Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: Popped Balloon

Audrey's POV

It's the 20th of December, so my family and I are going back to Littleton to visit family. Dads side of the family of coarse.

This is gonna be Megan's first time seeing Nana and Gramps and the rest of the family. They're going to be so excited that they finally get to see their lost grandchild and/or niece and/or cousin.

I grabbed my suitcase and packed what I needed for the past several days.

I can't wait to see our family, and I can't wait to go ice skating and play hockey with my Dad again.

I most excited to see my cousin Jeremey. We're the same age and close as close can be. I can't wait to play hockey with him as well.

I also get to figure skate with my other cousin Alice who's 10 years old and Jeremeys little sister. She's the sweetest girl I could possibly know.

I also plan on going skiing with Jeremey and his friends. Just what I needed, to hang out with guys.

Soon it'll be a full month that Madigan passed away. But my best suggestion for myself is to not think about her the best I can.

Especially Ross. Don't think about Ross.

But all in all, I'm still alone.

I have no friends. I only talk to Megan, and she's basically my friend but she's my sister so I can't really say that.

The Lynches and Ratliff are basically aren't my friends anymore. One, I'm not allowed to see them and two, I really don't want to. I only go over there for homeschooling, and everyone is gone out of the house except for Stormie. When I leave and I'm half way up the street, cars start pulling up into their drive way.

But I did get my phone back from Ross, and in my notes I found,

I hope you can forgive me. But I jut need some time to clear my mind. I'll never forget about you, you're the kind you can't replace. ~Ross

And It's still there.

Elyse broke up with Rocky I heard and graduated early with the extra credits she gained. So she's currently in college in Albany, New York.

I zipped my second suitcase an place it by my dresser with my other case.

My phone vibrated on my dresser. I walked over to it and looked at it.

A text fron unknown and showed a number.

I unlocked my phone and read the message.


Hang in there kid. Fait will be there momentarily....


Well that's not. freaky at all.

Anyone could be "*R*".

It came to mind that it could be one of the Lynches. Even Ratliff.

At the moment, it's anonymous.

I sat my phone back down and Megan walked in my room with her lime green luggage.

"Mom wants us to bring our stuff down to the car." Megan said.

I nodded.

"Audrey you gotta talk sometime."

"Dont you understand?" I asked her. "What don't you get that Ross tore my heart apart. Bit. By. Bit. And there's no way to fix it. How do you fix a popped balloon?"

"I don't know"

"You can't, and that's exactly how my heart is.... I'll never forgive him. We were going to be married eventually and he blew it. He threw everything away himself" I picked up my luggage and looked back at her. "And I'm not gonna be the one digging through the trash of torn hearts and tears, to put everything he lost, back together." and I walked out of my room.

I walked down the staircase, down the hallway past the living room and kitchen, out the front door, and down the little steps on our porch.

I put both of my luggage in the back of the car and then took Megan's from her an placed then in the back as well.

We all piled into the car and we took off to the airport. When we passed the Lynches house, nobody's car was in the driveway. Figures.

I'm off to Colorado with a broken heart. And I'll come back with a broken heart.

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