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I walked into my office and went to dial my wife. I'm scared shitless and pissed, but I still need to know she's okay. I glanced out the window and saw her car, right before I heard a big thump.

My body jolted forward and seeing her so helpless on the floor, I realized I've made yet another mistake. She got up with a limp after screaming at me and shot out the front door as quick as she could. I knew she was hurt, and I tried to stop her, but she pulled away from me.

The pain in her eyes told me she wasn't just physically, but emotionally hurt and my heart sank. My stomach turned, and all I want now is to have her in my arms.

I went for my car keys when I heard a crash just down the street. I ran like I've never run before and it only seemed like seconds. There was my wife's car on its top and against a tree. I ran to her and there was so much blood. Her pulse is weak and I screamed for help.

A truck driver approached with his cell, and I screamed for him to call for help. My angel is bleeding to death right before my eyes.

There's no way my wife will survive. There is a fucking metal rod in her chest. She won't wake up and her breathing is so shallow. She's struggling to hang on for life, and I can't even help her. I can do nothing but hold her bloody hand and pray.

An eternity passed, and I finally heard the first siren. A police officer pulled me away, while fireman and paramedics surrounded her car. They were so calm, and I couldn't understand how they could be taking their time. I yelled and screamed at them to hurry, but they just ignored me.

The loud noises of machinery cutting my wife's car up and men's voices yelling out what they needed from each other, took over all my senses. The officer holding me back was telling me they can't rush and risk hurting her more, but my wife is dying and they're so calm. How can they be so calm and move so slow?

"We've got it!" One man yelled as they removed the door. Another man busted out a back window and crawled inside as they cut the rod that's in my wife's chest.

I saw a stretcher, and the men were communicating loudly over the firetrucks loud engine.

"Easy now, men. Baird, climb into the right side!"

Finally, I saw my wife's body slowly being removed from the car. She's on a board and wearing a neck brace and the rod is still in her chest. Her blonde beautiful hair is stained red. She's almost unrecognizable, except for that wedding ring I see on her beautiful hand.

I fought harder to release myself from the officer's tight grip. They yelled something about careflight and I could hear the sounds of a helicopter.

I wrestled my way out of the death grip on my arms and ran for her. A few firemen stopped me, and I screamed for them to release me.

"Sir! Your wife's condition is very critical. A police officer will take you to the hospital and you have to stay back. Time is not on your wife's side, so don't cost her time when she already lost too much."

What the fuck does that mean?

I heard the helicopter take off, and a police officer led me to his car and sped off toward the hospital.

I had not realized it, but my phone was in my jacket vibrating, but who cares?

I tried bargaining with God and begging.

I should have followed my instinct, but I didn't, and instead hired an investigator. I couldn't look at my wife after I was given that goddam information. I should have just asked her, but I was a coward.

Fact is, that I'm going to be a father again with a woman I once lost a daughter with a decade ago. Claudia is far from innocent, but what my wife did was far worse. Right now, Claudia and our baby come first.

I understand being paranoid about Claudia's baby, but to take my sons DNA and insist Claudia risk her child's life to have an amniocentesis for paternity is beyond evil. Threaten to expose her to her family if she didn't comply was over the top.

Claudia did as demanded, and low and behold, the DNA came back as siblings. Thank God Claudia didn't lose the baby.

I held a copy of Kori's letter to Claudia in my hand. The handwriting analysis should be done soon. Why? Why did my seemingly innocent wife do something so demented?

Now she's dying and I still feel like I'm dying inside.

I ran into the hospital and burst through the ER doors where security chased after me. I screamed at them when I got a close look at Kori. They pulled me away as soon as her eyes opened. I don't care what she has done, I love her, and she is my world. How can she possibly survive a rod through her chest? Theres is so much blood.

Keegan is going to to be shattered. I fell to my knees and once again pleaded with God. They've taken her into surgery and have not told me what is happening. What did the rod puncture? Anything, I need to hear something.

I prayed in the chapel, then pulled out my phone to call her father, but I have a notification. It's the investigator I hired.

I hovered my finger over the message. Does looking now even make a difference?

I called her father and he frantically hung up on me.

My finger once again hovered over the message, until I built up my courage and opened it.

"I sent an email over with results, but the handwriting sample you provided was not a match. Korilee Hardwick did not write the letter."

I spent the next three hours nauseated and dizzy until a doctor called for me and asked me to join him in a separate room. I invited her father, but the doctor insisted we speak privately.

I could barely walk. My body felt heavy and I'm about to vomit.

"I have good news and bad news. Your wife will recover, but we were unable to save the baby."


I feel like the life is being sucked out of me.

"The metal rod somehow missed her major organs and we were able to repair the damage done to a major artery. She has a concussion, but it appears to be minor and she has a broken ankle. Her recovery shouldn't be terrible, but I have to say, I don't know how she survived the damage to her artery. It's nothing short of a miracle. She should have bled out before she arrived at the hospital. We gave her some pain medication so she will sleep for quite some time."

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"Yes, but please limit the number of people in the room to only immediate family members. We need to be able to access her in case she has any further emergency needs."

I told her father, then let him go in first. I don't deserve the comfort of holding her hand. I killed our child, while I protected Claudia and our baby she is carrying.

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now