Event of the Year

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I wasn't allowed into the room while Gavin was being questioned. I sat down on the floor outside it and just waited. Everyone was busy saying goodbye to our guests and trying to comfort Brenda and the others, so I snuck away and sat here by myself.

Alone in my wedding dress on my wedding night. All I want is Gavin and to go home and forget everything, but I know what's waiting tomorrow. I'm sure our wedding made news in more than the society pages.

I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them and just waited. I thought again about what Brad said pertaining to Gavin's grandma, and I pictured his face as things got weird and I actually giggled a little. Then thought back to Stella trying to coax that woman off the stage. Maybe the reception wasn't a total bust. It's definitely one night nobody will forget.

I pulled my veil off because it was getting annoying and just threw it on the floor. Then I picked it back up and thought about my mom.

I have very few memories, but the few I do have I remember her being kind and beautiful. Dad would dance with her and I would watch hoping someday a man would love me that much.

I smiled when I thought about the day we danced in Gavin's kitchen and again tonight. That's when I realized that no matter how those people wanted to ruin our big day, they didn't, because tonight I'm going home with the man of my dreams and they cannot take that away from me.

Well, unless he gets arrested, but he is still my husband, and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of our lives together.

I heard the doorknob turn and the door slowly open and I looked up. There he was, my protector and husband. He looked around, then looked back down at me and I saw a sadness in his eyes.

He kneeled down and picked me up into his arms, then started walking out of the hotel. He ignored everyone and Regi held open the limo door and we slid inside. "Kori, I'm so..." I placed a finger over his lips. "Shhh...there's no need to be sorry. I love you, and I'm not letting them ruin our night."

He smiled. "God, I love you, Mrs. Hardwick."

"I love you, husband." I looked him over and not a scratch. I was so thankful.

I hit the privacy window so we can finally be alone.

"We had a beautiful wedding. My father is fine, and I guess he already knew about the show."

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but when you walked down that aisle, I couldn't believe my eyes. My God, Kori, you are breathtaking. I couldn't believe you were walking to me. Out of all the men in this world, you were marrying me."

"I couldn't take my eyes off you and Keegan. He looked so adorable in that tux and you, Gavin I love you so much."

I kissed him while he held me on his lap. He pulled back and looked at me. "Almost everything I ever wanted has come true. There's just one thing missing." His thumb stroke my cheek.

"What's that?" I asked.

"To make beautiful children with you and fill up that home we are making together."

I smiled and leaned toward his lips, brushing mine against them. "I guess we should get started on that tonight."

"I most definitely agree." He pulled my head in closer and kissed me so deeply, it took my breath away. I cannot wait to consummate this marriage.

The car pulled up in front of the house and I slid off his lap and he stepped out. "Congratulations sir, she's a great girl."

"Thanks, Regi."

"Everything is set up and all the staff is gone. I'll be back in the morning to take you to the airport."

"Thanks again, Jefferson."

I watched my husband take off his tux jacket, then he held his hand out for me. When I stood, he put his jacket on me and picked me up.

"I thought I was only wearing white in your daydream."

"Well, I've added to it." He winked at me and opened our front door.

He chose the elevator and he tripped getting on, which made me laugh probably a little too hard. He didn't even drop me.

He set me down as soon as he walked in his room and walked to a table that had champagne. I looked around and there's candles lit, the fireplace on, and both the living room and balcony were both lit. He handed me a glass of champagne. "Come with me."

He led me to the balcony and pulled me into his lap in front of the fireplace. I felt his hand reach into his jacket and pull out his phone.

Strange time to be texting isn't it?

He put it away and pointed up to the sky. I jumped when I heard a big boom, but soon everything lit up a beautiful red and white, fireworks exploded above us. "Did you do that?" He smiled, but didn't say a word. He kissed my cheek and held me a little closer by the fire, and we watched the show he arranged.

Deep down, I couldn't help but feel some anger. Not toward my husband, but toward the people who tried to destroy a day he worked so hard to make perfect. I swore to myself at that moment that I will never let anyone destroy what Gavin and I have together. I looked at him and my heart swelled as I saw the fireworks shine off those big beautiful blue eyes. He smiled up at the sky, but asked me if I'm going to watch.

"I am, Gavin. I promise." I liked the way they looked in his eyes much better than in the sky.

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