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"I might be innocent, but I'm not that much of a prude.  You seriously feel guilty because I'm a virgin and was a few doors down?" 

He sighed and took a very long swig of the whiskey, then handed it to me.

"You really have your masters degree, huh?" 

I looked back at him and smiled.  "You changed the subject.  Please don't ever feel like you have to be that careful around me.  If you knew my roommate, you'd know I'm quite used to people having relations when I'm around."  I said.

"Well, for what it's worth, things didn't work the way they should, so just remember that later when you figure out what I'm trying to tell you."  He chuckled.

Oh...that sucks for him, I guess.

I took another swig and handed it back to him.

I'm feeling pretty good now.  I'm almost warm, and the whiskey doesn't hurt.

"You mean someday when I have sex?  If it's anything like my first kiss, I probably won't like it.  Besides, it all sounds dirty and actually pretty messy."  He laughed before kissing my head AGAIN!

"You're literally the definition of precious."  He laughed.

"No, really, I mean it."  I was serious.

"Look at me, Kori."  I turned my head and looked at him.

"Your first time will be beautiful as long as you're with the right man.  As far as it being messy, I guess it can be, but it's worth it, I promise."  He rubbed my bare arm, and I shivered again.

"It must be getting cold again."  I could feel my goosebumps. Stop it, dammit, he's just being nice.

He chuckled.  "No, I don't think that's what it is, Kori.  I'm giving you the creeps again." 

"Does it hurt? Sex, I mean?"

He cleared his throat.  "Well, not for the guy. For the woman, I guess so, but only the first time, and I guess for just a few minutes, but then it feels nice.  Well, unless you're into the BDSM stuff."

Oh, Fifty Shades.

Another swig won't hurt anything.

I hopped up.  "We should move the couch over here so it's more comfortable." 

He quickly turned his head.  "Kori, you forgot the blanket."


"Sorry.  So, can we move this thing or not?" 

He gulped.  "Sure"

He turned around, and I heard him mutter under his breath.  "Holy shit."

Upon looking at me, he closed his eyes.  "You're slowly killing me, Kori." 

He threw the blanket up on the couch and helped me move it closer to the fireplace. 

"You don't have much alcohol tolerance do you?"

"Nope."  I giggled.

We laid back on the couch, and my side sat against the worst place possible, while I laid my head on his chest and brushed my fingers back and forth on his skin, watching his chest move up and down.

"I had lunch with Melissa today." 

He groaned.

"I guess we both had a bad day."  He answered.

"She was actually nice.  She said she met someone and is ready to move on." 

"So, I've finally got my freedom back. Why did she choose to tell you over me?"

"She had some silly belief that you're into me."  I laughed.

He wiggled around.  "What if I was?"

"Then I'd say you have a funny way of showing it." I snorted. 

He ran his fingers through my hair.  "I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings.  You deserve to be treated better."

I yawned.  "You're comfortable to lay on." I'm starting to doze off.

"Get some sleep."  He kissed my head, and that's the last thing I remember.

I woke at the crack of dawn with my boss under my nearly naked body.  He was still asleep, so I attempted to tiptoe over and put my dress over me, but my first step shot pain up my leg.

When I looked down, I was mortified to see how black and blue it was, not to mention the swelling.  I hopped over and put my dress on as quickly as possible and grabbed my bag.  I had a compact, so I quickly fixed my face and brushed my hair.  Not so lucky with my bloodshot red eyes from sleeping in my contacts. 

I fixed my bandage on my ankle, then took the one-off my knee and reapplied the ointment and put on a new band-aid. 

It was freezing, so I restarted the fire with the last few remaining tiny logs and looked for my cell phone, powering it back on.

I was glad to see I had 20% remaining charge and I had service, so I called a tow truck after hopping outside, while being careful not to wake the sleeping bear of a man on the couch. 

I sat back and watched as he slept, still feeling the rush of adrenaline from what he told me last night.  I'm not always as naive as people think, but at times it does play in my favor.  My boss is falling in love with me. 

He had a scrape on his face, I'm guessing from the steering wheel, so I grabbed the ointment and start putting it on him, when he grabbed my hand.  "What are you doing, Kori?"

"You have a scrape, so hold still."  He sat there without opening his eyes once.  I then heard the beeping sound of the tow truck.  "What's that?"  He opened his eyes.

"That sir, would be your car.  I called for a tow about an hour ago."

I hopped up and grabbed my purse.  "I'll be right back." I hopped toward the door.

"Kori, wait." 

"No, you just get dressed while I'm outside, and I'll check the condition of your car."

I walked out and saw what seemed to be damage on the front end.

"It's still drivable ma'am, but it'll need some TLC when you get back to town."

"Will it make it to Chicago?" I asked.

"Yeah, that won't be a problem.  It seems to be more cosmetic than mechanical."

I handed him my credit card and the transaction was quick, so I knocked on the door and he said it was okay to enter. 

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now