This Kiss

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"I didn't turn Quinn down because of Gavin, I turned him down because I didn't want to go." Brenda looked at me like I'm lying through my teeth.

"I still can't believe everything you went through on Thursday night. When I saw you on Saturday night, you looked like you'd been through world war 3."

"I better head back to work. I can't have lunch today, we're going to a conference." I informed her, and she frowned.

I had his coffee on his desk and was back in my office, when I realized he had not shown up for work yet. I sent a message to Brenda, but she knew nothing about him running late.

He finally rolled in after being around 1 and a half hours late, but he's the boss.

"What? Keegan had therapy this morning, and I put it in the schedule." He defends.

"It's not in the schedule, but it fine. Nothing happened and your schedule was clear, are you ready?"

"For what?" So, he really didn't look at his schedule.

"We have the conference about the new trade laws in South Korea."

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go." We walked to the elevator together. "It looks like you're getting around much better." He points out.

"Yeah, as long as I wear flats," I answered.

"The slacks look nice, but I do prefer your dresses." He smirked.

"I think my scraped up knees make me look like I'm five." I snorted.

We walked in the elevator and the doors shut.

"How was your weekend with Keegan?"

"Great, as always, but it's heartbreaking to watch him try to keep up with kids his age. It's one thing to have physical limitations, but to watch him struggle to learn, is another. He has great special education teachers, but he's smart enough to know he's not like the other kids. There's always one asshole kid to point it out."

"Being unique is always hard, but he will grow up to be strong since he had to work hard his whole life. Being the daughter of a Catholic Priest was always hard for me in school. Especially, in Catholic School." I said.

Once we got to the conference, I was surprised by how many people showed up. Kellen being one of them.

I could feel his eyes on me through the whole damn thing, and when we broke for lunch, it got worse when he cornered me on my way to the bathroom.

"You look nice, Kori."


"I'm really sorry for what I did to you. I feel like a real asshole and I hope you can forgive me." He said.

"Only if you never do it again."

"I won't, I promise. I just got back from France and I was wondering if you're going out with everyone Saturday night? If you are and don't want me..."

"She's busy."


I swung my head around. "I am?"

"Yes, and I will fill you in later." He possessively put his arm around my waist and stood next to me.

I sighed. "I'll see you around, Kellen." After he walked away, I looked up at Gavin. "There's nothing on the schedule. I thought you were done controlling my personal life?"

"We can talk about this later, they're starting the conference back up."

I sulked in my anger as we sat through the rest of the conference. It's getting to a point where this man thinks he can control every single aspect of my life. Growing up, literally, in the Catholic Church, there have been few decisions I've made for myself, and he's fooling himself into thinking he can control me.

As soon as the conference was over, I went straight to the car while he made idle chit chat with his colleagues. Probably making plans for my weekend.

Once he slid in, I scooted to the other side. "Don't be pissed, Kori."

Oh so now he can control my feelings?

"What's the pressing business matter that will be keeping me from my friends this Saturday?" I said in a condescending tone.

"I told you we would talk about it later." He acts like it's not a big deal.

I huffed out a breath. "I thought you said you were going to make things better, from where I'm sitting, you're just making it worse."

He didn't answer, but pulled at his tie and tried to act like he was busy doing something on his phone.

When the car pulled up outside our building, it was time to go home anyways. He fidgeted in his seat for a moment, but never tried to open the door.

"Do I have to crawl over you again?" I asked, and he smiled and looked over at me.


Oh, So he thinks this is fun and games.

I glared at him, and he finally sighed and opened his door. I got out and walked straight toward the parking garage, and he went the opposite direction toward the building.

Although I only walked into thin air and not a wall this time, my feet stopped in their tracks. Dammit, it's time we end this once and for all. I'm not going to continue to work for someone who controls my entire life.

I turned and headed for the door, swinging  the door open like a woman on a mission. I tapped my foot while I waited for the elevator. Once in, I recited Stella's words.

"You intimidate them, not the other way around," I repeated to myself, then the doors opened on the top floor, and I practically sprinted to his office. I'm going to teach him a lesson on who controls my life, not him, but me. I am in control!

I saw him looking out the window and lunged at him. Flipping him around and cupping his face, I slammed my lips on his.

A total wave rushed through me when he put one arm around me and the other holding the back of my head. I was floating, but an explosion of excitement ran through my body making my stomach do somersaults.

He opened his mouth and his tongue tasted mine, and he moaned. Before I knew it, I was the one being controlled, when my back was against the wall and his body pressed against mine.

This is the kiss I waited for my whole life. He pulled away and rested his head against mine.

"Was it gross?" He chuckled, but I shook my head and pulled him in for more.

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