Date Night

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Wednesday went about as well as the first two days, but when Thursday came around, he was a bear. Barking orders at everyone and yelling at me like I'm a child. Thankfully, no lunch meetings were planned for the rest of the week.


"I have a conference call. Get in here and take notes."

Wow, so chipper.

I walked in and slid a chair up to his desk. My note pad was ready, and he didn't even look up at me before he dialed the number.

"Mr. Yang, thanks for meeting with me at such a late hour for you."

Does he have a secret happy switch siding under that suit?

I sat for the next hour taking notes, and when he hung up, I figured I was finished and stood up. "Did I excuse you, Miss Heart?"

I slid back down in my chair like a coward.

"I hope you haven't forgotten about Saturday. I haven't seen any receipts on my desk."

"My friend is a stylist and she's choosing my dress. I'll bring in a receipt on Monday."

"Please, nothing too revealing." He reminds me.

Wow, screw off.

"You have your date tonight with Mr. Quarterback."


"I presume you'll be leaving early?"

"What? No, do you think I need that much time to get ready? What are you saying?"

"Nothing, I just thought this is a big deal for you. It's called an olive branch. Where's he taking you?"

"To some Fogo place. I've never heard of it."

"Fogo de Chāo. It's Brazillian. It's not 5 stars, but you should dress as if it is and their steaks are incredible. Keep in mind a man like that may take advantage and expect something in return."

"I thought we agreed to stay out of each other's personal lives."

"It's just friendly advice. Take it or leave it. Anyways, I'll be out of the office tomorrow. I'll leave you a to-do list and see you Saturday."

"See you on Saturday. Oh, do you need my address?"

"It's in your personnel file. Have fun tonight."


I made it home early enough to get ready with time to spare. Keeping in mind what my boss said, I decided on a simple black dress and heels. I was checking the bosses email, when the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, Blake stood just outside with a smile on his face and a bouquet of roses.

"You look gorgeous, Kori."

"Thanks, and thanks for the flowers. I'll put them in water." Stella has been out of town for a few days, and to be honest, I was disappointed when the doorbell rang. I was enjoying the quiet.

I grabbed my clutch and locked the door and didn't even notice the hand on my back. Strange, it doesn't creep me out like Gavin's touch.

Through dinner, I could see Blake's mouth moving, but I'm not paying an ounce of attention.

I'm thinking about the asshole again. Why did he have to scare me about this date? I can't help wondering what he meant about intentions at the end of our date. Unlike Gavin, this man's mouth just keeps moving and moving.

"What do you say we have a couple of drinks at a classy place I recently discovered?"


He led me out of the restaurant, again not watching his boundaries, and we walked just a few blocks, entering a very swanky jazz club.

He sat us at a small booth and I ordered a glass of wine, while Blake ordered a gin and tonic. Gross...

"Dance with me?"


He again led me, but this time held me in his arms while we danced. Jabber jaws went on and on about his job as an assistant prosecutor.

"Isn't that your boss?" He tilts his head to the door, and I see the one and only scanning the room with a busty brunette on his arm.

"That would be him."

I tried to put him out of my mind and danced with Blake. Did he follow me here? Dammit, mind on Blake. I remind myself.

I can feel eyes on me as Blake glided me across the dancefloor and again went on about something. The music is too loud, so I just nod like I'm listening.

The song finally ended, and we walked to our seats.

"You're a magnificent dancer, Kori."

"Thank you." I took a sip of my wine and glanced at Gavin, who's giving Blake a shitty look.

"I'm actually getting tired and have a big day tomorrow. Would you mind if we called it a night?"

"Not at all."

I put the strap of my clutch over my shoulder as Blake pays our tab.

His eyes follow us out of the bar, but I don't engage at all. When we arrived at my apartment, I thanked him for a nice evening and ducked into my apartment as fast as possible.

Why in the hell did I let my asshole boss ruin my night? Blake was a total gentleman, unlike what Gavin tried to convince me to believe.

Then my mind goes to dark places. Who was that woman? Is she in his bed? I tossed and turned while I cursed myself for caring what he was doing.

I'm not sure when I dozed off, but I was late for work. Thankfully, he isn't in today.

Friday night was about as successful as the night before, and sleep is becoming a thing from my past.

Saturday morning came and went, and it was noon before I even pulled my lazy butt out of bed. I rushed out the door to do some grocery shopping, then got into the shower about 5. Right on queue, Chloe showed up with my dress and her bags of hair supplies and makeup.

She decided to give me a 1930's style tonight, with my hair in an up-do, but in a low bun. It was way closer to my head, and she highlighted my blue eyes with light eye makeup and heavy liner and mascara. The bold red lipstick shot me out of my comfort zone, but that's happened plenty of times this week and I did survive.

She held open the red satin gown, and after I stepped in, I was shot completely out of my comfort zone when she pinned the top just below the neck. The open back went way too low, and the front, thankfully, dropped down and fell over my boobs where it hid the fact that I wasn't wearing a bra.

The dress fit like a glove from the waist down, and the shoes were twice as high as I'm used to, but I really had no choice but to wear them, regardless of my safety. She clipped on a thin silver crystal silver necklace, earrings, and bracelet, and my look was complete.

"You are going to blow their minds. It's a good thing Kellen won't be there tonight." Chloe gives me a once over.

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