Chapter 51

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Chapter 51: Welcome Home Darling

Audrey's POV

"Audrey!!" Alice shouted as she ran down the hallway to the front door to greet me.

"Hi Alice!!" I yelled back with the same excitement. I dropped my stuff at the door and opened my arms. She jumped up into my arms and I spy. her around giving her a big hug.

I placed her back on her feet.

"Oh my gosh, you've grown so much and you still here hair up in a bun" I said poking the bun on her head.

"Yep, same old me" She smiled big.

"Hey" I whispered. "How's that ballette?"


She ran up the hallway and she jumped in the air doing a front split.

I smiled as she ran off into the living room.

The door behind me opened and it was Megan carrying her two lime green luggage.

Alice came back to the front door and she grasped my hand and pulled me.

"Come on" she said TRYING to tug me owards the stairs. "I wanna show you where you're staying"

"Alright just let me get my stuff"



She punted behind me. Inturned around and saw Megan.

"Who's that?" Alice asked.

"Thats. Megan. She your cousin and my sister"


"I'll explain later" I said cutting her off.

"Come on"

I grabbed my stuff and nudged Megan with my shoulder.

Alice showed us to our room.

This house was big. Taking that it was for a big family, this house was like another Rose Red. Well, except there's no creepy spirits and the house doesn't feed on our fear and then eventually eat us.

(A/N Rose Red is an actuall movie, totally scary, I LOVE IT! ;P)

"Right here" Alice said opening a door to a blue green painted room with two queen sized beds and our own bathroom.

You could say that my dads side of the family is, well, sort

"Thanks Alice"

She closed the door and left us in the room to unpack.

Sense my family lived on top of a hill, we got a big window to see the whole big city of Littleton.

It was really cool.

"I call the bed closet to the window!" I shouted as I jumped over a bed and then jumpef on the other closet to the big window.

"You're a geek" Megan laughed.

"I know I am" I said in a 5 year old voice.

We placed our luggage under the bed and put all of our bathroom accessories in the bathroom.

I walked out of the bathroom and then there was a knock at our door.

"I gots dis" I said.

I opened the door and nobody was there. I looked up and down the hallway, but no one was there.

I closed the door and shrugged.

2 seconds later, there was a knock at our door. I opened it and I turned around to Megan.

"Are you knocking on the dresser cause there's no one th-"

"RAAAAAAAAWR" I heard loudly in my ear.

"AAAAAAAAHH" I turned towards the door frightened and I was tackled to the ground by someone with a rubber bloody goblin mask on.

The person behind the mask started laughing histarically. The person got off of me and stood up, pulling off the mask revieling that it was Jeremey.

I got up taking big deep breathes. "You son of a bitch, you scared the fucking shit out of me!!" I yelled punching him in the arm.

He just wouldn't stop laughing.

"Welcome to Rose Red darling" He said in a creepy sufisticated voice.

I raised my eye brows and bugged out my eyes. "Creepy much"


I turned around and I saw Megan in a corner by the window with her eyes wide.

I chuckled at her and pointed, "It scared the shit out of me more than it did you"

She came out and calmed down. "Well I thought it was..."

"Who?" I asked.

"....Reid" she whispered.

"Who's this?" Jeremey asked from behind.

I turned around and looked at him stupidly. "This is Megan, the sister we lost when she was born. She your cousin."

Jeremy dropped to his knees. I could tell he was stunned, shocked, but really happy.

He got up and ran up to my 15 year old sister.

"Wholly shit, I can't believe I fianlly have my cousin back" Jermey said happy squeezing the life out of Megan. He finally released. "Best Chriatmas gift ever."

Megan smiled and she hugged her cousin back.

"Oh, we should take we to go see the rest of the family." I suggested.

"Shor" Megan agreed.

Jeremy chuckled to himself. "Now I know you two are sisters" Megan and I looked at eachother and back at Jeremy. He threw his arms in the air and yelled annoyingly, "YOU BOTH HAVE AN OBBSESSION WITH R-" and that's where Megan slapped her hand over his mouth and I could tell he mumbled 'five'.

"It's fine Megan, it's growing off of me" I said sadly.

She realeased her hand and Jeremy shouted, "R5!"

I laughed a mini laugh and we both walked back down stairs, which seemed like forever, but we finally made our way back downstairs.

"Hey guys" Mom said. "Megan come meet the family"

The 3 of us walked into the middle of the room and sat down in a free couch.

"Welcome Home Melody" Nana said with a smile.

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