I Want That Too

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My body ached when I opened my eyes.  I'm laying on my back and Luke's arm is draped around my stomach.  He sleeps so peacefully on his stomach.

I traced my finger down his cheek, then tickled his nose, when a small smile crept upon his face.  "Good morning, Korilee." 

I love that he uses my given name.  Nobody else calls me by that name, and for some reason, it makes me feel closer to my mother. 

I feel beautiful like my mother.  He flips on to his back and I climbed on top of him.  The hell with morning breath, I wanted those lips on mine once again.  I straddled him while I gave him the sweetest and softest kiss. 

"Spend the day with me," I asked before I kissed his cheek, then tugged his earlobe with my teeth.  "I have a meeting at eleven, then I'm free." His hands ran up and down my sides. 

"I want to feel you again," I whispered. 

"Good," he smiled and kissed me.  I leaned up and sank him inside me.  My jaw dropped and my eyes squeezed shut.  I let the pain subside before I moved my body and kissed his lips. 

Before long, he was thrusting ,and the slapping noises of our skin sounded all throughout the room.  "Kori, oh fuck!" He moaned out, and I smiled, satisfied with my effect on this man.  I sat up and rocked my hips.  His hands squeezed my thighs as I watch him lay there at my mercy.  He threw his head back and his jaw dropped. 

"My God!  Kori,"

He lifted his head and looked down between us, so I slowly lifted up and down to give him a better view. 

"God, you're beautiful. Damn Kori, I've never...Oh god.!"

His head hit the pillow, and he looked up at me like he needed to ask me something.  He was lost in me, and I love looking into those eyes. 

I rolled us over and wanted him on top.  He slammed into me over and over again, and I had to cover my mouth because the force of my orgasm had me screaming out his name, it came hard and strong, almost painful at the contractions I was having around him. 

"Ah, God!"  He held his breath as his body strained tightly.  So tight, I was scared he wasn't okay.  I came down from my orgasm, and just watched him struggle through his.  Our lovemaking is intense and painful in the best way possible.  Everything I feel is exaggerated tenfold with Luke.  It's a pain I love and will soon realize I ache for it.

He collapsed on top of me.  "I think I'm dying and going to heaven." He said as he was out of breath.

I laughed.  "You and I both," I responded, and I can barely catch my breath and he curses.


I jumped.  "What?" He rolled off me and pulled me into his arms.  "I'm sorry Korilee."


"Protection,  I'm so sorry, and it's the last damn thing you need right now."

"Do I have anything to worry about?"  I'm stunned.

"Just pregnancy,  I don't get around much."

How much is not much?

"I've only had three girlfriends, so you're the fourth woman I've known."

I let out a sigh of relief.

We laid in bed for another hour and talked.  He has no children and no pregnancy scares.  His last girlfriend he was with for five years, and they decided they are better off as friends.  He doesn't live in a mansion or have millions of dollars and hates New York, and he misses his home in Nebraska.  He has a house and a German shepherd named Tobey.  He is not Catholic, but was raised Lutheran.

We learned more about each other, then it was time to go face the girls.  He kissed me before I walked out the door and said he will text me when his meeting ends.

My legs felt like jello as I walked down the hall toward the elevator.  Kori would have face-planted by now, but not Korilee.  I am confident and I feel sure about every step I take.  I feel free for the first time in my entire life. 

I am Korilee Heart, Chief Operations Officer for Infinity Inc., and I'm not doing the walk of shame. 

I entered the suite, and several pairs of eyes just stared at me.  "What?" I asked as I hung my purse up and walked toward my room.

"You slept with him!" Stella announced.  They all stared at me like children waiting to hear the best story ever. 

"I did, and it was far beyond anything I knew was possible." I collapsed onto the couch, and they all just stared with huge smiles on their faces. 


"Look in the mirror." Chloe laughed.

I got up and walked to the mirror, and I had hickeys, and one spot that looked like an actual bite. 

"Kori  just got massively and thoroughly fucked!" Stella freaked out.  "I never thought I'd see the day! I'm so proud of my best friend!" She lunged at me and hugged me tight, and I couldn't breathe.

"Please tell me you are seeing that man again.  Jesus, you are glowing! How many orgasms did he give you?"  They all laughed.

I'm not feeling bashful.

"Guys, it was...I don't even have words.  He took me to eat, then to the boardwalk and we watched the sunset.  Then I dared him to race me, and whoever won got to ask for something.  I really didn't win, but he let me ask anyway.  I don't know what came over me, but I asked if he would show me what it's like to make love to him.  Oh my God, he was so huge I thought I was tearing in half.  I mean like, it was good and he filled me completely.  When I orgasmed, I thought I was dying it hurt so bad, but in a weirdly heavenly way.  My throat hurts from screaming, we probably had complaints against us."

I looked at them, and I swear Brenda was flushed and Stella was drooling.


"You've never been so open and confident," Stella said as she stared at me.

"He made me feel like I was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen, and at the same time, he made me feel in control.  When he came, I was scared he was dying.  I think I had that same painful effect on him. I never knew men would scream during sex, and he looked just as shocked about it as me."

Chloe cleared her throat.  "Damn..." Their jaws were dropped, and they just stared at me. 

"Is it supposed to be like that?"  I asked, and Stella swallowed.  "Umm, well, I think you just had a better fuck than any of us ever had.  Am I right girls?" 

They all just nodded. 

"Is it hot in here?" Brenda fanned herself and stood up. 

"What kind of stuff did he do?"

"The normal stuff, I guess, except when I was on my stomach and he held both my hands while he slowly...  oh shit.  Forget I said anything."

What is wrong with me?

"You're really going to leave us hanging?" Brenda asked.

"Yes," I shook my head and walked away.

"I wanna get fucked like that too." Chloe pouted.

"I'm so dumping Kellen when I get home," Brenda said.

After a hot bath to soothe my aching muscles, I got ready and we all went to lunch. I got the text I was waiting for, and we went back to the room to dress in our swimsuits.  They aren't mad in the slightest that I'm spending time with Luke instead of them.

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora