Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Say You'll Stay

Ross's POV

I woke up hearing screams. They were calling out my name. At first I thought I was just dreaming about a concert and all my fans were screaming out my name. But then I saw water everywhere. I got scared and I fell over into the water, screaming my high pitched girl voice. I opened my eyes and saw figures in the water. I rose to see nobody there. Then finally saw Riker, Audrey holdin hands rising along with Ratliff.

Why are they holding hands?!?!!

and I can understand my brothers doing this but with Audrey tagging along make it feel weird and just .....different.

My body filled with anger. But I didn't want to be angry. I didn't feel angry. But I just could feel it filling up. Yenno. I don't know. It's just stupid, but all I can say is that I know what I saw and that was that she's was holding hands with my brother.

She was smiling and happy. But I wasn't. I started playfully splashing everybody, then I swam to the edge past Audrey to get out with a glare on my face.

Later That Day

They were playing the video of the pranks they had recorded of me and Rydel this morning.

I walked into the living room to them laughing and almost peeing themselves. I saw Riker was sitting next to Audrey, leaning against her to see the laptop screen.

I sat down looking at my phone. Pretending I was busy doing something. Then she handed the laptop to Riker and got up to sit next to me. Right as she sat down, I instantly reacted and shot up and ran to the staircase. She was right behind me. I didn't want to be bothered by her or anyone right now. I slammed the door and locked it in her face. I grabbed a pillow from the floor and barried my face in it to scream, then threw myself on my bed crying. My brother was totally rubbing it in my face today. She was still at the door.

"Ross please open the door," my mind answered, No.

"Ross," go away.

"ROSS!?!?!" then I heard a loud smash at my door like she punched or kicked it.

I heard her yell 'Owwwwwwwwww'. I heard loud smashes and thuds. What was she doing out there??!?!

"ROSS!!!!!!" I heard her scream my name as if she was in help.

I shot up and wiped my teers away and ran outside.

I was at the top of the staircase and she was at the bottom laying there looking broken. My heart sank and I ran down the stairs.

I climbed over top of her almost sitting on her chest. I started shaking her shoulders, seeing that her eyes were trying to close. Rydel and everybody was hovering over her saying stuff to her but she gave us a face as if she couldn't hear us.

Riker pulled out his phone and called 911.

An ambulance arrived in 5 minutes. Audrey's family must of saw the ambulance race down the road cause her mom and dad and brother were here all shocked. Susan was crying and Drake was shooken seeing his older sister being strapped into a gurni and placed into a flashing ambulance. I hopped in with her and nobody else was aloud to come. The ambulance started to take off.

On our way to the hospital, her nose started to bleed.

I looked at her. She was passed out with a oxygen mask around her face and possibly 50 bones shattered. 'This was all my fault' I told myself. 'She wouldn't be like this if I didn't let me jealousy get the best of me and most of all, I should of let her in my room'

I let my tears escape from my face. I leaned over to her head and kissed her on her nose, then her forehead.

They rolled Audrey into the hospital on the gurni and got her into a room immediately. We waited for mom and dad to get here, while Audreys and my family were waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to tell us when we could see Audrey.

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