Chapter 47

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Chapter 47: Revealing The Truth Part 2

Ross' POV

I lost her again. I let her walk out if my life once more.

I officially hate myself. What if my mind is just playing tricks on me and my heart? What if I really don't 'love' Madigan?

I truely hate myself. And I'll never forgive myself.

It'll be a miracle if SHE forgives ME.

I picked up Audrey's phone that she through at the bedroom wall. I traced my thumb over the new crack and the crack that was there before where Reid threw it so she couldn't call for help that day.

I pressed the home button and her lock screen picture popped up. It was a picture from Washington DC.

She was on my back and we were with the presidents daughters, who were standing beside us.

I swiped my finger across the screen and a number pad popped up.

I thought about what could be her passcode.

I typed in my birthday,1229, and her home screen popped up.

Her background was her and I with our foreheads touching and looking deep into eachothers eyes. This was when she came over the first time when she moved here.

I went to her messages and our convo popped up.

I felt bad for her. For what I put her through. She deserves better than me.

She's right.

I'm Ross Lynch.

Ross Shor Lynch.

A greedy little rich boy, and that's all I'll ever be.

Audrey's POV

Riker and I drove to the airport. Our flight leaves in 27 minutes, and we'll be there in atleast 15 minutes.

I feel guilty for kissing Riker, but Ross made me feel awful and unwanted. I wasn't doing it to make Ross feel jealous,..... I just wanted to feel loved and wanted and Riker understood that.

So, no there is nothing between me and Riker. It was just a friendly kiss.

Riker understands how I feel. I feel used, and like I said, unwanted. I feel hurt and broken. Wow, now I feel like my phone I chucked at Ross' bedroom wall.

Shit! I just realized I don't have my phone.

Oh well, I got Rikers phone.

When we arrived at the airport, Riker and I walked hand in hand through the tunnel to the plane. Again, nothing between us, wouldn't you hold your best friends hand.

We found our seats, and I scored window seat. YES!!

Hours later after the plane took off , I was about ready to pass out.

Before my eyes could flutter close, Riker sloke. "Audrey?"

"Yes Riker?" I said turning towards him.

" A couple things. One, there's nothing between us right? You were upset and it was just a kiss."

"That's correct"

"And I have something I need to confess"

"Riker....." I sort if warned.

"I...I have a c-crush on Mad-again" He stuttered really badly.

"Are you serious?"

"No I'm Tanner, but I really do"

"Oh Riker, I'm so happy for you, and I can't imagine how you feel right now being that she's in the hospital struggling for her life"

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