You're Fired

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If I had a dime for every time I've tripped off this elevator, I would own my own company.

"Remember one foot in front of the other." Brenda laughed at me.

"If my legs and brain would just work in sync, I'd be a happy girl."

I walked to my office and put my things away before I made his coffee and put it on his desk. There's no sign of him yet, but that's not unusual. I walked back to my office and completed my morning routine, when I heard a woman yelling.

"I want to know where he is, right now!" I walked toward the front.

"Claudia, if I knew where he was, I would tell you. As of right now, he's just late, and if you'll just have a seat, I'll let you know when I hear something." Brenda is getting pissed, I can hear it in her voice.

"Brenda, is everything okay?" I asked.

"No! She won't tell me where Gavin is, and he's not answering my calls!" Claudia yelled.

"I don't even know where he is, but I do know he and Keegan were at a hockey game last night, so it's his week. Maybe he's just running behind."

"That little brat is always seeking his attention, so needy like his mother. I swear, when we're married, he won't be around much. Can you imagine? Of course, it's my boyfriend who has a retarded kid." She rolled her eyes and I stepped forward.

"What did you just call him?" I'm so pissed, and I heard Brenda's chair fly backyard.

"Brenda, stop! Just call security and have her ushered out." I ordered her.

"Gladly." She says.

I turned to the woman. "There is no room for someone like you in this building. That little boy has a lot to offer this world, and if you can't appreciate him, maybe you should stay away from his father."

"You're just jealous because he won't give you the time of day. You're just one of his busy bees, so if you think you'll ever win him over, you're dreaming. You don't have the proper breeding, just like his loser ex-wife and son." She laughed, and the elevator dinged.

"You need to go away and stay away. I will tell him I don't want you on this floor because you're creating a scene."

"What's going on here?" Gavin walked out of the elevator.

Claudia stirred up some fake tears. "She called security on me Gavin. She said I'm not good enough and she doesn't want me around anymore."

He looked at me and gave me a dirty look. "Come with me, Claudia."

"Gavin, wait!" I called after him.

"Miss Heart, I'll deal with you later." He pulled Claudia in his office and slammed the door.

I stormed into my office and slammed my own door.

An hour went by, then another thirty minutes, and he is still with Claudia, just like that morning of our trip to South Bend. I know, because I asked Brenda to let me know when she left. So far, Brenda only said he told security it was a false alarm.

My heart sank, but I'm angry at the same time.

Finally, my door opens, and I see Claudia getting on the elevator and she gave me a shit eating grin.

Gavin slammed my door behind him.

"You know, I really thought I knew you. You play a good game, Miss Heart. Pack your things, you're released from your contract." He turned away to leave.

"What did I do wrong?"

He turned around and pointed at me. "That boy is the center of my world, and I will not employ anyone that says those things about my son! I've known Claudia for a decade, and she loves that little boy. Get your shit and get out, or I'll call security and have you removed."

He went back to his office and slammed the door shut.

I can't believe this is happening. The tears are flowing, so I just grabbed my bag and coat and ran out to leave.

"Kori, what the hell happened?" Brenda stands there holding on to my arm.

"I guess Claudia is a better person." The elevator opened, and I hopped on and slammed on the shut door button, then hit the lobby floor.

I ran out of the building crying. My phone was ringing off the hook and I saw it was Brenda. I shut it off and threw it into my passenger seat.

I pulled in to St. Theresa's and turned off my car, before I took a few moments and cried before entering the church. I kneeled and prayed. Prayed so hard for Keegan, Gavin, and Claudia. I prayed I would forgive Gavin. I asked forgiveness for feeling so much hate toward that woman, but I did no wrong when I told her to leave.

I sat back in the pew and just stared at the statue of the Virgin Mary. "Kori?" I looked up and saw Sister Mary Margaret. She didn't say a word, just held me while I cried.

"I wish my dad was back." I sniffled.

"He's doing God's work, but he will return soon. Now, tell me what happened."

I told her about Claudia and how she spoke of Keegan. How the woman's words felt like a knife through my heart. Then how she turned the table on me.

"He was running on anger, Kori. He will come to his senses. Anyone that knows you, would never believe you would be so harsh." She ran her hand over my head while I held on to her.

"I'm so angry at myself for feeling so much hate toward that woman. I'm trying to forgive her, but it's so hard." I cried. "Now I have no job or future."

"This Claudia is less fortunate than yourself. She is blinded by greed and selfishness. Take pity on her, but don't hate the woman. That hurts your heart, not hers, she wants your hate. Don't give it to her, because you're allowing evil in your heart."

I wiped my tears and nodded in understanding.

"Thank you for being like a mom to me." She pulled me back into her arms.

"Guiding you has been a wonderful gift. I'm so proud of the woman you have become." She pulled back and looked at me.

"I may have an idea of something that may help you feel better."

She always knows.

"Come, let's go make cookies for the convent. Sister Katherine from St. John's just retired, so she's making a transition."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon