Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Pool Party

Audrey's POV

I was so freaked out. As I'm staring up at my white ceiling laying on my purple bed, I was trying to put the puzzle pieces together.
1. the obsession for R5
2. I found a picture of me and boy I don't remember meeting and denie it's Ross Lynch
3. I had a dream about him and started having out of no where crazy memories I don't remember
4. I meet a guy that looks so familiar but didnt know him, he was disguised
5. Then meeting Stormie Lynch, Sayi g he has "5" kids, they're from Colorado, my parents remember her and she remembers me,
I put the thought away cause maybe it was a misunderstanding. There's alot if Stormie Lynchs in this world that has 5 kids and has a last name of Lynch and is from Colorado. No biggey.
I opened a box that my brother must have packed cause it was all messy. I didn't even know I had this stuff.
I pulled out a photo that was me and the boy kissing at the hockey game




I pulled another thing out and it was the bracelet that said 'Ross's Girl'


He grabbed my hand and put a silver bracelet that said 'Ross's Girl' engraved on it and pulled me into a kiss,then whispered "I Love You Audrey"


I started to cry. I pulled out a piece of paper that was filled into two. I unfolded it and I gasped and started sobbing. It said "Ross Shor Lynch + Audrey Grace Julia = Best Buddy's Forever"
There was ALOT more pictures and things we made.

Am I dreaming.
I slapped myself to assure of it. But I wasn't. I held my face and stared at the paper.
I went to my closet and pulled out a box that labeled swim suites and bathroom.
I pulled out my black bikini with neon green and blue polka dots and layed it on my bed.
I left my room and went to Drakes room.
"Drake we're going to a pool party, get ready" He was going through a box.
"I know mom told me, its at the Lynch's" he said.
I gasped as he said 'The Lynch's'
"Something wrong, you look pale" he asked.
I shook my head saying no, and I walked out and went in my room.
I put my bikini on and then put shorts and a tank top on over it. Then put my bracelet on. The one that had 'Ross's Girl' engraved on it.
Me and Drake went downstairs. He had red swim trunks and a black t-shirt on.
I slipped on a pair of converse I couldn't decide between my yellow black or blue, but I went with yellow.

My family and I started walking down the street, to their house. As I was walking, I pulled my hair up into a high pony tail and put my black and blue sunglasses on. I had the picture of me and Ross in my backyard as kids.
Wait. Audrey. You still don't know if it's Ross.
Sure it is.
No it's not.
Yes it is.
"SHUT UP THOUGHTS" I yelled. I was in the back of the group, so they a stop an looked at me.
"Are you ok?" dad asked.
"Yeah of coarse, I just so much in my thoughts it's annoying" I answered. Mom shrugged her shoulders and we continued to walk.

