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He sat back down and pulled me on to his lap. "The way I see it, tonight is our first date, then breakfast will be our second date. We will count like that, and by the end of the weekend, we will have at least like 7 or 8 dates down, and you should know your answer."

I giggled. "I don't think that's how it works."

"Sure it is, that's like two months worth of dates."

I pecked his lips. "You're forgetting the night in South Bend. That has to count for something, you got me in my underwear."

He laughed. "That was necessity."

"That was nice." I looked at him and he cupped my face before pulling my face toward his.

"That was torture."

His lips started caressing mine. My heart started racing, and every kiss he gives me is even better than the last.

His fingers gently caressed my arm, and my heart started beating faster. A shock of excitement stabbed through my belly, and he woke up parts of my body that wanted his touch.

The kiss became more demanding. I wanted more, to be closer to him. A moan escaped me, and I repositioned so I'm straddling him. "I love the way you kiss me," I whispered, and he started kissing my neck.

His hands ran up and down my back as he once again graced my lips. My body instinctively moves and he pulls back. "We better stop. I made you a promise, and I plan to keep it."

I sighed. "This doesn't have to go that far," I whispered, and he groaned.

He stood up with me still on him, and he carried me to the bed and laid me down. He crawled on top of me and looked down at me. "You drive me insane, you know that, right?" I nodded yes.

"Sleep with me like you did that night in the cabin," I suggested.

"Kori, I don't know if that's a good idea. I could so easily lose control with you, and this isn't how I imagined our first time." He said as he ran his thumb up and down my cheek and looked in my eyes.

"You thought about that?" I asked.

"Every day since you walked into my office."

"What was it like when you thought of it?" I asked.

"Well, its a lot like tonight. I carried you into this very room, and we had a fire in the fireplace."

"Sounds exactly like tonight."

"Oh, it is, only you weren't in a black dress."

"The one small detail is off?"

"It's not a small detail, you were wearing white."

He kissed me and literally took my breath away. His lips trailed down my neck, then he got up after pecking my lips.

He spoke as he stood up. "I'll stay in here with you tonight, but no funny business, Kori. You'll have to keep your hands to yourself." I threw a pillow at him, and he just laughed as he walked into the closet.

I looked through my bag and pulled out my favorite tee shirt and boy shorts, then went to the bathroom to change. After taking my makeup off, brushing my hair and teeth, I put on my glasses and returned to the bedroom where he laid in some sweats and a v-neck shirt.

He got up and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, I presume, then came backed and curled up with me under the covers.

His fingers lightly brushed my skin until I fell asleep.

When I woke in the morning, I was alone in bed. I slipped out of bed and took the most incredible shower of my life, then got ready for the day. I can't help but think about what he said last night. Was he saying he's willing to wait, and if things work out, he will respect my virtue until we get married?

Marriage? Can he even get married in the Catholic church? What happens if we did want to get married in the future, but can't get married in the church because of his previous marriage?

Maybe before I commit to a relationship, we should see if there really can be a future for us. Then again, at this point, I'm not sure I can see one with anyone else.

I found my way to the first floor and heard noise coming from the kitchen, then I heard Gavin cursing. I leaned against the wall without making a sound and watched him. He looked relaxed in his jeans and v-neck with no socks or shoes.

I tried not to laugh when he threw a skillet in the sink. "Shit!" He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. The kitchen was a disaster, and he stood there in the middle of it looking at something on his iPad.

"Do you need some help?" I chuckled when he jumped at the sound of my voice. "No, I was just making some breakfast." He walked up to me and wrapped me up in his arms.

 "Looks to me like you need some help," I said, and he just smiled at me.

"I can order breakfast in." He pecked my lips. "Good morning, beautiful." He said as his lips graced mine again.

"Good morning, and you're not ordering out for breakfast. We can do this, Gavin. What were you trying to make?"

He pointed at his iPad. "Crêpes, like we had last week."

"You are so cute." I got on my tippy toes and kissed his cheek. "Let's clean this up first, then we will make some of those delicious crêpes."

He rinsed and loaded the dishwasher, while I cleaned the countertops. "This didn't work out as planned." He shook his head, and I had to laugh.

 "You've never had to take care if yourself, have you?"

"May I remind you, I run a multi-billion dollar corporation, Miss Heart?" He wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Yet, you can't open your own car door and make yourself breakfast? I teased.

He moved my hair away from my neck. "I have many other skills that make up for my lack of domestic skills." I shivered.

"Creeps again, huh?" He flipped me around and wrapped his arms around me. "Someday you will be quite familiar with my skills." He smiled down at me and pecked my lips.

"Speaking of that, I was thinking. You want me to decide this weekend if I was ready to pursue a relationship."

He nodded yes.

"Well, as you know, I'm Catholic and the daughter of a priest. You were married before, so what happens if everything works out, but we can never marry?"

His eyes softened, and he smiled. "It was a civil ceremony, and for many reason, the marriage was annulled. It never happened."

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