The Man I Married

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"I'm not sure why you would want to know that kind of stuff."  He said.

"I didn't have experiences.  Not that I regret it, but you touch me and do things to my body I didn't know was possible." I said.

"You proved tonight it's not about experience.  What we share between us is something neither of us has shared with anyone else.  Angel, you have exceeded every single past experience.  You also have succeeded to fulfill every single dream I have ever had about sex.  So that other stuff is nothing." He answered.

"I just want to know.  Please say you'll do your best to answer."

"Fine, I'll try." He doesn't seem very convincing.

"Okay, how old were you when you lost your virginity?" Pretty easy question, right? Wrong!

"I don't know about this, Kori."

I gave him a stern look.

"Fine, I was 14."

My jaw dropped.  "You were a baby!  Who was it?"

"You don't want to know." He answered.

He just stared at me and my heart sunk.

"Ugh, Claudia."  I guessed.

"See, this isn't productive."

"Yes, it is.  Okay, how many sexual partners have you had?" I asked.

"I draw the line there, Kori.  You already said you once lost your respect for me." He wasn't budging.

"I have to know.  Let me guess and you tell me if I'm close."

"Not a good idea." He stopped rubbing my back.

"I deserve to know.  You're my husband and we've had sex.  It's important to me, and I need to have an idea what number I am."

"You're 1 Kori.  The only one I ever connected with, and the only one that matters."

"You're not being fair." 

"Dammit." He said.

"Fine, at least try to let me guess."


See, who gets what they want?  Me, I do.


"Fuck, no."



"Okay.  50?"

He thought about it.

"I don't know my number."  He admitted.

"How can you not know?"

"I just don't, but it sure as hell isn't 100."  He snapped.

"Well, I'm almost 30 and I started at 14.  So 15 years, and in college I lost count.  The majority was back then before Melissa.  I'm going with 40."


"Have you ever gotten anyone other than Melissa pregnant?"

He cleared his throat.  "That's a sore subject, Kori."

My entire body went numb.  I guess I have my answer.

"Tell me, this I have every right to know."  I'm pissed, I should have known this shit.

"Yes, I have.  I hate this Kori.  Can we please stop?"

"No Gavin! You should have told me this, dammit!"

"I knew this was a bad idea.  It was never born alive, Kori. I lost a child."

"What?  Who with?" 

"One of the reasons I have an insane need to take care of Claudia is because our baby girl died.  It wasn't an abortion or a miscarriage.  She had Emma who was stillborn at 8 months. We were 19 when it happened and her family blamed her, but it was because of the umbilical cord, it wasn't her fault or mine.  Can we please be done now? I'm exhausted."

"I'm so sorry, Gavin.  I'm a real asshole." I started to cry.

He lifted my head by my chin.  "You didn't know and you're right, I should have told you.  She is vindictive and she went after you, trying to destroy our wedding day.  You deserve to know everything about me,  including why I've allowed Claudia to fuck with my life along with yours, Keegan, and Melissa's.  That was unfair of me."

"But your poor baby girl.  That's so terrible, and my heart now breaks for both you and Claudia." I said, and he wiped my tear away.

"They say things happen for a reason.  I've felt so much pain for a decade now, and I never found peace until I met you. God may have one of my Angel's,  but he sent me one of his own.  Emma looked like an angel.  She never got to know me or her mother, she looked absolutely perfect.  I held her, grieved for her and for Claudia, but her mother is now out of control.  Claudia was underhanded when she got pregnant with Emma. She stopped her birth control on purpose, without my knowledge, and that poor baby paid the ultimate price."

I can't even begin to process how many things are wrong with that his statement.  Why would he keep up the sexual relationship after Emma died? Did he not think Claudia bonded with him at a deep level after Emma? Fuck, he strung her along for years! No wonder she's having mental breakdowns.  The other is the fact that she's pregnant now.  Was she underhanded again? Is that baby Gavin's? I will not voice these concerns tonight, but they sure as hell will be swimming around in my mind.  What else don't I know about the man I married?

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