We got up to the front door and rang the door bell. A blonde teenaged girl answered the door.
"Hi guys it been awhile sense I saw you" She gave my mom and Dad a hug then me and my brother.
"Hi Rydel," my mom said "May we come in"
"Of coarse, come right on in"
R-Ry-Rydel. I said in my mind. OMG!!!!!! It is Rydel.
"Riker and the rest of the boys are out back in the pool waiting for you Drake. Suzan and Brandon, my parents are also outside waiting for you at the table, and you, Audrey, you come with me" She explained to everybody. Rydel pulled my hand and lead me up the stairs.
We went into her room and she locked the door.
"Did you just lock the door?" I asked scared and consurned.
"I have big news" she said happily.
"Oh you put a little Austin & Ally into that one didnt ya?" I asked
"Yep, so did you."
"So what's the news?"
She gasped and grabbed my wrist. "You still have the bracelet!!!" she said really happy.
"Yeah and this is a big deal because"
"Ross got that bracelet for you and had it engraved 'Ross's Girl', he's gonna be so surprised and happy to see that you still have it"
"Ross? As in Ross lynch?"
"Yeah. Why do you looked so freaked out? Is somebody fangirling?"
I pulled the photo out from my back pocket and gave it to her. "Oh." she said.
I told her my story how I found it and how I denied that it was him. I told her about my constant out of no where memories and I told her how I really loved their band.
"Oh my gosh Audrey, Ross has been doing the same thing. When our mom came back from your house Ross was jumping out of his pants. He couldn't wait to see you. He thought he saw you at the airport. Long story short, when he went up to this girl he gave her 5 bucks because she was a good singer and dancer and when they looked into each other eyes he saw that memory that you had about the bracket and the kiss and moving" she told me.
"That was me" I told her.
"Oh my gosh I'm so confused but yet I get it." she said being sarcastically stupid.
"So show me your bikini" Rydel said
I took my tank top off to show her and said she loved it.
Rydel got dressed into her bikini, and I put my tank top back on.
We went back downstairs and out to the backyard. Drake was in the pool messing around with the guys. Mom and Dad were talking to Stormie and Mark, and me and Rydel went and sat in some beach chairs on the other side of the pool.
It was still pretty bright outside for 5:30. There was party lights crossing the top of the pool in the air to one side of the fence to the other.
I noticed Ross wasn't in the pool nor outside. I asked Rydel where he was and she said that he must be shy to see you again.
"Hey, you wanna hear about the fight I got into with Rikers girlfriend? " she asked me.
"Yes!!" I yelled.
She told me the whole story and I was so shocked.
"Wow is all I can say" I told her.
"I'll be right back" she told me.
She came back out with a boom box and their louder album that hasn't even been released yet. She pushed play and the music went blasting.
Our parents went inside so they could talk and Rydel went to the diving board and jumped in.
"Come on Audrey" She yelled to me.
Everybody looked at me. Rocky, Ryland, and Riker swam to the edge and got out to give me a hug and told me how they missed me and they never forgot about me.
I asked if I could push them in and they said yes. They stood still like a statue next to each other and I pushed them in one by one, falling in backwards.
I laughed and then went to the other side of the pool and went inside.
"Stormie may I have a drink" I asked Stormie.
"Sure dear, help yourself" she told me.
I grabbed a glass off the shelf and got some water. I placed the glass on the counter and made my way to the back door. I was walking slowly looking down at the picture.
Then someone came around the corner and we crashed into each other. I dropped my picture and fell backwards on my butt. I held my forehead and looked up to see a blonde haired boy also holding his forehead.
He finally opened his eyes and looked down at me.
"Audrey?" he asked.
"Ross?" I asked
He reached out for my hand to pull me up. He was in pink swim trunks. When I stood up I looked into his eyes.
"You were the guy at the airport" I said
"And you were the girl" he said laughing.
He bent down to pick up his glasses and two pictures.
He put his glasses on to show me that it was him, cause those were glasses he was wearing at the airport.
He took them off and put them behind his head and tucked them in ears as if he had eyes in the back of his head.
He looked down at the two pictures he had in his hand.
"You still have your picture" he asked me with a smile.
"Yeppers" I said. I put my hand out that had the bracelet on on.
"And your bracelet!!!!!" he gave me a hug and I placed my head on his shoulder.
We went outside and sat at the edge of the pool with our feet in the water. We talked about everything. Our memories, what happened sense they moved, and just EVERYTHING!!
"You know..," he said. "I thought I would have never seen you again after we moved. After I found the picture I started to remember everything through like flashbacks."
"Me too!," I told him "When I found my picture, I asked my mom about it and she said that all she know was you first name and that you moved in 2007. Sense I was such a big fan of R5 I knew that it could have been you cause I also stared back an forth at my WCT poster and my picture. I didn't believe it fully until I found the bracelet and a picture we made that said Ross Shor Lynch plus Audrey Grace Julia equals Best Buddy's Forever"
"Wow, it's crazy how everything just calided and went with the flow and here we are now" he told me.
I got up and took my tank top and shorts off and went to the diving board. I jumped off splashing everybody. I didn't come up which probably worried everybody. I didn't know cause I wasnt to the surface. But I swam over to Ross's feet and pulled on them so he slipped in.
"You little trickster," he yelled and splashed at me. "You had me worried sick"
We swam in the same spot, staring into eachothers eye's.
We didn't realize that everybody was out of the pool until everybody yelled "Awwwwwwwwwe" except for Drake. After that he yelled "Ew"
Rocky and Ryland started chanting "KISS KISS KISS KISS!!"
I looked back into his eyes and he looked back into mine.
We pulled in and we kissed.
It was our very first kiss sense he moved away in 2007.
I let his tongue in and he kissed me fully. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair and wrapped my legs around his waist.
We finally pulled away and everybody cheered and then jumped back in splashing water at us.
I got out and Ross followed me. I ran to the diving board and stepped up. Ross followed he grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up.
"Ross Shor Lynch, put me down!!" I yelled.
"The lady wants what she wants" Rocky said to Ross.
Ross laughed and said "If you insist" then threw me in.
He waited for me to rise so he could jump in.

I finally rised up, whipping my hair backwards, to get it out of my face.

The boom box kept playing their songs over and over again and we kept partying in the pool.

It was 10:00 when my parents came outside telling us they had to go home. Ross and I were sitting on the edge of the pool with our feet in again. But this time I had my head on his shoulder and we were holding hands.
"Can they spend the night" Mom asked Stormie.
me and Ross had a giant smile across our faces.
"I don't see why not, so yes"
"Alright, well be back with clothes for them in like 5 minutes" my dad said.

My parents left and Stormie and Mark went inside. And guess what,...we were still outside celebrating like wild animals.

Ross was leaning his head ontop of mine and were looking up at the stars, looking through the hanging lights above our heads.
He took his head off of mine and asked me, "Does this mean we're a couple?"
"I don't know, do you want to be a couple" I asked him smiling and looking into his pretty brown eyes.
"Well yeah, if you want to" he said
"Then....yes" I told him.
He turned and gave me a big hug, then he grabbed my arm and locked his hand in mine and screamed to his siblings and my brother "We are officially dating!!"
They all cheered and smiled "WOOOOHHHOOOOOOO"
I turned his eyes to mine and I gave him a full kiss and he let me.

Authors Note:
I know, I know that was A HUGE chapter compared to the others
and most if it was kind of confusing but it was all romantic.

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