drove drunk around me." I reached for his hand and he squeezed it back.

"This is the second woman I know that he's hurt."

I got up and sat on his lap. "I know, and Kellen and I have drifted apart. Do you want to run to the hospital?" I brushed my fingers through his hair. "I can spend time with Keegan, then I'll go when you get back."

He looked up at me. "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Of course! I have lots of babysitting experience." He pecked my lips.

 "I'm sorry Claudia made another appearance."

I lifted his chin. "It's not your fault. In time, she will get a life of her own. She won't have much of a choice in a few months."

While Gavin was out, Keegan and I swam for a little bit, then we kicked the staff out of the kitchen when I got a call from Sister Mary Margaret. She needed some baked goods and was in a bind. She and Dad got called out to the hospital and she had promised the preschool cupcakes. She told me this after scolding me for missing mass. I feel played, and guilt was her weapon.

I put a stool up to the counter, and Keegan put the cups in the pans while I mixed the batter.

He brought up Claudia again.

"People like Claudia are the ones that are broken. Instead of hating them, we forgive them, because hate only hurts ourselves in the long run. While vertically challenged people like us struggle to do things others have no problem doing, she is challenged in her heart. Someone must have hurt her somehow and she hasn't forgiven them."

He began laughing. "I still can't believe you fell down the steps. It's okay, I fall a lot too."

I stood next to him and put some icing on his nose. "See, God can't make anyone perfect, and when he made us, he got too close to perfection. So he gave you crutches, and he gave me a horrible eyesight."

He giggled. "He gave Marvels superpowers, but all of them have things that are not perfect either."

"Exactly. Have your parents tested you for being a genius?" I stuck my finger in the batter and tasted it.

"No" he giggled when he said it. "Maybe your daddy can ask God to fix my legs."  He said.

"You don't need my dad to do that for you. You can ask yourself when you pray, but personally, I don't think there's anything to fix. I like you just how you are. God doesn't make mistakes, Keegan. You're meant to do amazing things, little man."

I heard a voice clear behind me, and Keegan and I both turned around. "Daddy! We are making cupcakes for Kori's sister to take to preschool tomorrow."

He chuckled. "You mean a nun?"

I nodded. "Sister Mary Margaret."

"We made chocolate and vanilla," Keegan added.

He kissed Keegan's head and mine. "Can I help?" He asked.

"Yeah, you can do the dishes, Daddy." Keegan laughed.

When we were finished, Kathleen took Keegan upstairs and got him cleaned up.

"How is she?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Not good, she has a lot of swelling on her brain. Kellen has a broken leg and arm."

I sighed. "I don't know what got into him, Gavin. It makes no sense, and I feel so much anger toward him now. Can I go see her?"

"No, immediate family only, and I only got in because I was her emergency contact."

"I wish there was something I can do." I could feel that tingle behind my eyes.

"You can come fill in for her at work until you have to go full time for Brad. Maybe help me find a temp? Please?"

He wrapped his arms around me. "I'll talk to Brad. I'm sure she won't be happy coming back to a mess."

He looked sad. "I saw your dad today. Her family asked for last rights."

My heart dropped. "She's the emergency Dad was called out for?" He nodded.

"Oh, Gavin. I'm so sorry." He hugged me.

"She'll be okay, she's strong." He said.

"Daddy! Did you make Kori cry?" Keegan stood with a sour look on his face. I wiped my tears away.

"Of course he didn't make me cry. I'm just worried about a friend." I bent over and kissed his head. "Thanks for watching out for me buddy."

"That's what friends do, right?" He smiled up at me.

"That's right, and you just earned yourself a hug." I love this little guy!

We allowed the staff to have the kitchen back, and we took Keegan for another swim.

After dinner, Gavin got Keegan ready for bed, and we settled into watching Iron Man on the big screen. He fell asleep with his head in my lap while I stroked his hair.

"I'll go lay him down," Gavin whispered.

He lifted him up and carried him upstairs. He better not try to get rid of me anytime soon. That boy is a miracle.

He walked back in and sat next to me. "It was a crazy day, but you were absolutely wonderful to Keegan." He held my hand while he leaned back on the couch with his eyes closed.

"He's easy to be around," I answered.

"I heard what you said to him. I wish words like that came easier for me." He said.

I laid my head on his lap. "I'm worried about Brenda. Do you think they arrested Kellen yet?" I asked. I can't help but worry for him too, even though I'm pissed at him.

"No, they're still investigating. He keeps saying she was driving and it sounds like that could be true. The hospital didn't relay the right information."

"Was she drinking?" I asked, and he shook his head no.

"I better head out, I don't want to keep you up late. I'll give Brad a call tomorrow." Gavin looks exhausted.

"What are you doing next weekend?" He looked down at me.

"No plans yet," I answered.

"Keegan is with Melissa and my mom has been begging me to visit. I was wondering if you would go with me. We can leave after work Friday and be back Monday."

He wants me to meet his mom?

"That should be fine as long as Brad doesn't need me, and depending on Brenda of course."

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