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I ended up working about four hours a day for Gavin. It was about as non-productive as possible, because he kept calling me constantly to come to his office. We would make out, then go back to work and repeat the process every hour. We were either making out or arguing. He earned the name Hardbitch back before Monday ended. It's actually a good thing I'm not his assistant anymore.

He had been interviewing people for my job this whole week and finally settled on an older motherly type woman, which made me happy.

Finally, when Friday rolled around, I was ready to leave. Brenda has improved and they will be slowly waking her up and taking her off the ventilator. I still haven't gotten to see her, but I did see Kellen. Physically, he's okay, but emotionally, he's torn to pieces.

We tied up a few things and made it to the airport in the nick of time. Gavin wanted to take a private jet, but his father and Stephanie had it in Europe, so poor Gavin had to suffer through first-class commercial travel. He's much too spoiled for his own good.

We finally reached our hotel just before ten that night and we both were out pretty early. That didn't keep us from our typical makeout and skin to skin sleep. I'm becoming so used to his light strokes on my skin putting me to sleep, I can barely fall asleep when we aren't together at night. I was thankful to wake in his arms once again.

We had breakfast, and he had a driver waiting for us downstairs. I really was surprised when the car stopped in front of a tiny apartment building.

"Just remember, my grandfather is very high spirited, grandma has dementia, and Mom is...unique."

I smiled at him. "I'm sure they are very nice people."

We were buzzed into the building and I try to hide my anxieties. The three flights of stairs squeaked at each step, and it really does remind me of the buildings I've seen on television.

Gavin knocked on the door and I could hear footsteps walk toward it. I took a deep breath to prepare myself and Gavin squeezed my hand.

"Gavin, sweetie!" A beautiful woman answered. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were striking. In all reality, she's actually much more beautiful than Stephanie. I had expected to meet a fragile and depressed woman, but the woman who stood before me is confident and absolutely gorgeous. It's hard to believe she has a son older than me.

She looked at me and her eyes softened. "You are the spitting image of your mother. I'm sure you don't remember me, but I certainly do remember you." She pulled me into a hug. "You grew up to be such a beautiful girl."

She leaned back and shook her head. "I remember when your mother was carrying you. She glowed, and your father was so in love with her."

"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Hardwick."

"Come, meet my parents." She led us into the tiny apartment and her parents were sitting in the cramped living room.

"Mom, Dad, Gavin is here." The cutest little old man pushed himself up and he shuffled over and patted Gavin on the arm, then looked at me, then back at Gavin. "I think this one might be safe and beautiful." Gavin chuckled.

He reached for my hand. "It's very nice to meet you, young lady. I've heard my grandson and great-grandson are very happy, since they met you. Come, have a seat." He gestured toward the living room, and Gavin's mom brought in a few chairs from the kitchen.

We both took a seat. "Mother, Gavin is here." His grandfather shouted toward the elderly woman.

"What? Gavin had hair?" He shook his head.

 "No, Gavin just arrived for a visit."

"Oh, tell him to stay off my knick-knacks. That boy is always getting into something." She continued to stare at the television.

"You'll have to excuse my mother. She has good days and bad days. Today happens to be a bad one."

"It's quite alright." I said.

"I have to say, when Gavin called and told me who he was dating, I was so happy. I still receive letters from Sister Mary Margaret, she spoke of you as her own daughter and you are an incredible young lady. I couldn't be happier for my son and grandson."

"Thank you, but I can actually be a handful for Gavin."

Gavin looked at his mother and nodded. "She challenges me daily." I softly elbowed him.

"That is a good sign. It means your attraction is much more than just physical." She said, and I blushed. She smiled when she saw me blush and looked at Gavin with adoration.

Gavin gave his grandma a kiss, even though she smacked him away.  He hugged his grandpa before we left with his mom for dinner.

It was a nice dinner, until Gavin brought up buying them a home. "How does Grandma and Grandpa maneuver those steps?"

"We are just fine, Gavin. We have had this discussion before."

"Why are all the women in my life so stubborn?" He looked at me.

"Stubborn or independent, Gavin?" I asked, and he just shook his head.

"Mom, just please promise when they can't do the steps anymore, you'll at least move them into the penthouse."

He has a Penthouse?

"I tell your father every week I don't need his money and I'm telling you the same."

"How is Stephanie?" She asked him, and I saw him squeeze his eyes closed like it's a horrible subject.

"She is playing my part well I assume?"

"Mom, you know you can never be replaced. She will never live up to you in my eyes."

"Thank you, Son, I needed that today. Have you visited Sarah? Are you making sure she has fresh flowers every week?" His eyes started to water.

"Of course, mother. Patrick and I both visit our sister." He says. "Why can't you just move Grandma and Grandpa to Chicago so you can be closer. Keegan misses you."

"You know why, Gavin. It's just too painful. Besides, Brooklyn is the only home your grandparents know. I can't take them away from here."

Kori's Angel Heart (A Completed Steamy, Romantic Comedy)Where stories live. Discover now