Watty Awards 2014

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Wow... It's been awhile but if you are reading this I need your help.

I am entering We Have Bonded into the Watty Awards 2014 and see how it goes. It would mean a lot if you could support me on this. All you need to do really is vote for every single chapter and share my story on via Twitter and/ or Facebook.

You can follow me on Twitter at @xCutiexCaniffx

Yeah I'm into the whole Vine thing as well haha, judge me..

Hanna is also entering Truths and Lies into the awards so help her out as well please.

You've brought us this far so please bring us farther, please. You have no idea how important this book is to me. It was my very fan fiction in the entire world and it turned out successful with the reads it has received.

I've also been editing this story but it took like two hours just to edit the first two chapters... that's how bad it was haha

I love you all, thank you so much. You mean everything to me, once again, I love you.

-Maggie XxXx #Wattys2014

We Have Bonded (Ross Lynch Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now