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Once Melissa and Keegan left, I went upstairs to take care of a few things. I grabbed my purse and took out the paper bag and drew a hot bath.

I sat down and read the directions for my first ever pregnancy test. I'm four days late, so I figured I should take a test. I'm unsure if losing your virginity can throw you off or stress, but it's better to know. I'm thinking I'm probably not since we literally just slept together for the first time on our wedding night weeks ago, but Gavin probably knows more about the female body than me. It seems like he studied women's sexuality or something. I did find some interesting books about sex and the Catholic Church in the library.

I did what the directions said and looked at the time, and I have an hour or so before he gets home. We've had Keegan all week and I've worked late, so our intimate time has been very minimal.

The plan for tonight is to wear my new lingerie and show Gavin one hell of a night. I set the test down and slid into the tub. I'm not taking the test seriously, so I didn't even set a timer.

After about 30 minutes and an almost nap, I got out of the tub and dried off before throwing on too sexy of lingerie, then strapping on the stockings and the rest.

I looked in the mirror feeling pretty confident and pulled the pins out of my hair. I decided against wearing it down and pinned it back up. I'm so nervous, because this is me stepping out of my comfort zone.

I reached for my makeup bag and, suddenly, my knees almost gave out from under me. The digital window to the pregnancy test said, pregnant.

My fingers shook as I picked it up just in case I wasn't reading it correctly.

I'm stunned and almost frozen still. I reached for the box and pulled the second test out. Reading over the directions again, because maybe it sat too long? Who knows.

I tested again and decided it was a false positive. Now, what do I do while I wait? I can't think of anything else and my mind is running in too many directions. The timer on my phone must be broken, because it's moving way too slow.

Maybe reading through the emails on my phone will pass the time quicker. I looked through, but realized I can't concentrate. Here I sit in the skimpiest black lace lingerie waiting on a damn pregnancy test.

I tapped my fingers and freaked out. If this is a false positive, how will I feel? I can't set myself up for disappointment, so I tell myself it's going to be negative. There's no way right?

My phone finally dinged, so I reluctantly approached the test. It also says pregnant.

My hand covered my mouth and I slowly sat on the toilet seat,  just staring at it in complete shock. What if these digital ones aren't reliable?
I looked at my phone and had not heard from Gavin yet, which means he hasn't landed. I threw on some sweatpants and a hoodie, then grabbed my phone and wallet and was out the door.

Staring at all the tests, I'm completely confused. I grabbed one of each and laid them out on the counter to be rung up. "I'm guessing this is your first baby?" The older woman decides to ask.

"Yes, I've taken two digital, but I don't know what to believe."

She chuckled. "Honey, if the digitalis say you're pregnant, then you're pregnant. These will all give you the same results, so congratulations."

Did she just say something?

"This will be all," I said, and she just shook her head while she rang me up.

Six pregnancy tests later, and it must be official. I am pregnant.

It's now late and Gavin was due back hours ago. How am I supposed to wait so long to tell him, and where the hell is he?

I tried to call and got no answer. I sent a text and waited, but no reply. I'm suffering here since I can't tell anyone.

I can't tell anyone before Gavin knows. It wouldn't be right.

Another hour goes by and there's no word. I called Jefferson, because now I'm worried.

"Ma'am, he canceled his trip."


He's never even left, and I've not heard a word.

"Where did you drop him off?" I asked.

"There at your home." He said.

What the hell???

I hung up and went to the garage and the Porsche is gone. Well, something is up, and I'm not waiting up all night.

I slipped out my clothes and lingerie, only to throw on a t-shirt and go to bed. Sleep didn't come easily. I ran my fingers over my belly and thought about our baby. Of course, I worried about Gavin. I gave in to my exhaustion at about 2 am and there wasn't a peep. No Gavin, and no text.

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