Chapter 31

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Chapter 31: Like Fireworks

Ross's POV

I boarded the tour bus with everyone else. We needed to get our asses into gear or we'll be late.

I pushed Rikers tour bag into his bunk which is just below Rydel, which her bunk is righ below me. Then I pushed mine up into my bunk next to Audrey's.

I went up front and dad finally came on the bus. Ryland hopped on, sense he was our opening act as DJ. Mom was staying home but she said she'd be at our next show in Portland, Oregon. Not Portland, Maine. Haha.

Then in Washington State. Not Washington DC.

We wave to mom as we drive off, then we go to the other side of the bus to wave out side the other window to wave to Audrey's Parents.

Madigan and Elyse are gonna meet us at the front gate where we park the bus so the fans can see us get out before show. If security didnt let her, then I told her to FaceTime Audrey and I'll talk to them. It's a plan.

The girls go back into the back room with Riker and her Drake. Rocky, Ryland, and I are just up front on our phones.

I am so bored right now, it's not even funny.

I go to my bunk and I pull myself up. I push our bags to the foot of the bed and I pull out the DVD thing that built into our bunks. I put in spongebob and then put my ear buds in, listening to our album that got realeased awhile ago.

For some odd reason, I don't feel well. Like I'm depressed, or something. I don't know. Nothing happened between Audrey and I, an I'm not mad at any of my siblings.

I closed my eyes, and dazed off into a deep sleep. Listening to One Last Dance.

Audrey's POV

I was in the back if the bus playing Xbox with my brother and Megan. Rydel kept loosing so she got frustrated and called quits and left like 2 seconds ago.

"Hey guys, come see this" Rydel said peeking her head in the sliding door.

We paused the game and got up. I opened the sliding door and pushed it in so it clicked into lock. Rydel was standing in front of Ross' bunk.

"What?" I asked. She opened the curtain to Ross' bunk and it was Ross passed out, watching spongebob and listening to music. It was so loud I could hear it. I heard One Last Dance.

We all awed. He looked so adorable.

I wiggled my way past Delly so I could climb up into the bunk with him. I had my back towards everyone and face to face with Ross. His breathing was so light and warm.

I rubbed the tip of my nose on his and hopped down from the bunk.

I closed the curtain quietly and walked past everybody to the front of the bus.

"Where we at dad?" I asked Mark.

"We are just entering Arizona, actually, we're gonna grab some Denny's real quick you want anything?" Mark asks.

"I guess, sure.. I guess I'll get what Ross gets. Yenno, what ever he gets, cause I don't know what he gets"

Mark chuckled.

Riker was sitting there on the mini couch and Rocky was balancing guitar picks on his head and watching them slide off, and placing the back on top.

Riker looked up from his phone and grabbed me by my waist pullin me on his lap. All the guitar picks fell into my lap, which was only like 2-4.

"Hey you messed up my game" Rocky said pouting.

I laughed.

"Whats up Riker?" I asked

"Oh nothin much, just wanted to know what's going on with Ross, he's been acting, sort of.... I don't know, depressed I guess"

"I've noticed, he was all happy and stuff and then he just sort if shut down when we got on the road."

I got up and went to the bunks. I peeked inside the curtain and saw Ross awake with the brightness of his phone, shinning on his face.

"Hey beautiful" Ross said patting the spot next to him.

I took that as 'Come up here'. Well duh, I told myself.

I snuggled into his chest as he pulled me loser with his left arm.

"Ross?" I said

"Hm?" he said slightly.

"Are you alright, you've been acting,... not.. you,..lately"

He locked his phone and sat it down on his chest, making it dark inside the bunk. I pushed the button that was above our heads that turned on a light.

"I know what you mean, but I swear I feel better."

"You sure"

He nodded.

"Than prove it" I told him.

He pushed me closer to him crashing his lips against mine. We laid next to eachother, passionately kissing eachother. I climbed over Ross' waist, laying on him and cupping his cheeks with my hands. He roamed his hands up my shirt, and my torso.

I pulled away for a split second to gasp for hair, but immediately started kissing him back. I roamed my hands up his shirt and traced his six pack with my hands. By his back, I pushed him closer to me. I tried to becareful to not bang our heads cause we only had a foot and a half of space between the sealing and the thin mattress.

He pulled away smiling. "Only if this bed was bigger" He winked.

I playfully pushed his head away, making his head fall back on his pillow. He chuckled a bit.

"Who wants Denny's" I heard drake yell.

"I do!! Inlove Denny's" Ross shouted. He placed his hands on my hips. "But not as much as I love my best friend"

I smiled. I leaned down and pecked his lips.

"So this is how true love feels" Ross said.

"What does it feel like?" I said rubbing my nose on his.

"It feels like fireworks going off in my stomach. It's like a time bomb, it won't go off until my lips take contact with yours"

"Like this" I said leaning down and kissing him fully, our tongues dancing eachothers mouths.

I pulled away with a huge smile on my face.

I hopped down from the bunk and waited for Ross.

We walked to the front of the buss hand in hand and full smiles.

We walked off the bus and saw that we were in a shults car lot. We crossed the street to Denny's and met up with the family inside.

We walked up to the line standing behind Ryland. He turned and waved.

Ross looked down at me with a smile. I smiled back and leaned my head on his shoulder.

So this is love.


Authors Note

Hey guys

how do u like this chapter

if u didnt notice the last sentence 'so this is love' came from Cinderella

I bet you've heard that I'll be going to North Carolina because of Hanna, psh blabber mouth

no just kidding


vote, comment, and all that chiz



love you all<3

stay beautiful<3

<3 R5 <3


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