This is Us

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I hugged Melissa and we made arrangements to have lunch soon, but when I turned around to leave, Gavin was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, she's mine tonight, so go away, Gavin." Melissa enjoys pissing him off.

"I believe I paid for the dance. Is it not my money you used to win?" Gavin glared at her.

"It's my money, Gavin. I do work for a living." She scoffed.

"I'm not dealing with another one of your schemes, Melissa. Whatever it is you're up to, you need to stop."

"Excuse me! If you would kindly move, Mr. Hardwick, I have people waiting. The two of you can argue when I'm gone, and, by the way, she's not scheming." I tried to push past him past him, but he grabbed my arm.

"You're staying." He said in an angry tone, then looked at Melissa. "I'm not having another pointless argument with you. Go back to the party."

"Don't talk to her like that!" I snapped. "You're not her boss or mine anymore, so you need to be the one leaving."

I pulled my arm out of his grip and started walking away, but he put an arm around my waist and pulled me back. "Melissa, go." He said.

I wiggled in his arms. "Would you just calm down, Kori."

"Miss Heart." I reminded him, and he shook his head and chuckled.

"Kori," he corrected me.

"Leave me alone." I pushed away from him, but he shut the door and wouldn't move.

"You're holding me against my will. I'll scream for security." He's pissing me off.

"What was that out there, Kori? Prancing around in your underwear, letting men see you and have dirty thoughts? What happened to you?"

I'm above my anger, I'm above my anger

"That was me raising money, and I had my bosses permission because, guess what? He doesn't try to run my life!"

"I was a horrible person that day, Kori. To everyone, but especially to you." He started walking closer, so I backed up.

"Horrible to everyone, but Claudia. Tell me, Gavin, did you achieve what you set out to do? I wasn't a passing thought, was I, when she was calling out your name? Don't you even try to justify your actions. You made it clear what kind of person you think I am, so why bother? Leave me alone."

I turned away from him, and he let out sighed.

"I can't justify anything about that day, except that I get crazy when people say and do things against Keegan. I need to learn how to control that anger, but I did not sleep with Claudia." I heard him step closer.

"Stop! Don't come near me." I ordered him. "Why would I care what you do with your future wife? I mean it, Gavin. I don't want you near me."

"Why did you call her that? I'm never marrying that woman."

"She said Keegan won't be around after you get married." I turned back around. "Don't you see it, Gavin? You're not good for me. You're mean, you see something bad in me, and you have done nothing but try to control me."

"I care for you, A lot Kori, and I've never met anyone like you. You confuse me and make me crazy."

"If you cared about me, you would leave me alone."

I can see that hurt him.

"It doesn't have to be this way. Claudia is gone and out of mine and Keegan's lives forever. You are what I want and what I need. I don't deserve you, and I know that, but please just let me prove I can be a better man."

I scoffed. "You allowed Claudia into your marriage. We never even started, and you believed her over me. None of this is her fault, I pity her, but you? You are not incapable of living without that woman, so I have no room for you. You fired me, and by doing that, you tried to destroy me. I'm not sticking around for you to do more damage."

"We can have a fresh start without Claudia." He said.

"We kissed, and it wasn't even a whole day later, when you did what you did. Can you look at me and tell me honestly you didn't touch her that morning?"

He looked away and closed his eyes in regret.

"So, that's what it would be like with you? Get mad at me and punish me by jumping into bed with Claudia or another woman. No thank you."

I walked past him toward the door, but he grabbed my arm once again and looked me in the eye. "I didn't touch her, Kori. I did hug her because she was crying, but I never touched her. Not like you're thinking."

I chuckled sarcastically. "So, you were comforting her, but fired me. It took Brenda telling you the truth, and my character meant nothing. Goodbye Mr. Hardwick, I think we've said our peace."

I shot past him and swung open the door and, of course, I tripped, but he caught me. He held me from behind tightly and whispered in my ear. "This isn't over." His breath against my ear made my whole body shiver. At the next second, he turned me around so quick, I fell into him and he pulled me in tight.

His lips brushed mine. "Do you remember how that kiss felt, Kori?" My legs grew weak, but he held me so tight, I wasn't going anywhere. I just nodded, my head fighting the battle inside me.

"This is us, Kori. When you take away all the bullshit. Outside of work and away from everything else, this is us. This is what I want, and I'll wait a lifetime if I have to, because I've already waited my whole life for you."

His arms feel so right, but so exciting at the same time.

His lips gently blessed mine and gave me the most profound moment in my life. This man is going to either to be the death of me, or what gives me power and strength.

"Go home with me tonight, Kori. Let me show you who we are together."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now