Chapter 58

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Chapter 58: Hide and Go Get Her

Ross' POV

I haven't seen Audrey around the country club sense she stormed off upset.

We played one more hockey game and I sat out for this one. Rocky sat out with me and we talked.

"So....what's the plan for tonight?" Rocky asked poking my leg with his hockey stick.

"I'm gonna make Audrey forgive me, and I'm gonna get her back..." I answered as I watch Rydel and the boys skate around an play.

"Ross, don't hate me for saying this but,.. I think she doesn't deserve you."

"Whacha talkin' bout Willis?"

"She's been hurt by you because of stupid reasons. God knows if Reid is still after her, god kows when she'll be able to take you back."

"I dont wanna hear it Rocky. I love her too much."

"Come on boys, we should head back home." Mom called out to us as Dad wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Haha, love birds.

Hours later we pulled up across the street from Audrey's family house.

Everyone piled out of Rikers van and met up with Drake secretly.

Yeah he soon caught up in the plan somehow.

He lead us to the balcony and then ran off.

"Good luck guys, you'll need it." He shouted to us.

I cocked an eyebrow trying to guess what he means, like seriously, what could go wrong.

I handed Rocky the guitar with the guitar strap and he wrapped it over his head on his shoulder.

I started climbing up the rose thingy that's bolted to the side of the house.

Once I reached the top I pulled up and looked through the giant glass door.

Audrey was just sitting there on her bed looking at her hands in her lap.

I nodded to myself and started back down.

"Careful Ross." Rydel quitely shouted up to me.

"Im trying." I answered back.

I placed my feet back on the ground and walked over to my siblings.

Before we started, Riker sent a text and then put it in Rydel back pocket. The jeans he's wearing has no pockets for some reason. "Okay, 1, 2, 1 2 3." Riker counted tapping his foot on the ground.

Audrey's POV

There was a knock at my bedroom door.

I sniffed and got up to answer it.

It was Jeremy.

"Hey." I said exhailing my pain.

"Hey Girly, someone is here to apologize." Jeremy said.

Apologize? What the hell?


Authors Note

Hey guys

I am seriously sorry for not updating

I've had serious writers block and I just came up with something

I think this chapter is weak but please comment and vote and keep reading

I am really sorry

please don't hate me


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