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I could tell the temperature has dropped as soon as I woke up.  I patted out to the kitchen to started some tea where Stella was already making her coffee.

"You've got a big meeting today, don't you?" I asked Stella, who was nervous yesterday.

"Yes, and these guys are no joke."  We both worked quickly to get ready.  I often wonder if she regrets joining Kellens marketing team. 

I slipped on the black dress with the mermaid hem, some silver earrings, and took a little extra time on my makeup and hair, then packed up my supplies so I can get ready again before we leave for South Bend.

"I won't be home till late, but text me and let me know how it goes."  I hugged Stella and grabbed my bag. 

"Kori."  She called out.

I stopped and turned around.  She stared at me biting her lip, looking like she was thinking really hard. "Nevermind, have a good day." She said, and I blew her a kiss and left.

When I walked outside, I saw Gavin leaning against his car with his arms and legs crossed.  This time he's in his personal car.  "Good morning, Gavin."  He smiles at me.  He seems to be doing a lot more of that lately for some reason.

"Good morning, Kori."

I smiled at him while he held my door for me.  "Thanks, Gavin." 

He jogged around to the driver's seat and threw it into gear.  "We don't have a busy day tomorrow, so you should clear our schedule in case we get back late.  That way I can pick Keegan up early, too."

"Sounds like a good idea.  Tell me who we are meeting with tonight."

"Sure, its Bradfrm Infinity.  I've actually never met the man, but I've heard stories.  They say he's a hardass and ruthless, I guess. He owns a technology firm, and I'd like him to invest in the medical supplies Kellen was going to invest in, so if Kellen isn't, then Brad is my next best option."

"Why is Kellen your top pick?"

"He's a little more liberal with his investments."

"Kellen?  I can't imagine why he'd be able to invest much."  I'm confused.

"Kellen has a lot of resources, not to mention his vast wealth." 

What the hell is he talking about?

"Kellen's that rich? I knew he had money, but you make him sound like a billionaire." I scoff

"He has more money than me."  He answers.

"What? Kellen?  He always seemed so down to earth."

He shakes his head.  "I'm sure he knows you arent attracted to wealth.  Maybe even a little turned off by it?"


"I guess I never thought of it.  I mean, I know people have money, but I was always focused on earning it and raising it, I never saw it as my business.  Everything Dad and I had belonged to the church.  We never worried about money, I guess."

The day moved slowly, as it usually does when we don't have meetings.  Brenda and I had lunch, but when we returned, the busty brunette I saw Gavin with at the jazz club was waiting in reception.

Brenda seemed a bit put off by her presence.  "Claudia, I think he's busy, do you have an appointment?"

There's that attitude she had when we met!

"You know I don't need an appointment, Brenda.  Just let him know I'm here."

Wow!  Bitch much?

"Her heiress is here to see you,"  Brenda speaks into her phone.

"Okay, I'll let her know.  Claudia, go on back."

The woman glares at me.  "Who are you?" She asks in a snotty tone and looks me up and down.

Your worst nightmare.

"Hello, I'm Miss Heart.  Mr. Hardwick's assistant." 

She rolls her eyes.  "You won't last a month." She flips her hair and starts walking away.

"Bitch"  Brenda says out loud, then covers her mouth at the shock of her slip up.

"Let me guess, his girlfriend?"  I ask, and she nods.

"I don't know what they are, I think it's just sex."  She answerd.

My heart sank with disappointment.  No clue why, since we agreed our personal lives our own business, but I really don't care for that woman.

"You look smoking hot in that dress by the way,"  I said to Brenda, and she blushed.

"Chloe is a damn genius. You're going to give Gavin a headache by the end of your day.  You're a sweet piece of ass, Kori." She laughs, and I softly slap her shoulder.

"Speaking of Chloe, you should go out with us Saturday night."  I invited her.

"I'm not sure.  I don't get along with other females too easily."  She chuckles a tad bit, I can see it hurts her feelings.

"You had a good time last night, right? Come on, they loved you."  I encouraged her.

"Alright, fine."  She said, so I wrote down my address.  "Come over about 6 and we can let Chloe get us all dolled up."

I went to my office knowing Gavin didn't need his coffee since we stopped on our way and went through my normal routine. 

A few hours passed and there wasn't a peep from the boss, but I know his day is about to go downhill when I hear a knock on my door and Melissa stood there.

"Can you do lunch today?" 



I grabbed my purse and we headed to the café next door to my building. 

We ordered then sat in the back.  "So, what do I need to do to help your relationship along with Gavin?"


"I don't understand."  I gave her a puzzled look.

"I'm going to be straight with you,  Kori.  I know you're not interested in Patrick.  I also know you're very naive.  I like you, a lot actually, and I've hurt Gavin a lot. I've tried for years to get him back, but it's just not in the cards."

"What do you mean I'm naive?"  I didn't receive that well.

"My ex-husband is falling for you.  Anyone can see it, and you're the first woman I've met that I don't feel like destroying.  I've met someone and I'm ready to move on, and I would trust you with Keegan."

"You have no idea how wrong you are, Melissa.  He has proven to be a great friend and nemesis both, but he's been locked up in his office with someone named Claudia all morning."  I informed.

"Dammit, I hate that bitch!  They have a history that reaches all the way back to high school." She looks pissed.

"See, I'm a hundred percent positive his sights aren't where you say they are."

"No, I'm right about you, but why does that dumb stuck up bitch always show up at the wrong damn time?"

"Wow, Brenda hates her, too."

"Brenda hates all women, but in this case, she is right to hate Claudia."

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