Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: New Girl

Audrey's POV

When I went upstairs, my bed was already placed in a corner but not against the wall kind of like straigh (the wall---> |\\ <------- kind of like this.)
The room color was purple and this purple I liked. My hip height dresser was across the room and my makeup box was ontop of it. My body lengthed mirror was next to the dresser hanging on the wall.
I had boxes in my closet that held my clothes. And some other boxes on my bed held all my posters and pictures and other things. I just noticed I had my own bathroom. YES!!I SCORE!!


At a hockey game in Colorado

"Hey mom can me and Audrey go get some popcorn" the little blonde boy asked

"Sure just a minute" the blonde lady said.

"SCORE!!!" me and the little boy screamed out as the crowd cheered. I gave him a high five and he stared into my eyes ad then gave me a kiss on the lips and the blonde haired lady snapped a picture. Another blonde boy that looked older than the one that just kissed me, started teasing his brother, I think, singing the kissing in a tree song. Hahaha he outed until we got popcorn.

*Back to Present*

WHOA!!!!!! I just realized that the blonde lady in my memory's was at the airport this morning. Oh my.
But anyway...
( Authors Note: I tried my best to describe everything, where it is and what it look like so I'm sorry lol)
When you first walk through the front door you walk in a few steps and you have the living room to your right and the kitchen to your left little ways down the hallway you got the dinning room, then at the end of the hallway and to the left a little you got the backdoor. Walking back up the hallway right in front of the dinning room entrance to the right is the stairs. Walking up 2 flights of stairs, at the top of the staircase you got the bathroom at the end of the hallway to your left and then the attic door on the right. Right next to the attic door at the end of the hallway, you got Mom and Dads room. To the left on the opposite side of the bathroom is my room and the next door is Drakes room. His room was red.
We got everything into the house and the moving truck left. All we had to do now was unpack and figure out where to put it all.
The doorbell rang. "I got it" I yelled.
I opened the door to see that it was the blonde haired lady from my memory's and from the airport.
I was shocked.
"Hi" she said
"Hello" I said feeling really creeped out
"It's nice to meet you, I'm Stormie and we live down the street from you. May I come in?" she asked.
"Sure and I'm Audrey" I opened the door wider so she could come in.
"Mom, dad, company" I yelled
They came out from the dinning room down the hall.
"Hi," mom said " I'm Susan Julia and this is my husband Brandon Julia"
"Hi, it's nice to meet you, I'm Stormie, we live down the street from you"
"Oh well that's nice, do you have children? We have two and we want them to make new friends" Mom asked.
"Yes I have 5," she said with a little inside laugh. " I have two that would be right around your daughters age"
"Oh well it's nice to meet you Stormie, here come sit," Dad said. We sat on the couch in the living room that had been placed up against our REALLY big window.
"Now tell me Stormie, have we met before" mom asked
"I'm not sure where are you guys from?" Stormie asked
"We came from Colorado" dad said
"Oh that's where my family moved from back in 2007" Stormie said
"Wait a minute," I said. "Are you Stormie L-Ly-Lynch" I said stuttering.
"Why yes I am" she answered back
I leaned back against the couch, shocked I didn't know what to do.
"Well I have to get back home, the kids are throwing a pool party to welcome you guys to our neighborhood and well they would love you guys to come." Stormie told us.
"Well that sounds like fun" mom said "How about that Audrey, would you like you and your brother to go"
I nodded my head, I was still speechless.
"Well come over at 5 and I let the kids know your coming"
"Alright thank you Stormie, it's nice to see you agin, and we will also come over and we can talk and catch up on what happened sense you guys moved away." dad said.

Ross's POV
We had to leave real early this morning to pick mom and dad up from the airport. They went to Colorado to visit our family and we had to stay behind to work on our new album 'Louder' at the studio. Plus I had to do ALOT of work on set of Austin & Ally, and Riker had to do a last episode on Glee.
So pretty much we were too busy for family, even though we miss them like crazy. We miss our mini's especially.
I got dressed in a hollister t-shirt, ripped boys skinny jeans, and yellow converse. I went downstairs with Rydel. She had all of our beanies and glasses. We had to be disguised, so just in case we ran into some R5Family.
Everybody finally got downstairs and we left the house.
"Where's Rocky?" Riker asked.
"I'm comin guys" Rocky said. He had mine and his acoustic guitar.
"Why?" I asked.
"Some family road trip music" He said.
I laughed and shook my head as he handed me my guitar.
We took the white family van and Riker was driving, like always. On our way to the airport we sang Pass Me By and our newest song that will be on our album, One Last Dance.
We arrived at the airport and we waited for about an hour. I was SO bored, so I decided to look at my twitter then my Instagram. On Instagram, I took a picture of myself leaning on my hand on my leg and face was smooshed by my fist, and captioned it as " bored at the airport "
An hour later, a saw a girl that was dancing and singing our song "Cali Girls". Some boy that looked 13 that I guess was her brother, yelled out to her saying " Calm down you spaz!!" I smiled and did an inside laugh. She was a really good singer and dancer. Maybe a better than Rydel at dancing, but I don't want to say that because she's my sister. But anyway I just got up and went over to her and gave her a 5 dollar bill. I looked down into her eyes and she looked up into mine through my sunglasses.


"You said we were gonna be best friends forever!!!" Audrey yelled at me.
We looked like we were 12-14 years old and we were in Colorado.
"We can still be friends though, I'll never forget you" I said pulling her into a hug.
"You won't remember me, how much you wanna bet when I'm 16 we wont even know who we are" she yelled waving the picture of us as kids in my face.
"I know, I know.. curse this 2007 year." I said looking down at the ground. I grabbed her hand and put a silver braclet on her wrist that said 'Ross's Girl' engraved on it. I pulled her into a kiss. Her lips so soft. I pulled away and whispered into her ear "I love you Audrey"

*Back to Present*

It felt like we were standing there forever but it was only a minute. I gave her a crooked smile and I walked back over to my family. As I was walking back I touched my lips with my finger tips. Was that Audrey? I asked myself. That memory took place on the day we were moving to California.
I snapped mself back into the reall world and saw that mom and dad have gotten off their plane and we all pulled them into a big group hug.

On our way home, when we pulled onto our street, I rolled my window down to get some air and we saw a moving truck in front of the 'sold' house.
I saw a girl, that looked like the girl from the airport, going in and out bringing boxes into the house while two other men were caring in furniture.
I heard her sing our song 'Loud' and everybody laughed because she probably didn't even know she was living on the same street as R5. We sang the song as we passed by the house but she didn't hear us.
We pulled into our driveway and everybody was still laughing. I hopped onto Rylands back and yelled "Onward my ape!!!!" and off her ran.
"Be careful you two" mom yelled as we went through the fence door to the backyard.
Ryland kept racing around the pool until he threw me in. When I rised to the surface I whipped my hair to the side, flicking water. I saw rocky come threw the fence and secretly sneaking up behind Ryland. But then Ryland turned around and grabbed his arm and threw him in.
Ryland started laughing. "I got fast reflexes" He said
Riker ran up behind and yelled "How fast" and pushed him in but grabbed his arm and took him with.
Ryland rose to the surface and said "Fast"
"Man" Riker said.
Rydel came into the backyard and said " How about you goof balls go get into your swim suits and we have a party for the people down the street. Moms gonna bring their stuff inside and then she's gonna walk down the street if they'd like to come over."
We all agreed and got out dripping water inside the house and up the stairs. We made Rydel dry it up and the she got dressed.

This night was gonna be awesome

We Have Bonded (Ross Lynch Fan Fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz