Keegan Hardwick

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At 5 on the dot, Patrick was at my office door.  "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, just let me check in with your brother to see if I need to do anything else." 

He followed me to the boss's office.  "Do you need anything before I go?" 

He shook his head.  "No, have a nice dinner.  I'm about to head out anyways."

"Dad!" I heard a little voice, and I turned around.  My heart swelled when I saw the miniature version of Gavin.  He was walking with crutches, and Gavins face lit up as he stood.  "Keegan, what are you doing here?"  He bent down and picked the little boy up.

"I'm with, Mom." He pointed behind me, and there she stood in all of her glory.

I tried to duck out of his office, but I was stopped.  "Daddy, she's pretty."

Okay, he already won me over. 

"Hi, I'm Kori."  I shook his little hand.

"Do you work with Daddy?" He asked.

"I work for your daddy."

"Uncle Patrick!" Gavin put him down, and he made his way to his uncle who picked him up.  "How are you, buddy?"

I was interrupted watching the two interact by Melissa.  "I see the two of you haven't massacred each other."

"Hi, Melissa.  No, but it came pretty close earlier." 

She laughed.  "I've heard you've had some pretty bad blow-ups  This is good for you, Gavin."

"Umm...Kori, our reservation is pretty soon."  Patrick spoke up.

"Oh, right.  It was a pleasure seeing you again, Melissa.  Keegan, it was great to meet you."

"You too!  Is Uncle Craig here?" I shrugged my shoulders. 

they let children around that man?

"Well, I'll see you all later."

We walked away and I heard Melissa.  "So, she's interested in your little brother.  I must say she's a keeper, Gavin."

Patrick pushed the button to the elevator.  "Ignore her, shes the devil in disguise."

"She doesn't seem that bad."

We stepped on the elevator and the doors shut.

"Keegan has Cerebral Palsy because she gave birth at home. He came too fast to get to the hospital and there were complications.  It was actually Jefferson that delivered him.  A few months later, Gavin went home early, and she was in bed with another man while poor Keegan slept in a bassinet just a few feet away." I gasped.

"Wow!  Poor Gavin.  How long were they married?"

"A year, he only married her because she was pregnant.  They had only been together a short while when they found out she was expecting.  Now, Gavin is no saint, don't let him fool you, but he never would have cheated.  He filed for an annulment the next day, and for almost four years, she's made his life hell.  She wants him back, but obviously he doesn't love her, and this is best for Keegan."

By the time he was done giving me the scoop, he had his car door open and I was sliding into the passenger seat.

"So, what do you think of my brother?"  He asks as he backs out of his parking spot. 

"Well, half the time I want to punch his face, and the other half, he's kind and funny. I don't know if I've known him long enough to form an opinion."

"He's possessive." He says.

I snorted. "Yeah, of his employees, too.  I learned that on my first day." 

He just looked at me and smiled.


He shook his head.  "Nothing. Do you like Thai food?"  He asks.


We sat through a pleasant dinner, and he had me home before nine.  Unfortunately, I was greeted by a visitor sitting on my step.


"I've been waiting forever." His eyes shifted to Patrick.  "Patrick, it's good to see you." They shook hands.

"How do you know Kori?" Patrick seems suspicious of Kellen.

"Close friends.  I'm aware she works with you, but where's your car, Kori?"

"It broke down on me this morning.  Stella got home today, why didn't you go in?"

"I wanted to talk to you alone." He looked over at Patrick.

"Thanks for having dinner with me tonight, Kori.  Do you need a ride tomorrow?" 

"Thanks, Patrick, but I have it handled.  Thanks for dinner and the ride."

He kissed my cheek and left, and the look Kellen gave him actually pissed me off.

"I'll get you to work tomorrow, I don't want you taking the bus."

"No, I'm fine, Kellen."

"I won't take no for an answer."

"Then you're out of luck, Kellen.  I think enough has happened lately and it's not a good idea."

He sighed.  "Don't let this ruin our friendship.  I understand you didn't like the kiss, so we won't speak of it again.  I don't want that to ruin our friendship."

Now I feel like shit.

"That sounds great, because I do value our friendship."  I hugged him.

"Want to come see Stella?"

"No, I came to see you.  Will I see you on Saturday night?"  He asked.

I laughed.  "I'll have to check Hardwick's schedule, but if I'm free I'll be there." 

When I walked into my apartment, I was literally almost attacked by Stella.  "Tell me everything!" 

I gave her a weird look.  "About what?"

"Your boss, that hottie that dropped you off, and Kellen!"

"Tell me how your mom is first."

"She's fine.  New boyfriend, the usual.  Now, tell me the juicy stuff."

I told her what happened the last we talked, and she listened like a child being told an exciting night time story.

"So you hated the kiss?"

"God, please tell me they're not all like that, because it was gross and like kissing my brother."

"Kellen is actually a great kisser, so I'm surprised you didn't like it."

"I felt absolutely nothing.  Is there something wrong with me?"  I asked.

"No, but when you think about kissing someone, who pops up in your mind?"

Gavin, dammit!

"I'm drawing a blank."

"What about this Patrick, or Quinn?"
I shook my head.  "Nothing."

"There's nothing wrong. I'm sure it's just because you didn't want to and felt pressured."  She squeezed my hand.  "You've gone from the most boring person, to the most exciting.  I told you dressing better and having more confidence would change your life."

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