Your Choice

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Did he just ask me to have sex with him?

"I won't have sex with you until you're ready. I just want to have the night and all this weekend, then you can make a choice." His head leans against mine.

"What choice?" Wow, he's actually giving me the chance to decide something?

"If you'll commit to me, if you'll be mine and give me a chance at a future with you."

I looked in his eyes and saw honesty and something else I can't figure out. My brain says no, but my heart says yes.

"Okay," I whispered. He smiled and kissed me again.

"Come on, let's go to your apartment and get your stuff." He pulled on my hand.

"Wait, I have obligations here yet. My friends are waiting for me."

"Alright." He pecked my lips and held my hand as we walked back to the party.

Everyone said hello to Gavin but Brenda. She is still completely pissed at him. Hell, I'm still pissed at him. Firing anyone for no reason is hard to forgive, but I'll work on it. As he said, this is us outside of work.

He spoke with Brad and Stella pulled me aside.

"What's going on?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"He asked me to stay the weekend with him and get to know each other outside of work," I answered.

"Are you sure you're ready for such a big step. I mean sleeping with him?" She asked.

"He said it won't happen. H e wants me to give him the weekend, then make a choice if I want a relationship with him."

She crosses her arms. "I'm not sure, Kori. A whole weekend?"

I nodded.

"Well, you're a big girl now. I'm only a phone call away. Now, I have another question. Brad asked me to go for a drink with him. Will you be upset if I am interested in your boss?"

"Heck no, he's hot!" I laughed. "Have fun!" She hugged me and we joined the group.

"Chloe you did great tonight. We are all so proud of you." I gave her a hug, and she almost looked like she was going to blush. "Thanks again to all you girls."

I felt Gavin's hand in mine, and it's weird how a simple touch can make all the difference. I glanced over to see he was watching me, and I smiled.

"Kori, did you get some girl on girl action or what?" Graham laughed, and I used my free hand to punch his arm. "Shut up, Graham. I didn't even have to dance with a stranger."

"Yeah, but I'm sure you'll be the source for lots of wet dreams tonight." My jaw dropped, and Gavin's hand squeezed mine. I looked over and his jaw tightened.

"Graham, stop, or she won't ever forgive me." Chloe punched him for me.

"I'm heading out with Gavin. You kids have fun and behave. Don't call me for bail money, either." I stuck my tongue at them and pulled Gavin away.

He put his hand on the small of my back and glanced down at me and smiled. Okay, he can get away with it now, I guess.

When we walked out, he pulled his keys out and hit a button. I could see his car lights flash. "You drove yourself? That's a new one."

"I gave the entire staff the weekend off." He stopped walking and pulled me into him. "This was what I had planned for this weekend." He kissed me.

One hand still on my back and the other in my hair, he made me melt into him, then he pulled back. "Let's get your stuff."

We hopped into the car and he drove to my place in silence at first. Until he reached over and took my hand, lifting it up to his lips. I've never had anyone kiss my hand. I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder without saying a word.

"What should I pack?"

He stood in my living room when I threw makeup and contact solution in my bag.

"Whatever is comfortable. We won't be going out."

Just literally staying at his place?

I packed comfy clothes, one casual outfit, and one nice dress, just in case. Seeing my glasses on the nightstand, I just threw them on top my head and walked out where he grabbed my bag and ushered me out to his car.

A million things are rushing through my head while we drove. Where will I sleep? What will we do? What about privacy? My mind went on and on, then I thought about more kisses and found myself smiling.

"What's got you smiling?" He glanced at me then back to the road.

"Nothing." I sighed.

We pulled up to a magnificent home. I wonder if he lived here with Melissa. The landscaping was perfect, and I loved that the home was built from stone. There was a big H on top of the large wooden door, and when we entered, it took my breath away. I was greeted by a large double staircase with the most beautiful wood carvings. I could see the upstairs and high vaulted ceilings.

He sat my bag down. "Come on, I'll give you a tour."

He took my hand, and I was completely awestruck that only Gavin and Keegan live here, and it's so large.

He showed me the den, which had two levels of books, and again, more beautiful wood carvings. I ran my hand across the spines of the books and took in what will probably be the best room in the house. A large fireplace dominated the room, with two chairs and a couch. I can see myself reading until I fall asleep next to a crackling fire.

"You're home is so magnificent. Did you buy this with Melissa?"

He shook his head. "No, we've been here a little over a year. This was my grandparents home, and it was left to me when my grandmother passed. It's over the top, but I've had some great memories here and couldn't let it go. I figure someday I'll fill it full of family again."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the dining room that was even bigger than the den, then to the kitchen which was state of the art, to say the least. So far, every single room has a fireplace.

Then he showed me the ballroom, and that's when I gasped. Absolutely beautiful.

"Here's one of my favorite parts. I'll save my favorite for later." He led me down a hall, and I started smelling chlorine. When he opened the door, I couldn't believe it. An indoor pool, then off to the right, a glass room that's a gym, but had tiny little apparatuses for Keegan. "We work out here together."

On the other side, was a garden room like a greenhouse, which housed some of the most beautiful flowers I've ever imagined. "My grandmother would sit here reading for hours. This was by far her favorite spot."

He walked over and hit a switch, and the softest music started playing and the lights dimmed. He pulled me into his arms and we started swaying to the music. "I wanted to show you this, because I thought it would show you the better side of me."

I just looked in his eyes, when he nodded toward something behind me and I finally saw what he wanted me to see. A statue of Mary holding Jesus and they're looking down at us.

He again took my hand and led me to a movie room. "I had this put in before we moved here so Keegan can watch his favorite Marvel movies on the big screen."

His eyes light up when he speaks about his son.

"Now, I'll show you my most favorite room in the house."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora