"Alexis come on just let it go it's your wedding day...just let things be." My mom says. "No ain't none of this kumbaya shit in here." I say. "Mommy stop using bad words!" Kenzie yells. "I'm sorry baby." I respond. "Anyways I gotta go." I say. I'm literally in a white onesie but I still make my way to the Groom's suite.

I barge in and I see all of his friends, his dad, and Derek his step dad. My dad was even in here I don't know why, well I do..Odell wanted him here so.

Everyone says hi to me and I wave but I'm looking for Odell. "Where's Odell?" I ask because I can't see him. Everyone directs me to double doors that lead to outside. I walk there I find Odell without a shirt and only the pants of his suit and let me tell you, my husband is finnnneeeee! He's out here talking to Steph about something and I don't want to interrupt but I'm furious. I literally wanted to hurt Jarvis when I saw him sitting in this groom suite.

"Odell.." I say getting his attention. "Yeah wassup baby?" He asks me. "Can I talk to you..Steph you might want to stay so I don't kill him.." I say because I can see Steph trying to get away. "Yeah what happened?" Odell says as he comes close to me and tries to put his arms around my waist.

"Why the hell is Tia here? I thought I made it clear I don't want her anywhere near my wedding.." I say. I can feel myself turning into bridezilla and it's for a good reason.

"I know, I told Jarvis but he didn't listen, he don't understand the severity I guess.." Odell says as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I got them together but this shit is ridiculous like how is she coming for me? Then has the audacity to show up at my wedding! Like bitches really do this kind of stuff?" I say. "Calm down I'll take care of it Alexis." Odell says. "You better cause if I walk down the aisle and I see that bitch sitting there I'm going turn around." I say to him. "Lord we are already married so all you're doing is embarrassing us." Odell says to me. "Yes but I can't deal with the disrespect, Odell this is my day and I'm sitting here in the groom suite worried about a bitch I banned from my party!

"I don't want you to be upset or stressed out I'm going take care of everything babe, but I need you to stop letting things get to you like that, like why are you worried about a bitch who came here to watch you! She didn't come for any other purpose but to stare at you in envy so why does that bother you so much?" Odell asks me. "She disrespects me then tries to crash the happiest day of my life, this to intimate of a moment for her to come and ruin it..Odell I just want her gone...before the ceremony." I say. "Consider it done, now go and finish your make up you look crazy with only one side of eye shadow." Odell says. "Shut up I know...but where is Ava and Sonny?" I ask. "Ava is in the corner playing with Sonny and your brother." Odell says to me.

"Okay bye babe love you." I say as I walk back into the room and I walk over to see Ava. She looks super cute in her little baby dress and my mom is going to walk with her down the aisle. I give her a kiss and I help Sonny button his shirt and then I'm off to my bridal suite.

When I arrive it's dead silent and everyone is looking at one person who is just standing here. "Hey Alexis...do you mind if we talk?" Tia, Christian's baby mother asks me.  "About what?" I ask. "That thing wasn't directed towards you, and I just want to apologize because it did come off as insensitive and like I was taking a jab at you.." she says. "Well I appreciate the apology it says a lot about the fact that you were willing to come her to say that and I have to admit that's a huge step and I'm here for it but unfortunately I would feel more comfortable if you weren't here. It's nothing against you but this is an intimate moment and I don't think it's a good atmosphere to have someone I'm fresh off of arguing with." I reply to her. "I mean I don't understand where the disconnect is because like I said it wasn't intended for you." I say to her. "Look Tia I don't want to hear it I really don't...you were trying to crack jokes at my situation and you can say whatever you want and swear it's not about me but I'm not stupid, you can't just tell me shit and I'll be like okay." I say to her. "But why the hell cant I be here? I'm Jarvis's plus one...I ain't done shit to you, plus Odell said it was okay. Like if you so happy with your man why you so worried about me, like are you really upset about Christian or something because I'm confused.." she says. "You know what I don't even have to respond to that, it's not the time or place, I got kids here, I'm with my girls and I'm busy trying to look fabulous...so you can see your way out and have a good day sweetie." I say because I'm this close to hurting this girl but it's my wedding day so I can't be fighting people at my wedding.

"I don't even want to be apart of this lame shit anyways!" She yells. "Watch yourself baby, don't throw no tantrum because I sure ain't going stand here and watch you." My friend Brittney says. (The one who isn't pregnant). She is literally crazy about defending me, not that I can't myself but she likes to protect people she cares about.

"Bitch shut the hell up you ain't going touch me." Tia says. "You at the wrong place T, I don't know about my friends but I'll whoop your ass." Aaleeyah says.

"Just get out!!!!!" I yell. She walks away yelling and I notice Ayesha standing outside with the girls. I'm happy she got them out of here because things were getting ugly.

I go and sit in my make up chair but I'm so mad I'm shaking. "I can't believe I still have to deal with shit like this!" I say as Brittney asks me if I'm okay. "I don't know like I'm so worked up I can't even focus on this wedding anymore..."

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