Lady of the House

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"Welcome home!" Stella jumped up and down.  "Oh my God,  you look like a different woman!" 

I laughed.  "I've been on the beach, so of course I look different." 

She hugged me and barely let go until I had to pry her off me.  "Did Chloe get settled in okay?" I asked, since Chloe wanted a change and moved in with Stella after the wedding.

"Yes, but she is in San Francisco for work this week.  She and Graham are all hot and heavy now, but we will talk about that later.  I want to hear about the honeymoon."  She took a sip of her coffee.  Being in this café with my best friend feels familiar, and with so many changes lately, familiar feels good.

"Paris was beautiful."  I went on and told her about meeting Gavin's friends, leaving out anything about Luke.  Then told her about Columbia.

"That's all hunky dory, but I want to know about the sex!" She smiled ear to ear. 

"It was wonderful and life-changing, but I'm not going into details."  I laughed.

"Fine, but at least tell me he's a good lay.  I couldn't imagine marrying someone and not sleeping with them first."  She's too curious.

"Like I said, it was wonderful.  Amazing to be honest, and Gavin seems happy."  I answered.

It is true.  The last few days of our honeymoon we did almost nothing else.  It feels strange not having him with me now.  We've spent every moment together for days, and now he's suddenly not with me.

"That's wonderful, was it like a once a day sort of thing?"

I snorted.  "More like a 5 to 10 times a day thing." 

Her eyes lit up.  "Then it was amazing! I'm so happy for you!" 

"Thanks, so now I want the scoop.  I still don't know what all happened at the reception."

"Are you sure you want to know?" She gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Everything, so spill it," I said.

"Well, as you know, Gavin beat the shit out of your DJ.  The guy was a prick and refused to turn off the video.  At the end of the video, it accused him of having Claudia knocked up.  Then Kellen freaked out and started screaming he was the better man and you deserved better.  Patrick took one hell of a punch, so he must really love his brother.  Brenda was beside herself, but has forgiven him since. 

At the end of the video, there was a photo of Claudia and Candace saying they're BFF's, or some shit, and Chloe about pulled Candace's hair out.

Then, Gavin's grandma accused Brad of being an incredible lover and grabbed his junk, before hopping on stage and trying to give us a burlesque dance."

"Geesh, do you think his step-sister really helped Claudia?" I asked.

"Yes, and Gavin's dad tore into his wife.  I'm not sure what happened there, but it sounds like his marriage is on the rocks."

"Wow, so much for peaceful family gatherings," I commented.

"I don't envy Gavin, that's for sure." She said.

"Tell me about Brad."

Her eyes lit up.  "We are official and it's so intense. He's from a different world than me and it's difficult to adjust, but Kori, I think I love him."


"Stella, in love?" I laughed.  "This is wonderful!  What are you doing about the long distance thing?" I asked.

"He either flies here, or he sends his jet for me on the weekends."

I grinned. "Hows the sex?" I looked down and probably blushed.

"Nothing in my life has ever compared.  He is a god, Kori!  I mean, mind-blowing sex and his stamina is outrageous."

Welcome to my world.

"Chloe and Graham are getting serious?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he will be ring shopping soon, if he hasn't already."  She answered.

"That's great. So how is Brenda's recovery?  I made plans to go see her tomorrow after Mass."

"She is walking, but it's a struggle. She's really making strides, and Kellen hasn't left her side.  He's the one I'm worried about, because he's drinking a lot.  We all tried to talk sense into him.  He feels so guilty about that night, and he's still pissed about you and Gavin.  He doesn't show it in front of Brenda, and that upsets me.  It's like he's keeping secrets and not being honest with her."


We talked for another hour before I went back home.  Melissa dropped Kegan off and I'm late getting back, so I didn't get to see her, unfortunately.

"Kathryn, have you seen Gavin and Keegan?" Our cook usually knows where we are in this big house.

"Yes, they're in the gym.  Since you're here, what time would you like dinner served?"

She asks me?

"When do you usually serve it?" I asked.

"You are now the lady of the house, so I must take my orders from you, but usually Gavin likes it at 6 when Keegan is home."

"Well, 6 it is then." I smiled, and walked away.

When I got to the gym, I was greeted by an adorable sight.  Gavin had Nirvana playing and doing pushups, while Keegan sat on his back.

"Kori!  Look, I'm daddy's workout buddy!"

"I see that, and I'm sure you're the best workout buddy ever."

"You're not too bad yourself, Mrs. Hardwick,"  Gavin said, and winked at me as he got up and went to the bars.  I laughed as Keegan rode his legs while Gavin did pull-ups.

His tiny little body wrapped around my husband's legs, and Keegan knows how detrimental he is to Gavin's workout. 

These two guys are the best thing to ever happen to me.  Gavin is an amazing father, and that little boy is the happiest kid I know.  Funny how this family has so much money, but they see the value in things that cannot be bought.

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