Chapter 54

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Chapter 54: And Now Im Fallin' For You

Audrey's POV

"um... hi" he said nervously.
"H-Hi" I stuttered.
I didn't know what to do. My life just stopped.
"I'm sorry I ran into you" I apologized.
"No it's okay, cause this is the perfect time to talk to you" He said, his eyes lighting up with joy and nervous.
I shook my head. "Ross.."
He cut me off. "Audrey please. I just want you to know that I'm sorry. And it's the biggest mistake I've ever made and I'm sorry."
"Ross forget it" I starte out. I honestly didn't know what to say. Everything just hit me all at once. "I'm not forgiving you. Not today and not tomorrow. But I hope sometime in the future."
My eyes started to pool, and I sniffed. I took my big pink winter jacket off and tossed it onto the couch. "You just don't understand. You have NO idea how much you hurt me. I should have listened to Madigan. She told me, 'Never rely on someone, and never care SO much, cause it'll bite your ass in the future.' Ross a heart isn't a toy, when it dies you can't just replace it with new batteries."
He wiped my tears off my cheek with his sleeve. I slapped his hands away.
"Ow.." he said rubbing his hands.
"Don't touch me, you don't have that right anymore." I said with fire in my eyes. "I'll never forgive you. I deserve someone better than you."
I pushed past him to get my cousins drink.
I grabbed a styraphome cup and filled it with the hot drink.
"Audrey" I heard someone call out my name.
'Please don't be Ross, please.' I kept repeating to myself.
I turned around and Drake came jogging up to me. "You gotta a text"
"From who?" I asked.
"I don't know."
I unlocked my phone and read the message.

Unknown Number-
I told you...Dont be suprised if you bumped into someone Drey. I'm watching ya.. I see you..

Shock washed over me in an instant.
I dropped the cup and it cracked against the floor and splattered and spilled everywhere.
I looked up an looked around the room.
My eyes locked with the familiar hazel brown eyes across the room. Riker smirked and looked away.
That there I knew who the unknown number was.



It was 12:39 in the morning and I still can't sleep.
Megan was fast asleep and I could hear her light snore over the silence.
The house was nothing. But silence.
The quarter moon shined perfectly into our bedroom window.
I tried so hard to fall asleep. I stared out the window counting each star that lit the sky with the moon.
I counted 134. 'Did I already count that one?' I would ask myself.
I gave up. I tossed over and stared at the bathroom door.
I pictured a monster coming out of the door and taking me away. Killing me and taking my life away. Just like that.
It could end just like that.
But everybody knows there's no such thing as a monster under a bed or the boogie man inside the closet.
I started remembering all the good times.
The first time I met Ross, when he moved away, our first brake up, the situation at Olive Garden, the rape, Ross and I getting back together, the marriage proposal, the pool party, pranks, and the trips to the hospital.
Ross lost everything. That's his own fault. I worked so hard for a good relationship and he wrecked everything.
I started crying. I sobbed and sobbed. I tossed myself back over towards the window.
Oh no. Here it comes.
I buried my face in my pillow and screamed and I punched my pillow and kicked my feet at the foot of the bed. I sobbed and continued to punch my pillow and scream.
I gasped for air and planted my face back in the pillow.
My heart was slowly shattering. Slowly because I knew it wanted me to suffer.
I felt someone's hand on my back, and started rubbing circles.
I showed my face and saw a blury figure sitting next to me.
I rubbed my eyes and wipped my cheeks. I saw it was my sister.
"Hi MegsBee" My voice cracked.
"Hey.. Are you alright?" She asked me. I could see the hurt in her eyes. Se really cares, while some people will ask you if you're ok and then just move on. Not Megan.
"Does it look like I'm okay?" I sniffed.
"I'm so sorry Audrey. I don't know what to do."
I pulled my blanket up and over so Megan could lay next to me. I tossed the covers back over her and over us.
I propped myself up with my elbow and Megan did the same.
"Why does it hurt so bad?" I asked.
"Cuz you care so much for him." Megan answered.
"But why does it hurt when I remember the happy times?"
"Because those are the happy times. They I can't explain it"
I nodded.
My phone goes off.
I toss over and lean off the edge of my bed and grab my phone.
"Twitter from some random person" I said sitting back up. "There's a link."
"Tap it" Megan gestured.
I tapped the link and it brought me to YouTube.
Ross and I popped up on the screen and we were at the Country Club.
"Oh no" Megan and I said in sync.
"I'm not forgiving you. Not today and not tomorrow. But I hope sometime in the future."
My eyes started to pool, and I sniffed. I took my big pink winter jacket off and tossed it onto the couch. "You just don't understand. You have NO idea how much you hurt me. I should have listened to Madigan. She told me, 'Never rely on someone, and never care SO much, cause it'll bite your ass in the future.' Ross a heart isn't a toy, when it does you can't just replace it with new batteries."
He wiped my tears off my cheek with his sleeve. I slapped his hands away.
"Ow.." he said rubbing his hands.
"Don't touch me, you don't have that right anymore." I said with fire in my eyes. "I'll never forgive you. I deserve someone better than you."

The screen cut to black and text popped up, 'can you say dramaaaaa'
Another twitter notification.
It's another link.
I didn't want to tap it, but I did.
It was a music video.
OneRepublic- Counting Stars
(Cover by R5)
Megan and I listened to the song over and over and over again.
My phone vibrated in my hands and the unknown number texted me again.

Unknown Number-
I know you're upset. I can hear your sobs from where I am.
It'll get better I promise.
Just.....Just don't do anything stupid...please.....for me....for Ross...

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