Chapter 79

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Chapter 79: How? Why?

Ross' POV

I went back into the room where my dead wife lies with a white sheet covering her whole body.
I sat back down in the chair where I was once sitting, holding onto her hand tightly. I took her hand, which will be last time ever, and kissed it.
"I don't want you to go baby..... please don't leave me like this.... I can't do this on my on... not by myself... please don't..." I sniffled. "If you're gonna wake up, I need you to do it now... you hear me? right now!"
I stared at where her head is under the sheet. I dangled my head down and let the tears fall, knowing I was just talking to myself.
I continued to hold her hand as I cried.
I let go of her hand and stood up slowly. I took the edge of sheet and folded it down, revieling her pale face.
My heart shattered and I exhailed deeply at the sight of her beautiful dead face.
I kissed her lips softly. I knew this would be the last time ever I would kiss her, so I made it a long and passionate kiss.
The tears kept coming, which I couldn't stop.
I pulled away, kissed her cheek, and hid her face with the white sheet.


There I sat in a nursery with my one month premature baby Rebecca. She looks so much like Audrey it makes me want to cry again.
I lightly brush my fingers overtop Rebecca's light blonde hair. I then put my pointer finger on her chin and she opens her eyes, revieling her beautiful blue eyes. She grasped onto my finger and smiled her little slobber smile.
"You even have her smile." I said sadly, my lips quivering.
As I held her in one arm, I was coverings eyes with my other hand, and crying.
My chest was really hurting and I had a good idea that it was my heart breaking.
'I can't do this.... she's gone.' is all that kept racing through my mind. Even though I have Rydel and my mom and Suzan, I'm still the single father of a living breathing child.
"Ross?" I heard Rydel call from somewhere in the room.
I sniffled. "Yeah?"
"The doctor would like to speak to you."
I looked up and dried my tears. "I'll be right out."
Rydel nodded and walked back out.
I stood up holding Rebecca with both of my arms, setting and laying her down in her bassanett.
She yawned and let go of my finger.
I ran my fingers through my hair stressfully and tugged on the ends. I walked out of the nursery and up to the doctor who was waiting patiently for me.
"You asked for me?" I asked light slapping my hands down to my sides.
"Yea Mr. Lynch. I thought you would love to know what just happened with your fiancé." He said as he shifted to lean on his other leg.
"Yes. What happened?"
"When women give birth it's like 22 bones being snapped all at once," he started. "A human body, in general, can only take up to a certain amount of pain and being in labour overtops that amount of pain."
Ouch. Poor Audrey.
"But what made her pass out?" I asked.
"Her body couldn't take the pain. She was loosing too much blood through the birth, so not enough was getti g to her brain, hense the oxygen as well."
"So she died from the pain?"
He nodded and patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Lynch." And he walked away.
This was all my fault. Audrey is dead because of me. I put her in that pain, and now my beautiful girl.... is gone.

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