Kori Heart

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Melissa brought Keegan to the penthouse and Stella stayed with me, since Brad had to get back to New York.

Brad has gone above and beyond for me, and even sent someone from New York to run the office while I recover. I've not worked much because of the honeymoon and now this recovery.

I thought telling Keegan that I couldn't do the Christmas elf thing for the center would be hard, but Melissa volunteered to do it for me. Melissa wanted me to move into her place, but I need to start separating myself from Keegan. I don't feel it would be good to prolong the inevitable. Melissa will always be my friend, but I won't be Keegan's stepmom.

I only knew about my baby for three days, but I was already in love. I feel empty, and so do my arms. I should be enjoying pregnancy, but instead, I'm enduring loss. I know Gavin didn't kill our baby and it was my fault for not watching the road, but under normal circumstances, I would have never tried to use my cell and drive. I was so scared the fall had taken my baby, that I managed to kill it myself.

I've never hated anyone in my life. Yes, my mother was murdered, but I was raised to rise above hatred, but at this moment, I have no control over my emotions. I hate Claudia with every ounce of my being. I also hate myself for still loving Gavin. I can't hate him and it pisses me off. I have no answers.

Why he didn't come home and why was he was with her?  I'd rather live without answers, than to have to look at Gavin, and I also shut out his family too, because I don't know who to trust anymore. All I know is that I trust my friends and my family. I cannot trust anyone associated with Gavin, other than Melissa and Keegan.

When Melissa and Keegan, left I broke down and Stella gave me a pain pill. I welcomed sleep, the escape from reality was my only mode of survival at this point.

A few days later, Stella went to New York upon my request. I can't have her putting her life on hold. Before she left, she set my new cell phone up and made sure I had everything I needed. Brad had someone stop by every day to make sure I had everything I needed.

A few days turned into a few weeks, and weeks turned into months. Brad decided to make the penthouse a perk of the job, and since he owns the building, he just moved his belongings to another suite.

Gavin never filed for the annulment, so I had to do it myself. For months now, my lawyer has worked on it. Gavin refuses to agree to it, so we have to wait for a hearing. I dread seeing him, and I've managed to hide from him at first, then when he found out where I lived, security wouldn't let him up, same with the security at my office.

It's now June, and I'm kicking ass at Infinity. My career is going perfectly, and slowly my body healed. Emotionally, the pain eased, and I believe that's just because I had not seen Gavin. Nobody brings him up to me upon my request. I'm sure Claudia has given birth to Gavin's child, so the sooner this annulment happens, the better. They can get married and stop hurting people that come into their lives.

I cut up Gavin's credit card months ago. My salary at infinity gave me more than I need, so I still help the church and have plenty left to live a comfortable life.

I replaced my car, and all the clothing Gavin bought went to charity. Chloe loved helping me refill my closet. Brenda went back to work and is recovered, but I do not allow her to speak of him. I don't want to know anything. It would be too painful to hear about his new baby.

Stella talked me into a girls trip. Melissa just had Madelyn, so she's on maternity leave and is unable to go, so it was just Stella, Brenda, Chloe, and myself. A whole week away from Chicago will be spent in Greece. Brad lent us his jet and his assistant found us a beautiful resort, but before I go, there is one last thing to do. Go to the hearing and get my annulment.

I've already started the annulment through the church, but that was only to satisfy my father and could take years, but I don't need the Church's approval to move on. I'm not as devout as Gavin's mom, and I refuse to live the way she does.

Stella went with me, and we met my lawyer at the courthouse. Thankfully, Gavin ran late, so I didn't have to risk him approaching me. Seeing him again only made things harder. My lawyer said there was no way to avoid seeing him.

He looks terrible, like he has lost weight and he looks exhausted, but I've heard having a baby would do that to you. I do hope the baby is okay and had a better chance at life than Emma, I pray for the baby. It's unfair to blame an innocent child.

My lawyer presented the evidence. It didn't take long. Craig presented Gavin's and that took a while.

I started to feel sick as Craig defended him. Apparently, the original paternity test was a sham, but Gavin did allow Claudia to live in his home. My lawyer pointed out what Craig said about the fact she is still under his roof. Is it a surprise that Gavin once again fell for one of Claudia's tricks? Not at all.

A letter was taken as evidence. A letter that said it was all my doing, but Gavin was able to prove days after he left me for Claudia that I did not write the letter. Yet, he still stayed with her saying he thought someone was setting me up, but it wasn't Claudia. Does anyone else call bullshit?

The DNA submitted wasn't Keegans. Who tests a 5-year-old to establish paternity for an unborn child? I'm pretty sure she never had the amniocentesis, lying bitch. Asshole Craig tried to claim the loss of my virginity on our wedding night was a consummation and our marriage is legally binding. Gavin shot him the look of death, so I know that wasn't what Gavin approved to present. He said that if I met with Gavin alone and still wanted the annulment, he would sign off on it, my lawyer shot him down.

In the end, the baby girl was born and Gavin demanded a paternity test. The baby was never his all along, and she is still living in his house!

Both sides rested and the judge spoke.

"I have sat through many of these hearings and I have never heard such a sad story. Mrs. Hardwick has endured more than her fair share of torment. This should have ended years ago, Mr. Hardwick. Long before you married this lovely woman. You strung the other woman on for years after losing one child, now you've lost another, which I must say I hope you realize is a tragedy. All caused by your poor judgment.

Mrs. Hardwick, you have my deepest condolences on the loss of your child. There is no greater pain than losing a child, which Mr. Hardwick should have understood more than anyone. I applaud you for standing against even your own religious beliefs to start your life over and take control of it.

As far as I am concerned, this marriage never happened. Mrs. Hardwick stated that she wants nothing from you, Mr. Hardwick, so there's no need for a divorce. Mrs. Hardwick, your request to take back your maiden name has been granted, and I do wish you luck in obtaining an annulment from the church and with the rest of your life. I see a bright future ahead of you, and as a father of a daughter your age, I do want you to know I would be so proud of my daughter if  she had your strength.

It is hereby ordered the annulment is granted. Mr. Hardwick, I do suggest you reexamine your relationship with this other woman. Most of you is made of good, but when it comes to this woman, you are cruel and thoughtless. We are adjourned."

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