The Big Day

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My dad held my hand with a tear in his eye. "Your mother would be so proud."

He decided today he wasn't going to be father the priest, but father my dad. He wore a tuxedo and he is so handsome.

"Mary Margaret would like to have a word with you in proxy for your mother. I'm so proud of you, baby girl." He gave me a hug and left me alone in my room.

I looked in the mirror and thought. Most brides would think about their hair, their makeup, and maybe even how handsome their grooms are, but not me. I finally get to have sex tonight. I giggled to myself. Is that bad? Of course, I'm excited about our future and having babies with the man of my dreams. Giving Keegan that baby brother he wants and all that comes with Gavin and I building a life together with Keegan, but he did promise to wear me out after we are married.

I heard a soft knock. "Come in."

Mary Margaret came in wearing a gown and looked beautiful. My family is here as faithful servants above all, but they are also here as my family. Coming as father and mother of the bride.

"My baby girl is so beautiful." She cried as she hugged me.

"Look at you! My gosh, you're beautiful." I complimented back.

"Let's have a seat." She led me to the sofa and held my hand.

"We raised you very sheltered, and I am aware you will be walking down that aisle as a traditional bride. You don't know this, but I did once have a very special man in my life before I chose this path, so I do know what's in store for you tonight. Tonight will be a wonderful night for both you and Gavin, but don't be scared. Giving yourself to your husband is a beautiful thing. The gift you will give him tonight will be the most special gift he has ever received, and he will hold it near and dear to his heart. Your virtue is sacred to him, so don't get upset if he gets nervous. He will worry about hurting you, but do your best to comfort him.

Gavin is a very special man, and you are the greatest gift God ever gave him. You will have more children, and that is the most precious gift you can ever give God. Raise them to know God and he will guide you. You will be a wonderful mother. You may become pregnant tonight or maybe not for a year, but when it happens, you will love that baby as much as I love you."

I tried so hard not to cry.

"I love you so much," I said as I hugged her.

Chloe helped with my dress. It's white, of course, and a ball gown with a crystal bodice and sweetheart neckline. My hair is half up, and I'm wearing my mother's veil. It flowed down with silk accents. Gavin sent me diamond earrings and a necklace that matches my engagement ring.

Dad came back in for me, and when we lined up, Melissa straightened my dress she hugged me. "Welcome to our family, Kori. I love you like a sister, and I couldn't have hand-picked a better woman to share my child with." She wiped a tear from her eye.

Brenda was first, and I was able to talk Gavin into allowing Kellen to be a groomsman. He pushed Brenda down in her wheelchair first, then Stella with Patrick, and Chloe with Graham. In exchange for Kellen, I got Candace, who I insisted walk with Damien. My cousin Kathy was with Alex.

My dad stood proudly in his tux, while Father Mason waited for us at the altar.

Dad fought his tears as he walked me toward my future, and when Gavin came into my vision, my heart started pounding. He stood there next to Craig and Keegan with tears in his eyes. He smiled at me and mouthed the words "I love you."

I didn't take my eyes off him, It doesn't matter how hard I tried. He pulled on his tie and I almost laughed, but I mouthed it back.

Dad delivered me to my future husband and joined our hands. He said he gives this bride to her groom and sits down. Father starts our holy sacrament.

"Many of you who witnessed this two fall in love are probably wondering how we got here today. From what I heard, it unraveled very dramatically. Well, let me tell you all something about love.

Love comes in many shapes and sizes." He looks at my dad. "For some of us, it comes when a beautiful girl literally trips into your arms on your first day of college and she changes your life forever." He looks at me. "For some of us, it's when the cutest little blond toddler scrapes her knee and holds on to you for dear life as she cries." That's his memory of me. Then he looks at Gavin. "For others, it's when a beautiful young woman shows up for her first day of work in, and  I quote, a granny pantsuit his grandmother never would have worn." Everyone laughed.

"Then, it's how we accept that love. I knew a man once that gave up his entire life the way he knew it, to have a family with a clumsy blond that tripped into his arms." He looks at Dad, then back at us. "For others, it's intense and so scary we fight it, and it may look like we hate each other, but what lies beneath is beautiful. That's how we got here today folks. We are here to witness the peaceful," He eyes us with a warning and everyone laughs "union of, Gavin Hardwick and my very own goddaughter, Kori Heart."

He went on, and we said our vows.

Gavin put the ring on my finger first. "Kori, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

"Gavin, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

We took a seat at the altar while father prayed, and some of St. Theresa's sisters who helped raise me read from the bible.

We prayed to mother Mary, kneeling in front of her, then joined Father back at the altar.

"I am so proud to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Kori Heart."

I winked at Gavin. "What?" He laughed, and looked totally confused.

"Hey, she put me up to it," Father said, and everyone laughed.

"For real this time, Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Hardwick. You may kiss the bride, but don't forget her family is watching, Gavin." Everyone once again laughed. He kissed me, not like at peck on the lips. He really kissed me, and even dipped be back before picking me up, and carrying me down the aisle, he started heading to the car. "What are you doing?" I laughed.

"Getting you home and out of this dress."

I laughed. "We have a receiving line and reception yet, silly."

"Dammit." He said, and I kissed him again.

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