Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Dreams and Wishes Do Come True...Not.

Audrey's POV

I woke up in Ross's arms... again. Not that I hated, I'm always with him and I like it that way, he looks so cute when he's asleep.

Today was the first day of school.. well for me anyways. I already missed 2 days, just spending time with Ross and his family is a full time job.

I shook Ross awake cause I still couldn't walk. He wouldn't budge from his sleep.

Fine... I'll walk for myself. I swung my feet to the edge of the bed throwing the covers overtop of Ross.

I stood up and took my first step.

Nope. Going Down. I fell flat on my face. I turned over onto my back.

When I fell it made a big smack and thud. Ross shot straight up and looked around the room and then looked down to see my laying on the floor.

"Hi" I said and gave a wave to him.

"Watcha doin down there beautiful." he asked with a curious look on his face.

"Oh you know laying around" I told him

He laughed."Here let me help you" He got out of bed and I put my arms up in the air ready to hang around his neck and bent my legs up so he could scoop me up.

Ross picked out my outfit for the day, and I admit it was kinda awkward for me cause he had to help me get undressed and back redressed into my new clothes. But he's my boyfriend and I trust him, and I bet the next time he helps me or sees me it won't be so awkward. I don't know.

Apparently mom didn't want me to be homeschooled anymore so I have to go back to public school. I swear if its like my old school, my day is gonna go driving to hell, like a son of a bitch. Sorry about my french, I just can't stand it getting bullied. I closed my eyes and made a wish to myself. I wished that today would be great day for me, I would make friends and I'd be just another student in school earning education.

Ross decided to come to school with me so he could push me in the wheel chair and help me get to class and just stuff like that I guess. I also wanted him to be there if there was anybody who decided to bully and judge me because I'm hanging out with a pop star and in a wheel chair.

We went downstairs and saw that my parents had already left for work, and Drake must have had Riker take him to the set of some tv show he was gonna guest star on.

I grabbed an apple and waited on the kitchen counter top for Ross as he carried the wheel chair out to the car that he left to go get from his house down the street.

He came back in and scooped me back up and took me outside.

Ross sat me in the front seat of his car and kissed me on the forehead. He ran around the hood of the car and got in the car.

"Ok let's go.... need anything else" he sighed smiling be just... weird.... just being Ross.

"I can't buckle my seat belt" I told him dropping my shoulders.

He smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yes my queen" he said reaching over and buckling me like a little kid. I laughed.

We arrived at my new school, Alexander Howard High School. We pulled into the school parking lot and it was near the entrance. Ross got the wheel chair out and then unbuckled me to scoop me back up to set me back down.

"You know you don't have to do this" I told him.

"Then who else will?" He asked

"I don't know maybe the nurse or a student who offers to help" I said back to him.

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