Pizza Night

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By my first week at Infinity, I was actually proud of the productive work I have done. Although, I must say, I have noticed it is rough trying to work and help with Keegan, and that's with a nanny. He has several therapy appointments throughout the week, and Gavin has done a great job keeping up. I guess he's used it, but I wonder what it was like for him before we got married.  We have been married for over a month now, and everyday just keeps getting better.

Yesterday, he had a meeting and Nina called in sick. Somebody had to be at the school when it let out. It's not Melissa's week and, really, she needs the rest. The only option was Gavin canceling or me. So, I steppd up and took care of it, I would do anything for my two guys.

Then, on Tuesday, he had to have vaccinations and Gavin took him, but for some reason or another, he screamed for me or Melissa. When I got there, the poor little man was shaking and crying. He jumped into my arms and took those vaccines like a champ.

The next day, he woke up with small welts. There we were again, at the doctor's office. I ended up working late nearly every night to make up for the time lost, so I have barely seen Gavin.

When I agreed to marry my husband, I agreed to everything and everyone that came with him. I want this role, and even if it's two weeks out of the month, I want to be there for Gavin and Keegan. His fear is that I'll be too helpful during Melissa's time and be busy every week. He has adjusted to seeing our munchkin only 14 days a month, but the little man grew on me.

The day he climbed into my arms for those shots and I was able to calm him, told me I want to be a mother. No doubts, but our careers are at a very sensitive point. He is looked at closely by the board because he is young and I just got this position. If we have more children, one of us will have to sacrifice. Gavin has his family legacy on his shoulders, where I'm just an employee. Someone who is replaceable.

It's Friday, and I promised myself and Keegan I would be home by four to eat dinner with him. He likes to help me in the kitchen. Tonight he goes back to Melissa, and I just want to spend a little extra time with him since Gavin had to fly out to New York this morning. He's due back in town by eight, but Keegan will already be gone. I have other things to take care of anyways.

As soon as I walked in the door, I heard Keegan calling for me. "Kori! In the kitchen!" I walked in and he moves so quickly on those crutches. The therapy is really helping him a lot.

"Hi, buddy! Are you ready to make some homemade pizza?"

"Yeah!" I got a big hug before I grabbed his stool and lifted him up.

We made the dough first so it could rise, then he watched as I made the sauce.

"How many more days until school let's out?" I asked.

He only goes half days to a preschool program at a private school.


"Yay! Then you'll be back next week and it's time for Christmas. Are you ready?"


"Do you think you've been a good boy?"

"Yeah! Mommy said I'm the best boy!" I had to laugh. How can anyone be so cute?

"She's right. You've been really nice to me and let me be your family."

"That was easy fun!" He said

"Do you mean the wedding?" I asked.

"Yep, GiGi did a funny dance and Uncle Patrick tried to rough house. It was funny." He said.

"I guess I'm glad somebody had fun," I answered.

"You made the mean lady go away and now we're a real family. Even Mommy and Daddy are nice to each other." I love this kid. I gave him a kiss on top his head, then kneeled down to his level.

"Keegan, anything is possible when you love someone. Your Mommy and Daddy care about each other, but were hurt and didn't know how to function together. You are the reason they like each other again. The love they have for you is very powerful."

He smiled. "I am a pretty awesome kid."

Like father like son.

I stood back up and cut vegetables.

"You are, and since you're such a good kid, I think you might like what I have planned when you come back."

I peered down at him and he just smiled at me.

So damn cute! Mini Gavin.

"We have to go shopping for Christmas, but it's not for us. It's for the kids at the drop-in center. Santa's elves are so busy, so can you believe he asked us to buy toys and wrap them for him to deliver?"

His eyes about popped out of his head.

"Are you kidding me?" He yelled.

"No, I'm not! Next Saturday, you and I are going on a major shopping spree and we will be honorary elves."

"Are you kidding me?" He asked again.

I laughed. "I'm not! We might need a truck to get it all back here so we can wrap them. Oh, and we need to figure out what to get your dad."

"Daddy said he already has everything he needs." He started playing with the dough.

"I'm pretty sure we can come up with a few ideas."

I heard the front door. "Mommy!" He turned in his stool. "You're early" he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Keegan, I asked your mom to have dinner with us." I said, and he smiled.


"Well, yeah. Why not?"

Melissa laughed. "He's used to war between his dad and me." She hugged and kissed Keegan, then walked over and hugged me.

"Marriage and motherhood suits you." She kissed my cheek.

"Well look at you, you're glowing." I said.

"Mommy has a baby in her belly," Keegan said.

"You're going to be a big brother. That's a big job!" I said.

Keegan just nodded, then told Melissa about being an elf.  We ate, and Melissa helped me clean up while Keegan packed away his toys in the movie room.

"You're not going to believe what Gavin did." She looks like she had a tear in her eye.

Oh, God. What now?

"I got flowers delivered to my office with a note that said he was sorry about Claudia and not seeing the truth sooner. He thanked me for giving him Keegan and for nurturing your relationship with him. He even thanked me for being an incredible mom. Kori, what happened to him?" She asked.

I shook my head. "You'll have to ask him. I just told him if I was going to be in this relationship he would have to deal with us being friends. With or without the boys I genuinely like you, and you're someone I would have in my life if I met you a different way."

"Wow, I hate these pregnancy hormones." She fanned her face as the tears flow down her face.

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