When in Rome

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I yelped a little when he picked me up and carried me past the pool. "We can take Keegan's elevator."

He stopped and pressed a button, and doors slid open. One step in and he says "look at that, we didn't fall in."

I threw my head back and laughed. "Only because I'm not using my feet."

He pecked me on my lips, stepped off the elevator, then into a hall where I can once again see the foyer below. "Close your eyes."

I did as he said and played along. He smells so good, so I just take that in until he opens a door and steps inside. "It's dark outside now, but there will be a better view in the morning. You can open your eyes."

He set me down and the room was breathtaking. I saw a canopy bed with sheer fabric draping and curtains that match. I walked to the French doors and opened them, and there was a very large terrace with even more colorful flowers and outside furniture. "This is amazing."

"You haven't seen anything yet." I turned around and saw a stone fireplace with lounging furniture, a matching stone hot tub with a waterfall trickling into it, and two more sets of French doors. One was a walk-in closet as big as my apartment. His clothes were organized perfectly on one half and the other half is empty. A vanity sat in the middle, but surrounding it is a large counter with drawers underneath. There's even seating, and the lighting comes from a chandelier.

"A person could live in here." I looked at him, and he's still smiling.

"Come see the bathroom." He pulled me out, then into the other set of French doors, and I gasped. Another terrace? I looked closer and see it's a smaller terrace.

A stone shower sits to the back right, and there's not even a door. Several smaller waterfalls release the water and there's a vanity with two sinks. A clawfoot bath sat near the terrace doors, where there are two more doors. Ones the toilet of course, and another is a closet filled with soft fluffy linens.

"This is amazing, Gavin." He took my hand and led me to the bed. "I thought you said you didn't expect anything."

"I don't, just look at this." He picks up a remote and pressed a button, and a large screen television powered from the ceiling.

"Stay here, I'll get your bags. Would you like some wine?"

He looked too eager to please me, and my heart skipped a beat. "Sure."

When he left, I went back out to the chilly terrace. The flowers were so beautiful, and I could see how this could be a great place to wind down before bed. How do flowers live in such cold weather?

I lay back down on the bed and stared at the top of the canopy. The wood carvings are so intricate. In fact, the wood carvings throughout the house were all beautiful.

I heard him enter with my bag and he set down our wine glasses on the nightstand. "I'll build a fire." He poured me a glass, then lit the fireplace. I kicked my shoes off and my black satin gown was comfortable, so I just sat on the lounger in front of the fireplace.

He took off his jacket and tie, then unbuttoned the top few buttons of his white shirt and his sleeves before sitting next to me.

He took my hand and he is so warm. "What are you planning for us?" I asked.

"Absolutely nothing other than trying to help you see what we really are together. What we could be together. I would ask you to come back to work, but Brad was right. You were underutilized, and you'll do great at his company. If you want to come back, you're welcome, don't get me wrong."

I laughed. "We don't work well together."

"I'm possessive and arrogant, Kori. I don't think it's good to watch you working around men. Out of sight and out of mind. Isn't that what they say?"

I laughed. "You were possessive my first day."

He laughed. "I had no clue what to do with you. The day you came in wearing that granny pantsuit, you still took my breath away, and I couldn't work that close to someone so beautiful. All the rumors about me could have been proven true. I've never been involved with my staff, that's Melissa at work, so how was I supposed to work so closely with someone I was so powerfully drawn to? I didn't think you would come back, then you did and tested me to my limit. A beautiful disaster, that's what you were to me."

"That doesn't sound like a compliment, but I know what you mean." I laughed.

"On Monday when I told Kellen you were busy, it was because I had arranged to take you to Rome as a surprise. I thought you would like to see your father, and I would get some alone time with you."

My heart just skipped a beat.

"Dammit, Kori. I really screwed up on Tuesday. I was late for work because Keegan fell, and I swear it tears me to pieces when I see him struggle. I sat in my car before I came in and thought about how much I hate the world, and how many struggles he has while other kids meet milestones that are appropriate for their age. It's so unfair, so I was already upset when I walked in. I'm so damn sorry, Kori. I also owe Melissa an apology. I can't believe I let Claudia fool me all these years."

"I guess I can understand believing a friend over someone you just met, but before you fire people, maybe hear them out?"

"Lesson learned." He got up and poured us another glass of wine.

"That was a really sweet thought about Rome," I added.

"I have Keegen next weekend, but maybe we can go in a few weeks." He offers.

"Actually, my father will be home in a few days. I'm really excited about his return." He handed me my refilled glass back.

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