Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: Mama I'm Comin' Home

Madigans POV

I am Free.
I saw the bright light and I headed for it. It was like bright white portal and/or doorway.
Before I walked into it, I stopped and turned around and saw Audrey freaking out.
I felt bad for leaving, but it's better this way.
"Madigan" I heard faint voices calling my name. I turned back to the light and I saw my family.
My Nana that passed away when I was 11, my Daddy, Mom, and Cory. I was back with my family.
"Come home" they all whispered to me.
I turned back over to look at the two I loved. "I'll miss you Audrey, stay strong and never stop believing. You and Ross will be back together again."
I turned back around to the white light and smiled, "I'm home"

Audrey's POV

A slight breaze of wind came towards me and blew my hair back a bit.
"What was that?" I asked Riker.
"She crossed over" Riker answered looking around the room.
Doctors came in later and took her away.
Riker and I drove back to the airport, returned the rental and then minutes later got on our flight to go back home.
Mom says I'm not aloud to see Ross until after New Years, well that's okay. I don't want to see him anyway.

Authors Note

I know I haven't been doing author notes much but I'll start doing it again

short chapter but I got bored and this is all I got
I'll update another chapter in like an hour
it would be in this one but it wouldn't make sense so

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not many of you are commenting and I love your comments and it upsets me when most of you guys who read don't comment


WUVS all you, stay cRazy


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