Bonus Chapter

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While my wife is at work running a billion dollar company, I'm at home changing my son's diaper.  It's strange the way things work out sometimes. 

Bryce is eight months old now and he's a healthy and happy baby.  I couldn't be happier, although this isn't how I imagined retirement. 

I turned and saw Claire standing in the doorway of the nursery.  "Now what are you up to?" I asked.

She gives me a smirk.  "My car is being worked on and you have plenty to spare.  Can I use one?"

"Where are you taking it?" I set my son down on the floor and he is doing some kind of zerbert thing with slobber flying everywhere.

"I have to meet Chloe for practice." She said, like I'm supposed to know what's going on with Chloe.

"What kind of practice?"

"Come on Gavin, can I borrow a car or not?" She crossed her arms.

"What kind of practice?" I repeated myself.

"I'm doing the runway walk for her this year."

"No!" There is nothing to think out on this subject.  Hell no, she's not doing that damn show.

"Why not?"

"You're not doing that show," I answered.  "You're busy," I said.

"Busy doing what?" She snapped right back.

"I need you to help with Bryce this weekend." I pulled something out of my ass.

"Okay, for one, I'm an adult and you don't get to tell me what to do, and two, I'm not watching your crotch goblin.  Plus, this show is Thursday night, so even if I was babysitting, it wouldn't affect the show."


"It's not a good idea," I said.

"I asked to use your car, not for permission to do the show." She said.

"I'm not helping you participate.  You're too young to make decisions you'll regret later." I said.

"You're my stepfather, that doesn't make you responsible for any of my decisions!" She yelled.

"It's my job to guide you, and not letting you use my car is the first step.  If you want to volunteer to do something, go talk to your grandpa." I said as I clean up the nursery.

"It's my life!" She argued.

"Then get a ride from a friend, but don't expect me to condone you walking around half naked!"

"Mom did it!" She keeps yelling.

"Right, that show ended up costing Melissa a pretty penny," I informed her.

"Oh, it was a write-off!"

"Keep your voice down, your brother is right here," I said.

"Right, I forgot Mom's the only one with any power around here, you're just a nanny." She smirked.

"I'm a father, not a nanny!" Now I'm yelling.

"Fine, if you don't let me use your car, I'll call Drake." She said, knowing I hate that kid. 

"As you said, you're an adult." I don't want to argue.

"So I can use a car?" She smiled.

"Being an adult means finding your own ride."

"You're a prick!"

I pointed at my son.

"Cut it out!"

"No, you're a spoiled rotten arrogant pig that likes to run peoples lives!" She wants to argue.

"You're immature!" She's pissing me off, then stuck her tongue out at me. "Hey!  Don't stick your tongue out at me, you just proved how immature you are and really shouldn't be making big decisions."  I said.

"Asshole!" She walked off and slammed her door.

My God, she reminds me of her mother and she drives me insane!

Now my phone starts ringing, and I smile when the name pops up.

"Hey kid, How's London?" I asked.

"Good, I just came back from a tour and I'm relaxing in the hotel now.  I just wanted to say thanks for the book you snuck into my bag.  It was great for the flight." Evelyn said.

"I thought you would like it.  Is Fiona at the hotel with you, and I hope you've been traveling safely." I said.

"Yeah, we're going to be heading out to dinner soon, then to the Oprah.  You didn't have to buy those tickets, by the way, you're spoiling us." She said.

"You're a good kid that deserves to have some fun," I responded.

"Is Claire giving you a hard time?  She just sent me a text that said " prick" and that's all it said." She laughed.

I sighed.  "She wants to use my car for practice, to walk the runway for that stupid lingerie show Chloe puts on every year," I said.

"At least it's for charity." She said.

"The girl just stuck her tongue out at me and threw an actual tantrum," I said, and Evelyn laughed.

"Don't let her fool you, she loves every moment arguing with you and used to give Dad a hard time, too.  You'll survive, just don't give in because she'll take advantage." Claire said.

How is she so much like me when I'm not her father?

"Don't worry about Claire and enjoy your trip," I said.

"Give Bryce a kiss for me, and tell Mom I'll call her tomorrow."

"I will, have fun, but stay safe and call me the moment you need anything.  I don't know why you wouldn't take my Credit card." I shook my head.

"Because I saved my own money for this trip, and it's nice to know I earned it.  Plus, I'll be starting medical school and won't have time for much."

"Your father would be so proud of you," I said.

"Thanks, Gavin.  I'll talk to you soon." She said.

I went to hang up and jumped when delicate arms wrapped around me. 

"I'm guessing that was Evelyn?" I love that voice, and I turned to see my beautiful bride. 

"How did you know?" I pecked her lips.

"You weren't screaming, so I knew it wasn't Claire." She said.

"Evelyn is doing good, she just thanked me for sending that book and the tickets.  Claire is having a tantrum because I won't let her use a car." I said.

She almost laughed.  "She wants to do Cloe's show."

She already knows.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't get along with that girl."

"That's because you care, she will grow up someday, Gavin.  We finally did, and you are right though, if she wants to do that, she can find a ride."

She agrees?  When does my wife ever agree with me?

She pecked my cheek, then let go to pick Bryce up.

"What made you come home so early?" I asked. 

"I'm only here for lunch, I missed my boys." She said as she placed a kiss on our son's cheek. 

My life couldn't be better.  Who would have thought we would ever be here again, let alone have a son together.  Sometimes fate can play strange tricks on us.  I love my life.

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