Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: Cool Kids

Audrey's POV

"Melody?" Megan asked confused.

"Um Nana," Mom said nervously as she got up an walked over to my grandmother.

Mom started whispering to Nana, but I could make out what they were saying. "I don't think it's a bright thing to mention that name. She likes what her name is now."

Mom sat back down next to Dad and he intertwined their hands together.

"Im sorry, Megan. But welcome to the family and I'm glad that you can be with us again." Gramps said apologetically.

Megan smiled a friendly smile, "Thank you. I'm still caught up with the whole Melody thing but it's okay. Im just glad that I can be with my REAL family, I'm just upset that I missed 15 years of it"

I half smiled and looked at Megan. She looked at me and also smiled.

"So, um, Megan" Dad said breaking the silence. "This is my brother and sister in law, your Uncle Randy and Aunt Cheyenne. Their children, your cousins, Jeremy and Alice. Grandpa Steve and Nana Heather, my parents."

Megan smiled as Dad pointed out and named the family.

We then heard barking. Jermeys female Rottweiler, Cadie, came dashing into the living room.

"And this is my dog Cadie, the hiperest dog of all" Jermey said petting Cadies head.

"I don't think hiperest, is a word Jeremy" I explained with a chuckle.

He stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same back.

"Okay, grow up guys, go do something, it's time for the adults to talk." Mom said motioning us to leave the living room.

"Come on guys" Jeremy said excited as he hopped up from the couch and ran up the stairs with the Cadie. I followed, with Alice, and brother and sister, behind me.

Jeremy lead us to mine and Megan's bedroom door. Before he opened it he turned around and looked at the group.

"Alice go to your room and play with your dolls" Jeremey said shooing her away.

"But I don't wanna, I wanna hang out with the cool kids." Alice complained as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Then go to the ballette studio in the B wing. It's a giant house! Find something to do!"

Alice turns around and stomped away. She was such a drama queen.

Jermey opened the door and Cadie sprinted in.

I closed the door as the boys sat on Megan's bed and Megan sat in the love seat by the bathroom.

I just stood by the door.

"Wanna go snow boarding today?" Jermey asked happily.

"You're such a hiper child" I said shaking my head. "But I wanna go snow boarding. And hockey."

"We'll all go snow boarding and later on my friends will meet up with us and we'll play hockey."

Megan stood up. "Sounds good to me!"

"Which friends?" Drake asked.

"Wow that's the first I heard from you all day" Jermey said in suprise.

"Wait let me rephrase that. What friends?"

Jeremy tackled Drake and they rolled off the bed hitting the carpet.

"I WIN!" Jeremy said very happy.

I laughed and sat down next to my cousin as Drake was trying to stand up like a new born deer.

His hair was messed up and sticking out all over the place.

Haha he looks like Riss when he wakes up in the morning! Haha!

I screamed inside my head, "NO! NO NO NO NO NO!!



I sighed to myself. Letting all the pain out along with carbon dioxide. Im such a science geek.

"But who are we hanging out with?" I asked. I really wanted to know cause I don't like his friend, Andrew or Drew. He's such a creeper and just -ugh- he's gross.

I swear if he would get arrested for something, it would be rape.

"Andy, Will, Mikey, and Drew" Jermey said counting with his fingers.

Great. Just my luck.

"Sweet all the cool kids!" Drake said jumping on my bed.

"More like all the pedafiles" I said quitley under my breathe.

Authors Note

sorry I don't know how to spell pedafile, so I think that's how you spell it but if not, close enough.

the book will not be ending any time soon, but I'm supposing around the 70 chapters

but don't get your undies in a knot, that's still chapters and chapters away

but hope you liked this chapter


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WUVS ALL YOU GUYS, stay crazy


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