Chapter 59

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Chapter 59: "What Went Wrong?"

Audrey's POV

The only light that shined in the room was my lamp and that was on my night stand, but it shined ever so bright then ever.

He walked into my room and he closed the door behind him.

His eyes were puffy and red like he was crying, but I never how beautiful hazel eyes he had.

He ran his hads through his brown hair stressfully which made me confused on what has happened.

"Drew what's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me and halfly smiled. "I came to apologize for being an asshole. And I can't hold this back anymore, I just want to get this off my chest...but.... I really care about you and I love you and I heard how bad you've been feeling and I just want to be there for you."

At first, I felt touched. But he also can't change what he has done in the past if he really changed.

I felt like this guy was bullshitting me, but he lightly cupped my face and kissed me. Ever so softly.

Again, I felt touched and safe again. but I also felt a pinch disgusted.

Maybe he has changed. Just maybe.

If he did....... I fell for it.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

Funny thing about this kiss....... I didn't feel what I felt for Ross.

But he left me. He left me for someone who DIED. My BEST friend.

It didn't matter right now. Nothing mattered. Andrew was making me feel safe, and wanted.

He picked me up and sat me on the bed.

I pulled away and scootched upy bed an propped myself on my pillows and he climbe over me and we began to kiss in sync again.

His hands snaked to the rim of my shirt and lightly tugged up.

I let him.

Ross' POV

We were half way through the song and I was beginning to doubt if this was gonna work.

We finished the song and Rocky strummed the last chord.

I looked behind me at my family and they all shrugged.

I looked back up and still nothing.

"What went wrong?" Rydel asked.

I looked down at my feet. "I'm sorry, Audrey." A tear slid down my face and hit the snow. "I'm sorry that I was stupid. A stupid idiot who isn't smart. Especially with love. Please forgive me soon."

My family gave me pats on the back and we began to walk off.

I looked behind me one last time and the light went off and I heard a shatter.

"Get off me!!!!"

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