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"Our next model is also a gem.  Korilee Heart is a 2017 masters graduate of Notre Dame University.  She is the Chief Operations Officer for Infinity Inc. Chicago Division.  Wow, such successful women tonight.  She has volunteered with various charities worldwide and currently is the President of St. Theresa's Parish Charities.  She enjoys volunteering, reading, and the company of her friends.  Let's start the bidding again at $1000.00."

Oh, God, help me!

"We have 1000, now we have two, do I hear 3000, and now we have 5000."

Men started yelling out numbers, but I can't see anything.

"22,000!  25,000!  30,000!  Do I hear 35,000? We have 35 ,do I hear 40? We have 45, how about 50?"

Holy shit

"You all have great taste.  We have 50, do we have 55? We have 60, do we have 65? Going once, going twice?  Sold to number 77.  Enjoy your dance."

My body was shaking, and I could barely walk back behind the curtain. 

"Oh my God!" Stella and Chloe jumped around and hugged me, but I could barely stand. 

"Let's watch Brenda." We all three held hands as we watched the bidding. She ended up raising 25,000 like Stella.

"Kori, you raised 65,000 for one dance! It's amazing!" Chloe looked at us with pride.  "Over 100,000 for you three.  I'm so proud." She acted like our proud mother and hugged us.

"Let's get you girls changed for the final walk through." Chloe clapped her hands and was on cloud nine.

I stood in my gown, ready to be done with the walk through when the last girl was finally finished.  We will do the walkthrough, then the men will start their show. 

Of course, when we walked out, our relentless friends were whistling and chanting our names.  Brad was the funny one sitting cool and collected, while Graham and Kellen were going crazy.

Chloe had everything ready when we returned to the dressing room. 

"Stella and Brenda, you can go ahead to the ballroom.  Stella, Brad won your dance and Kellen won Brenda's.  Kori, your high bidder declined a dance and will meet you in the last conference room to the right."


"Who is it?" I asked.

"You'll see, babe.  You're only obligated for five minutes."

I walked down the hall and opened the door, then I had to laugh when I saw who it was, "Melissa?"

She started laughing too.  "Did you think I'd ever pass up the opportunity to piss off my ex-husband?  I had Nina call him or else the bidding would have gone on all night." She pulled me into a hug.

"Now, let's have a little chat, shall we?" She offered me a seat.

"I'm sure you know I heard what happened..."  I cut her off and spoke up.

"Melissa, I swear I would never do or say anything so horrible."  I interrupted her.

"You don't think I know that, sweetie?  The second I heard it, I knew what really happened.  Claudia is the devil himself, but Gavin always refused to see it.  He met her years ago in high school and they've been close ever since.  I guess if I'm doing the figures right, they've been friends for like 15 years."

"It really doesn't matter now," I told her. 

"It does, Kori.  Claudia is lethal, and I want to explain everything so you understand the woman."

"Melissa, it's done and over for me.  It doesn't matter what she has and hasn't done at this point.  I'm pretty sure they slept together that morning after kissing me the night before, and I'm hurt.  I don't want to revisit anything with Gavin."

"Kori, will you please hear me out.  I'm not here to convince you to give Gavin a chance.  I'm here to ease your mind.  You're not the only one she's done these things to, and I don't want you to take what she did and let it hurt you even more."

"She is definitely not the one that hurt me," I added.

"When we were married, she sent me photos of Gavin cheating on me with her, so I had already filed for divorce when he caught me with Michael.  I was so hurt, and I never gave him a chance to explain.  I never told him what I had been receiving.  He then filed for divorce the next day. I literally already did it.  I showed him the photos, and he still thinks I photoshopped them.  I had them tested and they were in fact photoshopped.  He refused to believe Claudia would do such a thing.  In the end, I was the one that cheated and hurt him."

"Why does he think you photoshopped them?" I asked.

"So I would get a better settlement on the divorce.  That woman would show up to every event and threaten me, all the while looking innocent to Gavin.  She went as far as to tell me it was my fault my child suffered so much.  She's evil, but plays the victim to Gavin and he believes her the second she starts crying.  As you said, I was more hurt by him, than I ever was about her words."

I sighed.  "Well, until he wises up, he won't ever find happiness,"  I said.

"He realized he made a huge mistake before you even left that building.  Before Brenda ripped him to pieces.  He's in hell right now, but I also think it should be your choice if you want to see him.  That's why I beat him at the bid."

"What did he say happened that morning? Did he touch her?" I asked.

"That I don't know, so I can't answer. Gavin has had a lot of women, Kori.  He has a very high libido, especially when he's frustrated or pissed, so it's hard telling.  I do think you should talk to him, but not until you're ready."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now