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I am so angry and confused. I slept in bed all by myself and there's not even been a text from Gavin. I looked in the garage and his Porsche is still gone.

I tried to call again and sent another text, but heard nothing. It's Saturday, and he was supposed to be off work all weekend. None of this makes any sense.

I tried to call Jefferson and got no answer. The staff was given the weekend off, so there's nobody to ask if he ever came home.

I had to run out to a Saturday Mass, so I decided to drive by the office to see if he's at work. There's no sign of the Porsche.

As I went by 12th street, I think I'm seeing the Porsche, so I drive by slowly, but I can't see anything. The car is sitting in front of a diner, so I parked my car and walked up toward the restaurant and I could see him through the window. There my husband sat, eating with none other than Claudia.

I can't believe what I'm seeing, and I guess I know where he was last night. I backed away slowly and narrowly missed a speeding car and the horn blasted. Gavin looked up and saw me, so I ran. Ran straight to my car and tore out of there so quickly, that I don't even know if he came out after me.

Once I knew I was far enough away, I pulled the car over and cried. I guess I'm just like his mother.

My phone was silent and he didn't even try to reach out to me. I know he saw me, because we made eye contact. Although tears poured down my eyes and I was visibly shaking, I pulled myself together and went to mass.

I prayed for our marriage and our baby. My mind couldn't focus on my father, when all I could think about was our little family. Poor Keegan, and what about this life that's growing inside me?

I went through the motions, and when it was over, I canceled with Brenda. Seeing Kellen is the last thing I need, so I called Stella. I couldn't bring myself to tell her when she is with Brad, so I played it off like I was just checking in.

Well, home it is, and I'll lock myself into my room. Not that I believe he is coming home. As soon as I got there, I ran straight to my room and locked the door. The house was still and quiet.

We lasted three weeks. He lasted three weeks, before running back to Claudia, even after everything she did, I come in last. Hell, I'm not sure where I come in, but I know it certainly isn't in the top two.

I changed into comfortable clothes and curled up into bed and cried. I'm useless and completely shattered. Then a thought entered my mind and I called Brad.

Two hours later and I'm boarding a flight to Birmingham. My phone still hasn't rung, but why does that matter? It isn't like he cares.

I rented a car at the airport and ended up at my grandmother's doorstep.


"Oh, Grandma." I practically fell into her arms.

I told her everything, and she just held me.

"Sweetie, living or not, they do have a child together. When people grieve, they suffer through the holidays. Go home and demand he speaks with you." She advises.

"I tried to do that, but he wouldn't accept my calls. When I did see him, he was in the diner having breakfast with Claudia."

She put her hand on mine. "He may have a good reason to be there, so just let him explain."

I was exhausted and headed to bed. I woke to Grandpa playing his horn. That man is always into something. My grandparents don't travel, they haven't left this town pretty much their whole lives. They came in for Moms funeral, but never returned. When I was twelve, I started spending my summers with them, and I loved when they would tell me stories about my Mom's childhood. My Grandma and I speak weekly, but it's so much better to see her in person.

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