Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Prank Tuesday

Audrey's POV

I woke up in Ross's arms. Awe. He is cute when he sleeps. His bright dirty blonde hair was all messed up and just--- cute. He had is arm right arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him. I gently picked up his arm and placed it on his side.

I climbed out of bed without waking him up.

I opened the door and then closed it behind me silently. I ran downstairs and ran into Riker and Rocky. We all fell down together side-by-side. We started to laugh really loud. Riker put his finger to his lips say sush while still laughing.

"Hey guys want to pull a prank on Ross and Rydel," Rocky and Riker asked me."You also were gonna be a victim but you woke up"

" I love pranks!!!" I confessed happily.

"We do it every Tuesday" Ryland said sneaking up behind Riker scaring the crap out of him.

Riker gave Ryland a playful shove and we ran into the kitchen.

"Ok so what's the prank slash plan?" I asked.

"Well, last Tuesday we got Ross, cause Rydel was already awake, with our water guns." Rocky told me using hand gestures.

"Ok.." I said interested.

"Were thinking between carrying Ross out to the pool and placing him on the relaxing floaty bed or what ever its called and drawing a mustache on Rydels face with a marker." Ryland says.

I laughed just thinking about Ross rolling over and falling into the pool.

"I like it, lets go with that" I said placing my hand in the middle. Riker, Ryland, and Rocky placed their hands on top of mine.

"On 3 lets say.... prank Tuesday," I told everybody. "1...2...3 Prank Tuesday!!!"

Riker and I went upstairs and went into Ross's room while Rocky and Ryland went in Rydels room with black crayola markers.

Ross was laying on his back with his hands behind his head. We took his pillows off the bed and chucked them across the room. We took the sheet off from the corner of the beds. Riker carried the part of the sheet where Ross's feet were and I took the part by his head.

We carried him out of his bedroom door and down the stairs. I had the most hardest part. Trying not to hit his head on anything. When we were almost into the living room, Ratliff was siting on the coach. Is he aloud to do that like he owns the place? Oh well, that's just Ratliff.

Ratliff took out a camera and started recording as we were still going down the stairs slowly.

He turned the camera facing him and wispered "Prank Tuesday"

and faced us again. He got up and recorded Ross's sleeping face in the sheet.

"Rocky, Ryland, come down here" Ratliff yelled and whispered at the same time.

They came down and Rocky asked him what he wanted. "Have you drawn on Rydels face yet?"

"No, she keeps rustling in her sleep." Ryland said.

"Ok well, here take these cameras and set it up in Rydels room. Place one away from her bed so it will record you drawing on her face, then place one in the bathroom so we can watch her freak out" Ratliff told them

"Sorry princesses, but we need to get going if we want this to be successful" I told them.

Ratliff followed us outside while the boys went back upstairs.

Ratliff placed the camera and adjusted it to record us placing Ross on the pool mattress. Ratliff looked at the camera and gave a thumbs up.

Rat took his shoes and shirt off and got in the pool quietly with the pool matress. We got as close as we could to the edge of the pool and Ellington pushed it more so we wouldn't fall in. We placed him gently on the mattress and Rat pushed him away gently.

We helped Rat out of the pool and watched Ross float in the middle of the pool.

I ran over to the table and grabbed the camera.

"Should we shout out his name to scare him?" I asked

"Yes" Ratliff said

"On 3, shout Ross....1...2...3..." Riker said

We all shouted "ROSS!!!!!!" he woke up and wobbled on the mattress and screamed a high pitched girl voice and fell into the pool.

We all laughed. Ratliff laughed so hard he fell into the pool. The camera is waterproof so me and Riker jumped in hand in hand still in our pajamas. We all rose to the surface. I was still holding Rikers hand then I let go to see Ross staring at me. Ross was giving ALL of us death glares. He splashed everybody and swam past me to get out.

Later That Day

We watched the prank footage of Rydel that the boys had captured.

The camera turned on and Ryland said "Prank Tuesday" holding his thumbs up. Like 2-4 minutes later the boys were done drawing the mustache and freckles all over her face. and on her chest Rocky drew a heart that said 'Ratliff' inside of it. Then on the side of her neck said Rydellington.

The boys left her room and switched camera 2 on in the bathroom.

10 minutes later Rydel woke up (camera 1) and then walked into the bathroom. She looked down at the sink and up at the mirror and screamed on the top of her lungs. "Rocky, Ryland, I'm gonna kill you both!!!"

We all laughed as we watched the footage on Rydels laptop.

"Yeah, yeah... laugh all ou want" Rydel said hovering over my shoulders watching the video with us.

Ross walked into the living room and sat away from me. Looking down at his phone with that angry facial expression on his face.

"What they do to you" Rydel said.

I played the video to show Rydel what we did. We were coming down the stairs then went outside and placed him on the mattress. ROSS!! The computer yelled and we watched him fall into the pool. Rydel was literally peeing herself. Not really, but she couldn't help but laugh so hard. Ross looked up still mad.

I stood up and gave the laptop to Riker, who was sitting next to me.

I sat next to Ross and he got up and ran up the stairs. I had a frown spread across my face. I followed him up the stairs and he slammed his door in my face and locked it.

"Ross open the door please.............. Ross.....ROSS!!" I kicked the door with my foot and yelled "Owwwww" I was hopping on one foot going backwards not even noticing. Then I fell down the stairs backwards, tumbling down the staircase backwards over and over.

"ROSS!!" I yelled as I hit the last step with my head. My back hit the hard floor at the bottom of the staircase.

All I remember is everything in slow motion. I saw a figure running down the stairs and Rydel hovering over me. I could see their lips moving but I couldn't hear what they were saying. All I heard was a ringing in my ear.

I saw that the figure was Ross and he was ontop of me leaning towards me, shaking me trying to keep me awake. Everybody was hovering over me. Ross's lips were moving, but I heard nothing but a ring.

My eyelids started to get heavy and I passed out hearing "911, what's your emergency"

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