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There was a knock on the door, so Gavin answered it and our breakfast was brought in the room. My stomach was so grateful for the nutrition after last night's binge.

He pulled me back into his lap, and we fed each other while getting a little messy with the syrup. When we were done, he stopped me from walking away and pulled on the belt of my robe. I stood in front of him while he opened my robe and exposed me to him.

"My God, Kori. It's like you grow even more beautiful every time I see you." His hand cupped my breast, then his thumb ran over my nipple.

My robe fell around my feet and his hand traveled down my stomach, then he looked up at me. "Are you sore or anything?"

I shook my head no. "I think you've broken me in."

He stood up and pulled me toward the bed. "That just means I haven't been doing it enough."

He backed me into the bed and I fell back into the mattress, then I closed my eyes when he slipped off his sweats.

He crawled on top of me and kissed me while he slipped a finger inside me and massaged my walls.

He takes his hand away and slides inside me, then stills. "I'll never get used to how good you feel." He kissed me, and slid in and out of me slowly.

He propped himself up on his elbow and reached for my hand. "I want you to feel something."

He slid my hand down between us, and I can feel his hardness. He's partially inside me. I gasped. "That huge thing is inside of me?" I panicked for a moment, and he laughed. "Thanks, but I'm not sure it's that huge." He tries to be modest. "This is us as one. When I'm inside you, we no longer are two."

His hand is still on mine. "Now feel this, you do know what this is for, right?" He puts my fingers on what I call my nub. "Peeing?"

He busted out laughing. That slight movement even felt good. "No, massage it for a second." He pulled out and pushed back in a few times while he helped me massage it. I shut my eyes. "Oh god," I said, and he gave me a hard thrust. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "We aren't done. Holy shit, okay, wrap your hand around me." He helps me do what he said, and it was really wet. "Keep your hand loose."

He pulls out of me and I'm holding him in my hand. He started moving my hand up and down his length. "Christ, even your hand feels good."

I started moving my hand on my own, and he pulled his hand away. "That feels so good." He said. I enjoyed touching him and making him react to my touch.

I moved my hand and he slammed inside me. "The lesson is over." He grunted out.

He lifted my legs and put my ankles over his shoulder as he pounded me. He's so deep and he's stretching me to my limit.

He stopped. "I need a second or I'm going to come." He took a few deep breaths, then pushed my legs off and started thrusting again. He rolled us over so I'm on top and he sat up, lifting me up and down on him while looking in my eyes. "So beautiful." He moaned out.

Finally, he guided my hips back and forth, and the friction jolted me into my own world. "Now" I screamed out and threw my head back.

"Kori, holy...oh my god!"

"Gavin, I love you! "

His body tightened and his jaw dropped. "So intense!" he cried out as he exploded inside me. His body jerked and he relaxed.

"That was a big one, so don't be surprised if you're pregnant." He laughed, and I know it was just a joke.

"Tom text me last night and wants me to meet him about an investment. This morning I made you an appointment with a stylist at a boutique right next door to the café Tom will be meeting me. I gave her a minimum and told her that I wanted you to have a whole wardrobe from Paris. Don't fight me on this, Kori. You don't get designer clothes from Paris often. I also told her you need winter and summer along with at least five ball gowns. There will be a lot of them when we get home because of the holidays."

Control freak.

"What?" He laughed.

"Did I say that out loud?"


"Oops," I said, and he just laughed and smacked my bare ass.

"Let's get ready." He hopped up, and I avoided his nudity.

"I'm going to take another shower." I took the sheet with me and ran to the bathroom to get ready.

We arrived at the boutique, and he handed the girl his credit card and pecked my lips. "Don't look at price tags. If we go to the pub across the street I'll text you." He pauses as he went to walk away. "I'll come over and help you cross the street." I just laughed. Probably isn't a bad idea.

It felt like hours that I was trying on gowns, dresses, pants, coats, shirts, lingerie, bathing suits, shoe boots, nightgowns, and she even tested jewelry next to my skin and beautiful crystal hairpins. She had me pick out perfumes, creams, and even makeup and new luggage set Gavin told her I would need for this trip. I would not be surprised if we just spent more than a year's worth of my salary. Maybe two years.

She handed back his card, and I put it into my wallet and said my purchases would be delivered to the hotel. I caught a glimpse of the total and it turned my stomach. That could have fed a small country of starving children well into their adulthood.

I was surprised to find him still at the café, but they were finishing up when I arrived, so we ordered a late lunch.

We played tourist for the rest of the day. I saw the Eiffel tower, the Louvre Museum, and Notre Dame. I'm in love with Paris.

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now