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I felt a kiss on my cheek and I stirred, but realized it was Gavin. I tried to sit up, but he stopped me.

"Go back to sleep. I have to go back to my place to change and go to work." I nodded, and felt him brush the hair out of my face. "You're giving me hope again, Miss Heart." He chuckled, then kissed my forehead. "Sweet dreams, angel."

I heard him walk away and shut the door before I fell back to sleep.

When I finally woke from the most peaceful night sleep I ever had, Stella was already gone for the day. I picked up my phone and turned it on. The dings from all his text messages last night startled me as I was plugging in the charger.

The last one said. "Can you meet me at my office at noon for lunch?"

I saw the time was 10:30, and I smiled when I sent a text back.

"Yes, I'll see you in a bit. Maybe I'll pick something up and bring it with me."

I set the phone down and hopped into the shower. By the time I got done in the bathroom, he had text back.

"Can't wait."

I smiled and stared at the screen. I can't believe I have this wonderful man in my life.

I sent a message to Brad asking him to send my work and I'll be out till this afternoon. He hadn't really talked about what I would be doing this week and, to be honest, I'm not sure he even knows yet.

Pulling up to the parking garage felt strange, since the last time I was here I was fired. Gavin must have let reception know, because I was put straight on the elevator.

When I got off on his floor, Brenda jumped up and hugged me. "Not sure what you did to him, but he's in the best mood I've ever seen."

"I told him I'd commit to a relationship."

She screeched. "You're his girlfriend!" She hugged me again. "You can go on back, he is expecting you."

When I walked in his office, I was disappointed to see Craig. He got out of his chair and looked me up and down. "You look different." He tapped his chin and looked me over. Gavin sat back in his chair and smirked when he crossed his arms.

"You better be careful with those eyes, Craig. That's my girlfriend you're looking at."

He nodded. "Yep, that's it. You've orgasmed within the last day."

Gavin shot up from his chair and Craig took off running. "You must have done a hell of a job, boss." He disappeared around a corner.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at Gavin. "I didn't say a word." He put his hands up in surrender.

"How would he know?"

Gavin approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're glowing, Miss Heart."

He pecked my lips and let go before walking over and shutting the door.

"That man is one hell of an attorney, but, damn, he gets annoying." He shakes his head.

I sat down the bag of Thai food I picked up, but it didn't take a second for him to have me in his arms kissing me.

He pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist, while his other hand trailed up my thigh.

I can't resist this man.

He pulled away before he went any further and apologized.

"What for? I love your kisses."

He pulled at his tie. "I'm losing control again." He pulled out my chair from the table and I sat with a thumping feeling between my legs.

"If guys get blue balls, what happens to me?" I fanned my face with the paper plate in my hand. He busted out laughing.

"I've heard someone call it blue bean once." He sat next to me.

"It doesn't surprise me you know that, since you're the biggest damn tease I know."

He laughed even harder.

"Its harder on me than you think." He replied.

I took a bite, then a drink of my water to change the subject.

"Is carrot top still giving you the cold shoulder?" I asked.

"It took a raise and a lot of begging, but she's doing better." He took a drink.

I laughed. "She's an amazing girl, Gavin. You're lucky to have her with you."

He smiled like he knows something I don't.


"Someone interesting dropped her off this morning." He moved the food around on his plate and didn't look at me.

"Let me guess. Kellen?" He looked at me and nodded.

"I already know. Stella told me all about it last night. Sounds like we weren't the only ones shacking up over the weekend."

"Damn, let me guess. Brad and Stella?" He smiled ear to ear like he's happy with that news.

"Yep," I answered.

"Good, he's less competition."

I rolled my eyes. "I already told you I'm all yours, and if you think I've spent the last quarter century a virgin, just to become a floozy, you've got something wrong up there." I pointed at his head with my fork.

"Will you be spending time with Keegan and I this weekend?" He set his fork down.

"What do you have planned? I don't want to intrude on your time together." I took another bite.

"We have hockey tickets Friday night, dinner at Dads on Saturday, then swimming Sunday. I would love it if you would join my family for dinner."

"So soon?" I asked.

"You already know Patrick, and you've met Dad and Candace. You will only be meeting Stephanie and my stepbrother, Damien."

"Alright, but you go ahead to the hockey game. I have to pick Dad up at the airport on Friday."

He nodded. "Maybe you and Keegan could have lunch with Dad and I on Saturday?"

He reached for my hand. "Are you ready for that?" He asked.

"Yes, I know he will like both of you."

"Okay, and you'll hang out at home with us on Sunday?" He asked.

"Just don't tell him we are dating. I want him to form an opinion of me before you do that, because he has a say in this too." He got up from his chair and leaned down, pressing his lips against mine.

"He will love you, and he already knows."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat