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His lips left mine and trailed over my cheek to my ear. "Thank you." He said.

"What?" I giggled.

"I have never been so scared to kiss someone in my life." He kissed my cheek, and his body was still pressed against mine.

"I've never wanted to kiss someone," I whispered back, and his breath hitched before he put his lips on mine again.

He leaned his head against mine again. "You make me weak." He breathes out.

"You make me feel strong." I breathed out, but I want his lips back on mine.

He opened his eyes and looked into mine. He smiled and kissed me again.
My body melts into his like I was made for him. His kiss is kind and gentle, but it stirs something in me. Between his taste and smell, combined with his touch, it is by far one of the greatest things I've ever experienced.

My fingers ran instinctively through his hair, and I yelped when he picked me up and sat in his chair. I am once again straddling him, but this time, it feels so right.

His thumb runs over my cheek while he cups my face just below my ear. I pulled back and looked straight into his eyes. "I'm not as naive as you think, Gavin. Well, not with you at least. I told you Friday the answer was standing right in front of you."

"I just want to be careful with you, Kori."

"Daddy!" I shot out of his lap when I heard Keegan yell out from the hall.
Sweet little Keegan didn't miss a beat as he entered the room smiling ear to ear.

"Hey, buddy!" Gavin picks him up, and a blonde woman enters that I've never met before.

"Miss Kori! Daddy is taking me to a hockey game!" He looked so cute in his little Jersey.

"That sounds exciting!"

"Kori, this is Nina, Keegan's nanny. Nina, this is Kori Heart."

I shook her hand, but damn she had an attitude behind it.

"I better head out and let you guys get to the game. Keegan, I hope you have lots of fun tonight. It was nice to meet you Nina, and I'll see you tomorrow, Gavin."

He gave me an apologetic smile. "I'll be in touch, Kori." He said, and I heard Nina scoff.

I practically bounced into my apartment when I got home. I have a wonderful feeling about what happened today. I started cooking dinner for Stella right away.

"Is that lasagna I smell? Someone had a great day! Something happened with Mr. Harwick didn't it?" She stood there with her hands on her hips smiling.

I smiled and didn't say a word.

"Did he ask you out?"


"Did he come right out with it?"


"He kissed you! I know it!"

"Nope, I kissed him."

Her jaw dropped, just before she started bouncing around and about knocked me over with hugs.

"My little Kori is growing up! I can't believe it! What did he do?"

"Kissed me back and said he was scared to do it himself."

She bent over laughing. "When's the first date?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "His son came in, so we didn't get to talk."

"Oh my God, I can't wait to see what happens next!" She's still hopping around like a crazy person.

"Calm down, dinner is ready."

She made her plate and plopped down in her chair. Before she even took a bite, she started up again. "Are you going to sleep with him?" She grinned as she took a bite.

"It was one kiss, Stella. Not an invitation to his bed.

She laughed. "With men, there's always an open invite. So, if the opportunity presents itself, will you sleep with him?"

I glared at her. "I don't know! I'm not against it, but I also don't want to just be a fling. Definitely not just a notch on his bedpost."

"I doubt you would be, Kori. Come on, live a little." She hasn't wiped that grin off her face since she got home.

"I wish I had a hot boss. Mines 60 and has jock itch."

We both busted out laughing.

"I saw Kellen today." I said.

"Oh yeah, he called me and I told him to screw off. I'm pissed about everything he did. He might not agree, but I think you're right. We are way too close to share bed buddies."

"Thank You! Seriously, he just wanted to be the one I did it with the first time. I'm pissed, plus, did you know he's rich?"

She laughed. "Everyone in New York knows. Don't you read tabloids?"

"No, nobody talks about it either. Do you think he was hiding it from me?" I asked.

"He doesn't flaunt it that's for sure, but I don't think he hid it. Maybe you just didn't pay attention."

She helped me clean the kitchen, and when my phone rang, she went running for it. "I knew it!"

"Gimme it!" I snatched it from her hand.

"Hi, boss."

He chuckled. "Sorry about earlier, I really wanted to talk to you."

"Aren't you at a hockey game?" I asked.

"Yeah, Keegan is with Nina and I stepped out to call you. Like I said, I'm sorry our time got cut short."

"Don't be, Keegan is number one in my book." I said.

He sighed.

"Yeah, he's a good kid. Listen, I've got to go and I'll see you tomorrow. I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you're okay."

So sweet!

"I'm way better than okay. I'll see you at work tomorrow.  Tell Keegan I said hi, and I hope he's having fun."

"Will do. Sweet dreams, Kori."

"You too. Bye."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now