Korilee Heart

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I arrived early at Hardwick Enterprises, hoping to make a good impression. I put on some makeup this morning, which I rarely do, and wore my hair up in a ponytail. I did the opposite of what Stella advised and wore my best pantsuit.  I feel like my glasses make me look intelligent and mature, so I chose those over contacts.

I arrived early and walked up to reception, they thankfully had my badge ready. I did my paperwork and all the usual HR things on Wednesday, so I hoped they had everything ready to go. "Use this keycard for access to the top floor. Good luck, Miss Heart."

The sweet girl in reception made me feel welcome, so I can only hope I get the same treatment on the top floor.

I took a deep breath just before the elevators opened and stepped out with all the fake confidence I could muster.

"Hello, can I help you?" The redhead behind the desk asks.

"Yes, I'm Korilee Heart and today's my first day as the executive assistant."

"Oh right, well, I'll let him know you're here." She pointed at the chairs that aligned the wall. Wow, snobby enough?

"Yes sir, your new assistant is here." She pauses. "Yes, I know she's early." Another pause. "I'll let her know."

"He said you can go ahead back. Last door on your right." She pointed down the hall.

 "Thank you. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?"

"Oh, I'm Brenda. Mr. Hardwick will instruct you on what to do from here." She didn't take the hand I offered her to shake, so much for friendly coworkers.

I tapped on the door that had Gavin Hardwick, CEO on the door. "Come in." I opened the door and stepped in and saw one man sitting on a chair and another, who I presume to be Mr. Hardwick, staring at his computer screen.

I stepped inside and he held his finger up telling me to wait.

"Thanks for the information, Craig." I was surprised when the man in the chair got up and he was a little person. He stood in front of me and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Craig from Legal."

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Kori Heart. The new Executive Assistant."

He shook my hand and had a powerful grip that showed confidence and power. He may not be taller than my waist, but this man has power behind him. "I must say, Miss Heart. I don't mean to be out of line, but your hair smells delicious."


"Craig! Stop sexually harassing the staff and get back to work!" Mr. Hardwick yelled at the man I now know as a sexual predator.

My jaw dropped in shock. Was he referring to??? Oh My! I could feel the heat race to my face.

"Excuse Craig, please. He thinks his stature as an excuse to be out of line."

"Was he referring to...to my..." He just stared at me.

"You should be able to figure that out on your own, Miss Heart. I do hope you're not that naive. The corporate world is no place for innocent and spineless people. You should have smacked him. Please have a seat."

He can't be that much of an asshole. I can't believe he just talked to me like that!

I took a seat and tried to put what just happened out of my mind.

He sat back in his chair and assessed me. "I ask HR to send a suitable assistant and they send me a damn librarian. I do hope you quickly realize that, that attire will not due. I want to see you in more suitable attire. You do get a spending account, which should accommodate you with a new wardrobe. Also, please look into contacts or Lasik surgery. You look like someone that could easily be trampled on and I can't have someone like you at my side. I looked over your resume and, obviously, you have the brains, but not the look. I want to see power and confidence when you come back in tomorrow."

"Are you sending me home?"

I can't believe this shit!

"Yes, you have a difficult task ahead of you. If you look like that tomorrow, don't bother coming back. Turn in your receipts to me and I'll have a check cut for you."

Are you fucking kidding me?

"You can't be serious." I had to question him.

"I am serious, and if you don't like it, tell me now so I can have a proper assistant hired by tomorrow. Come back when you don't look like a child dressing up in grandma's clothes."

I stood, wanting to slap him across the face, but I need this job. I can't let him have a glimpse of my anger issues, so I just recite my mantra in my head and try to calm down. 'I am above my anger, I am above my anger."

He chuckles. "You look like you want to rip my head off. That's a start at least. Go now, and your budget is unlimited, so you better look like a new woman tomorrow."

I turned and didn't say a word. I know if I open my mouth, I can kiss this job goodbye.

I punched the button on the elevator and tapped my foot as I waited. "I knew he'd tear you down. Have a good life, Miss. Heart." Brenda snickers at me.

'I am above my anger, I am above my anger.' The elevator finally stops and I step on, while ignoring the man walking out.

"Wow, you look like you just met my brother for the first time." He shook his head and walked away.

'You are above your anger.'

Fuck it, I'll show them! Even carrot top at the reception desk.

I called Chloe and she was off work today, so she set out with me and shopped. Chloe is a stylist, so her taste in clothes is impeccable and she also does hair and makeup.

"I want to look like I'm saying fuck off without even saying the words."

Chloe laughs. "They have no idea who they are screwing with, do they?"

I shook my head no. "Well, tomorrow will be a smack on all their faces."

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