Let's Do Lunch

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I was talking with Alex, when I heard a voice behind me.  "Sorry about that." I turned and saw Gavin behind me. 

"No, you're fine.  The food is amazing." 

"I was more than happy to keep her busy." Alex winked at him and he pulled on his tie again.

"You're tie is twisted again." I set my little plate down and fixed his tie.  "You need to stop pulling at it."

Alex cleared his throat.  "He does that when he's nervous." 

I shook my head and picked up my plate again. 

"Boo!" I jumped and looked behind me and saw Patrick.  "You scared me!" He laughed.

"Save a dance for me later, okay?"


"You look amazing by the way."  He winks at me.


Again, I feel a familiar touch, but it's on my bare back.  That creepy feeling ran through me.  "Let's have a seat, dinner is about to be served."

He led me to a table where all his friends and Patrick sat, thankfully, no Melissa.

"So, what was it like having a Priest as a father?" Patrick asked.

"Well, he is very kind, but strict.  We did a lot of charity work together and a lot of traveling.  We helped build houses in Haiti and visited a lot of orphanages overseas.  I went to an all-girls Catholic School and was never permitted to attend any dances or even prom.  I spent a lot of time with the sisters, it was like having a lot of moms. Umm...  I studied Latin and Spanish, and Dad and I still have full conversations in Spanish. We are close and he does hover, but overall, not that much different from most dads." 

"Wow, so what about college? When you got some freedom?"  Alex asked.

"That's where I met Stella, Graham, and Kellen.  Stella and I shared a dorm and we've lived together ever since.  I didn't go out much and studied most of the time.  I had a job at the library and volunteered at several homeless shelters, so I stayed busy enough.  I do go out on Saturday nights with my friends, but other than that, I live a very mundane life."

"You're practically a nun."  Alex laughed at me.

"I'm not that innocent."  I shook my head.

"Well, I think you're an angel,"  Patrick said, and boss man cleared his throat.

"She's a force not to reckon with, that's for sure,"  Gavin said, then winked at me.

"So, you think this one will survive the wrath of Melissa?"  Patrick had the nerve to ask.

Gavin moved uncomfortably in his chair and pulled at his tie. He completely ignored Patrick.  After some completely inappropriate jokes and all the speeches, everyone abandoned their tables and the music started. 

Patrick swept me off to the dancefloor first, then Theo, followed by Alex.  Finally, I was graced with a dance with an 80-year-old man that got a little too touchy.

I glanced at Gavin and he watched as various people talked to him.  "You are a beautiful girl."  The old man says.  I looked down at the man I towered over and thanked him.

"May I have this dance?"  A rough deep voice asked behind me.

I turned.  "Do I know you?"

"Not yet, but you will.  I'm Caleb Westerfeld.  So, could I have this dance?"

I thought about it a moment.  "Sure"

I kept him at a distance while we danced, something didn't feel good about this man.

"So who are you? I've never seen you at one of these events."  He asked.

"I'm Kori Heart, and I'm here with my boss, Gavin Hardwick." 

I felt him straighten and become tense.  "What do you do for Mr. Hardwick?"

'I'm his executive assistant."

"That figures." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, forget I said that.  So, how long have you survived at his office?"

"I just finished my first week, you must know him."

"He's my former brother-in- law." 

Oh, well shit.

"Melissa's brother?" I asked.

He nods.

Not another word was spoken, and I prayed for the song to end quickly.  I glanced at Gavin and he was glaring at me like he was pissed.

"Thank you for the dance, I think I better check in with my boss."

"Too late, he's on his way over."  He looked behind me and there stood my date/ boss.

Gavin didn't even ask, but pulled me into his arms, which I have to admit, felt much more comfortable than Caleb's.  I reached up and whispered.  "That guy gave me the creeps."

"Like I do?"

I shook my head.  "No, it was in a bad way with him."

"I give you the creeps in a good way?"  He chuckled, and I just shrugged.  He pulled me in closer and I was getting tired.  My head rested on his chest and I yawned.  "You're getting tired?"

I nodded.

My eyes shot open when he kissed the top of my head.  "We can head out soon." We swayed to the music, and it's the most relaxed I felt around Gavin. 

"Every eye in this place is on you."  He said.

I snorted.  "Why, because I look like a librarian in a satin gown?"

He shook his head.  "Because you're breathtaking." 

The music sped up and he twirled me around, then dipped me.  "You look like an angel."

We strained back up and his face was close to mine.  He looked into my eyes, then at my lips, and my breath hitched.  His eyes softened and he turned his head, pulling me back into him.  His hand was on my bare back and his thumb barely brushed my skin giving me goosebumps. 

The song ended and he led me back to his group of friends.  "We're heading out, it was good seeing everyone."

We said our goodbyes and headed toward the door, when Melissa cut us off.  "You're leaving early."

"Yes, we are, so I'll talk to you Friday when I pick up Keegan."

"Well, you'll probably see me before then."  She looked me up and down.  "Another play toy for the office I suppose."

"Come on, let's go..."

"Wait.  Hi, I'm Kori Heart and I am new to the company, but I can assure you, I'm nobody's play toy." Gavin takes my hand and gently pulls me to the car as I spoke. "He can barely stand being in the same room as me most of the time.  I'm a little too much of a handful for his taste, and to be honest, we don't really get along.  Call me sometime, we can do lunch!"  Gavin was pulling me away to the car and Melissa was laughing. 

"I'd love that!"  She smiled.

"Okay, see you soon."  Gavin forced me in the car and sat down, then quickly shut the door. 

"What was that about?  Have lunch with her?  Do you know who that is?"

"Yeah, Alex told me.  You know what they say, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

He chuckles.  "You amaze me."

His phone dings and he gets a text.  "If she makes your days harder, I will allow you to keep this one. She isn't giving you the time of day, is she?" 

I don't think he knew I could see her text. 

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